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Plasma W/ Umbreon (Lugia EX / Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (12):

  • 2X Eevee PF 90
    2X Umbreon PF64
    3X Thundurus EX
    2X Lugia EX
    3X Deoxys EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (38):

  • 4X Professor Juniper
    4X N
    4X Skyla
    3X Colress
    2X Shadow Triad
    2X Lysandre
    2X Muscle Band
    3X Colress Machine
    2x Ultra Ball
    2X Plasma Ball
    3X Switch
    4X Hypno Lasers
    2X Virbank City Gym
    1X Scramble Switch

  • 4X Plasma Energy
    4X Prism Energy
    2X DCE

It's just your basic Plasma deck. I need advice on some cards due to never being able to get a consistent setup. I also kinda want to put in either rainbow (for more energy) or lightning energy(for those annoying hammers) in but have no idea what to take out to put those energy in. Any advice would be great. It's beaten some yveltal variants lost consistently to greninja
RE: Plasma W/ Umbreon (Lugia, Thundurus, Deoxys)

I think you have too many supporters and you can only play one support per turn. You don't have enough energies.

-1 Thundurus EX

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums :

-4 Skyla
+4 Bicycle

-2 Virbank City Gym
+2 Frozen City

-4 Hypno Lasers
+1 Startling Megaphone
+1 Muscle Band/Startling Megaphone/Max Potion(To counter Greninja)

+2 DCE
+1 Lightening
RE: Plasma W/ Umbreon (Lugia, Thundurus, Deoxys)

Nairbketchum said:
What's your reasoning for taking lasers out?

Lasers don't allow you to take advantage of Lucia's ability so aren't really needed to execute the main strategy of the deck. Also I always play 4 Deoxys as it allows you to OHKO 180HP EXs with Lucia and also get 3 Deoxys out more consistently

In addition you have no way to provide Darkness energy for Umbren so you will never be able to attack with it so you definitely need some Rainbow energy in there
RE: Plasma W/ Umbreon (Lugia, Thundurus, Deoxys)

Nairbketchum said:
What's your reasoning for taking lasers out?

You don't need lasers.

1. You waste 6 spots vs Virizion.
2. Frozen city will give you the 20 damage that lasers will do.
3. With 3 deoxys + a band Lugia can KO 170 HP EXs, you don't need laser here.
4. It conflict will Lugia's ability.
5. You attack with Thundurus, charge a Lugia, then attack with lugia, usually with 2 deoxys on beach. Even without band, you hit for 190, you don't need laser here.

As yo_chocola suggested, you can add one more deoxys, replace some prism with rainbows or blend GRPD.