I've toyed a bit with this deck and looking at this deck here is what I think:
-2 Dark's this is not a speed deck and you only attack for three energies.
-1 Ghetsis this is ruining consitstency by taking up a space for a different supporter
-2 HTL You're damage output is plenty good and you're not running Virbank
-2 Sableye you want to start with a sneasel to start attacking asap
+3 Ditto - you want as many basics so that you don't start with your exeggcute. Also, you can have them down and then just be like "sneasel - evolve" or discard them w/ scapegoats for OHKO's
+1 Darkrai, - I would put this in just in case your one gets prized
+1 juniper - staple
+1 N - you will probably fall behind a little so this will help
+1 Pokémon catcher - staple
Another option is Deoxys EX to increase your damage output even more
-2 Dark's this is not a speed deck and you only attack for three energies.
-1 Ghetsis this is ruining consitstency by taking up a space for a different supporter
-2 HTL You're damage output is plenty good and you're not running Virbank
-2 Sableye you want to start with a sneasel to start attacking asap
+3 Ditto - you want as many basics so that you don't start with your exeggcute. Also, you can have them down and then just be like "sneasel - evolve" or discard them w/ scapegoats for OHKO's
+1 Darkrai, - I would put this in just in case your one gets prized
+1 juniper - staple
+1 N - you will probably fall behind a little so this will help
+1 Pokémon catcher - staple
Another option is Deoxys EX to increase your damage output even more