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Expanded Pikachu EX / Magnezone


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon - 20
  • 2 Exeggcute PLF 4
  • 3 Magnemite BKT 51
  • 2 Magneton PLS 44
  • 2 Magnezone BKT 54
  • 2 Magnezone PLS 46
  • 2 Pikachu-EX PR-XY XY84
  • 3 Raikou BKT 55
  • 2 Remoraid BKT 32
  • 2 Octillery BKT 33
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums - 30
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 3 Professor Juniper
  • 1 Professor Birch's Observations
  • 2 N
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Teammates
  • 1 Skyla
  • 2 Battle Compressor
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 1 Brigette
  • 2 Fisherman
  • 1 Giovanni's Scheme
  • 3 Rare Candy
  • 3 Superior Energy Retrieval
  • 2 Lysandre
Energy - 10
  • 10 Lightning Energy

trying to make a bit more consistent any help is appreciated
I hope this advice helps
-1 Fisherman, with Battle Compressor and the (four) Superior you would be hopefully running, 1 Fisherman suffices.
-1 Teammates, not necessary.
-1 Giovanni's Scheme, it may provide two options but
-1 Professor Birch's Observations, in Expanded there are better draw Supporters.
-1 PLS Magnezone, just a tech so running one is enough. Getting the Electric Curcuit Magnezone out is definetely more important.
-2 Octillery
-2 Remoraid
+1 Magnemite, easier to get him out.
+1 Colress, better draw Supporter than Birch in Expanded.
+1 Superior Energy Retrieval, four is what you want to run.
+3 Shaymin EX, better draw engine than Octillery, but if you don't have accessibility to Shaymins, Octillery is a good alternative.
+1 VS Seeker, four is a no questions asked in any deck.
+1 Rare Candy, consistency for your Magnezones.
+1 blank, I think there is options for this whether it's a third N, or the fourth Juniper, or a second Skyla or whatever you see fitting this is up to you.

Anyway I know this was a long comment but I think these changes will make your deck more consistent as I am one of those people who wants to see this deck work, feel free to agree or disagree with any of these changes anyway good luck and I hope you have fun with the only non fully evolved EX lol