Piplup's Banner Contest!! Scores are in for the 3rd round!!4th round began!!

What do you think of my contest so far??

  • Total voters
Prof. Shinx: I would but it is animated :( :( Sorry.
Dark Marc: Sorry the contest has already started.

*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! Scores are in!! 3rd Round begon!!

i'm back from being gone xD

Flygon999 said:
Keep it pokemon please...that's all I can make.

(lolololol mixedlife won XD)

nice i won and thanks flygon999 is it so hard that someone else can win something sometimes??

btw i'm going to do my banner tomorrow
lol i'm finishing my banner now

yeay i'm done


here ya go
mixedxlife: Great!!

We are going to extend the round till the 20th (Sorry to you all who got there banner)if you'd like to changes your banner you can.

*The Little Grunt Piplup*
The round has ended and I will get the sores in soon.
But I will give you the next round and I will give you some more time this round.
No one will be out case 2 contestants did not submit a banner.

5th Round:
Make a banner that the theme is a pokemon type (just one type)
Ending Time: Sunday May 31st at 10:00p.m. EST time.
Status: Waiting for entries.
Here are the scores for the 5th round:~~~~

*The Little Grunt Piplup*
nice this will be a good banner btw for i forget i couldn't make a new banner but you still can use my previous for the previous round
i mean't fpor round 4 cause i was planning to re-do it when you expanded the time but i couldn't finish it
get it (this isn't mean't rude)
Ooo I get it.
If you get it in before the scores are in yes that one will count.

*The Little Grunt Piplup*