Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...*CLOSED AND HIRING*


Aspiring Trainer
I have too many requests and I am closing shop until I get them done. Any new requests will be ignored. Unless someone can work here....

Current status: Closed

Welcome to my request shop! I do:



Your Poke/Fursonas in sprite form/Mystery Dungeon form:

And I also do re-elements but I don't have any examples

But I don't do Pixel overs but here's one that I did:

I also don't do:
Trainer cards
Scratch anything

Also, no more than 5 requests at a time! I will refuse a request if its too hard or something I don't do.
Request away!
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

How about you mixing a Nidoqueen and a Meganium
and can you do 2 different ones where meganium is the base in 1 and queen is the base in the other
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

You got some great sprites, I'm gonna have to go with a Ledyb Recolour.
Tummy: Purple like Quagsire
Change the red into Blue like Quagsires.
Thanks. Also if you want you can work over at my shop is you want to.
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

Here's your request sceptileranger:

Thanks! I'll have your Ledyba recolor here in a minute. I'm already working at Lv.100Charizard's shop. Sorry!

I now do Evil pokemon:

Here's your request Andyman ^^
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

Thank you.
May I request an evil Pokemon?
If I can then I'll take an Eevee with the colors and stuff just like Vulpix.
And if you work in my shop you can be a Co-worker and don't have to work every so often it just a little thing you can do extra.
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

Here you go! I already had it made:

Sure I can work there!^^ I'd be glad to.
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

I'll try those... It'll take a while though.
Edit: Ok, here's the ninetales Raichu. I'm sorry, the Rattata-Arseus is too hard.
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

can you mix, feraligatr and sceptile
2 of them with different bases(gatr as the base, and sceppy as the base)
try to use DP sprites plz
if you cant then its all good
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

I'll get those as soon as I finish a request on another shop.
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

Can I have a evil Rioru (the pre evolution of Lucario)
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

I had a headache yesterday so I'm sorry I couldn't get these in. I'll get them as soon as I can. Look for an edit.