Bo$$_89 said:Well, you can use Keldeo to deal with Bentchtini, which actually works pretty well.Machamp the Champion said:I personally have been liking this deck a lot. Most decks just can't seem to keep up with all the threats it has. Shift Gear Max Potion allows the deck to be a little slow with it's attachments, and Cobalion EX and non EX seem to work great against the things the others aren't. The only thing it doesn't seem to have an answer to is V-Create Victini. I'm just not sure how to deal with that thing on the second or third turn.
Yeah, that's the best thing I can think of. But if you whiff a Max Potion and they KO your Keldeo with all your energies on it, it's pretty hard to come back from that.
I love Registeel in this deck. The spread's decent, and protect charge, followed by Cobalion can be pretty nasty. It's like the poor man's Cobalion ...kindaMachamp the Champion said:I don't see much of a use for Registeel though. Unless you run heavy Eviolite, it's very week, and has almost never been useful to me.
If it's a poor man's Cobalion, then what's the point of it? The Protect Charge > Steel Bullet combo also forces you to waist a Switch.
Machamp the Champion said:Why do none of these lists play Pokemon Communication? It's really good in this deck, and I've found it to almost always work. I run 3 Heavy Ball and 3 Communication and it has been working very well. Ultra Ball has not been working well, as the cards you discard always seem to effect the game at some point.
I agree about Heavy Ball and Ultra Ball, but why Communication? I don't see a need for Communication. You should be fine with Heavy Ball and Skyla. Communication also eventually becomes a dead card.
As I said, I never really had 2 cards in my hand that I wanted to discard. Can you think of any 2 cards in the deck you'd want to discard? Without Communication or Ultra Ball, I'd probably be too hard to draw into your attackers.
siRisacc said:Any thoughts on Ho-oh as a form of energy acceleration?
SheNinja said:BW Klinklang should NOT be played in this deck. The line should be 4-1-3 or 4-0-3 Klinklang PS with Klink and Klang being from DEX. Ho-Oh EX would not work in this deck. You would have to play many different types of Basic Energy, because Ho-Oh's Ability states that it has to be 3 DIFFERENT types of Energy. Even if you could do 3 Metals with Rebirth, then you shouldn't be playing anything but Metal types.
SheNinja said:I'm saying it's bad in the deck because it just RUINS consistency by adding another Stage 2 to set up. There are many Pokemon that can One-Shot the Pokemon in this deck, so Max Potion can be useless. Also, by playing BW Klinklang, you make it a 2-2 split, so then you can't play 3 PlasmaKlang's.
SheNinja said:Okay, Okay. I agree with the 4 Rare Candies (That is what I play), but I meant that it would be possible to play 3 if you had enough search. I'm still not convinced on why you would need to add BW Klinklang. You should have a PlasmaKlang out and be continuously attaching energies, and they shouldn't be able to have a counter within that timeframe of ~3-4 turns, but if they do, they will probably need a Catcher with it too. I personally would not run BW Klinklang, and instead run enough energies to attach once per turn. That is just me, you know. I'm a little weird when it comes to deckbuilding.
Flygon2071 said:SheNinja said:Okay, Okay. I agree with the 4 Rare Candies (That is what I play), but I meant that it would be possible to play 3 if you had enough search. I'm still not convinced on why you would need to add BW Klinklang. You should have a PlasmaKlang out and be continuously attaching energies, and they shouldn't be able to have a counter within that timeframe of ~3-4 turns, but if they do, they will probably need a Catcher with it too. I personally would not run BW Klinklang, and instead run enough energies to attach once per turn. That is just me, you know. I'm a little weird when it comes to deckbuilding.
Max Potion.
SheNinja said:Flygon2071 said:Max Potion.
What point are you trying to make by stating the name of a card? EX's can more easily one shot than non-EX's, and if you get BW Klinklang out then it prevents a Klink from becoming a Klinklang.
SheNinja said:Well, excuse my bad grammarAlso when I have tested OHKO's don't happen as often with non-EX's attacking than they do with EX's attacking. You would also only play 3 Max Potions I believe so you would have to have them when you need them.