Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...*CLOSED AND HIRING*

RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

No, no you didn't! I'm glad you're happy with your splice :D ( Personally I don't like it XD)
EDIT: Yay! I got all of them finished! Here they are:

Roy 747:


King Deoxazard:
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

Thanks dude! Hey canyou make a Charizard and Deoxys fusion? If so thanks again.
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

I figured you would ask for one because of your name. XD I'll have it in a few.
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

Sorry, if im giving to many requests lol. but i love these
Raichu fused with Sharpedo
make 2 with both different bases plz
i promise this will be my last one for a while XD
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

You're welcome ^^ I'm glad you liked it!
No, you're not giving me too many requests, I'll have yours up in a little bit.
Here's your's King Deoxazard :D
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

You're welcome :D
Here's yours sceptileranger! I couldn't do one with Raichu base sorry. It was too hard.
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

If I can request more than one:

The main pokemon would be Eevee with Rapidash flames

Typhlosian and Feraligatr

Vileplume and Rapidash flames...

PM me when you finish them...

RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

Can you do a spliced Cacturne and Houndoom(two with one of each as bases)?

And a spliced Blaziken and Walrein same as above.

Finally, an evil Cacnea and Cacturne If I may request more than one thing at once.
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

Wow. o_0 It's not too much, but I have school tomorrow so I'll have to finish them after school.
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

jreeves said:
If I can request more than one:

The main pokemon would be Eevee with Rapidash flames

Typhlosian and Feraligatr

Vileplume and Rapidash flames...

PM me when you finish them...


Don't forget these<<<<
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

could you make me a smeargle and lucario fusion one with lucario base one with smeargle base thanx in advance no hurry
RE: Pikaglue's..I mean Pikablue's..uhh...

I'm closing shop. I will get these done but it might take a while since I have school.
AND NO MORE 2 BASES PLEASE. It takes even longer. I will get the requests done with 2 bases though.
I'm here sir. I can help you with requests. I was gonna do some of them anyway, but I didn't know if it was kool with you.