ESVDiamond said:
Well with this deck going out the window when rotation hits, is there any decks out there that will be good post rotation and use the Cobalion's? Trying to decide on what my next deck will be. Really enjoyed PlasmaKlang as my first since coming back to the game, but now is time to move on ;(. Did well though, went 25-9 with it online so good times.
Was thinking of Blastoise deck next, but open to suggestions
...Some time later than the time of your post, this type of deck got some new tools/cards to play with:
1. Aromatisse(Fairy Transfer),
2. Fairy Garden(free retreat),
3. Rainbow Energy(all-type energy),
4. Muscle Band(damage + 20),
5. etc.
^ well as some old toys/cards that could be used as a deterrent to Blastoise/Emboar/other hand-energy-acceleration decks:
1. frozen city(20 damage per energy card from hand),
2. Team Plasma Badges(guards Cobalion EX and/or Mewtwo/Yveltal EX from Frozen City),
3. Mewtwo/Yveltal EX,
4. etc.
^ ...and as a result of all that, this deck was granted a almost-perfect new life. It is not 100% perfect because the new cards did not revive the shiftgear bw klinklang, and nv cobalion was already revived due to its legendary treasures reprint. Since you can transfer rainbow energy to other pokemon w/ fairy transfer(rainbow energy can be used as if it were steel energy, or any other energy, so if you want to use steel bullet, and don't have basic steel energy, no problem: Rainbow Energy can satisfy its energy cost, or in this case, two steel energy and one of any type), combined with the fact that a Plasma Steel Kilnklang-Cobalion deck paired w/ Aromatisse and Muscle Band can get past Pyroar and 1HKO it with a bullet that bypasses Pyroar's ability to block the damage(with Cobalion EX being a basic), not to mention that once Plasma Klinklang is all set up, Cobalion and Klinklang can laugh at EXes, Mega and/or not mega. Watch out for Enhanced Hammer and/or any other energy-discard moves by opponent that involve your Rainbows, however, and make sure that you have a counter for such tactics as well! At the end of the day, though, since the plasma pokemon plus legendary treasures are likely to be barely safe from rotation this August/September(with the BW-on version of unlimited tentatively scheduled to debut next spring as a final warning that next season will be the last dance for the entire line of BW products on the Worlds stage, as it's likely that Worlds could be XY-on come 2015-16), it is a deck worth trying out, if only for one last blast of plasma!