Triple Cheese Fondue
It was time for, in my opinion, the hardest Gym Leader in Pokémon Platinum - Fantina. The title of hardest overall has definitely got to go to a girl with pink hair in a region far far away - we do not speak her name. I digress: before challenging her, however, we of course had to kick some Galactic butt in town. Now able to enter the base in the north part of the city, we could finally see what Team Galactic was up to this time.
James Bond: My, fancy seeing you here! You see those stairwells? One is a trap, but I'm too good to tell you which one is the trap so good luck i guess.
Me: *sigh*
I actually got it right, but went back for the exp. This base (?) is actually really small: in case you haven't played, it's literally like 4 stairwells protected by grunts, no portals or anything. Anyways, at the top...
???: Clefairy came from space. Therefore, I, Jupiter, must claim it for Team Galactic's glory! And also this Buneary for no apparent reason. You're gonna have to fight me for them if you want them!
*Galactic Theme plays*
Her Zubat was no problem, but Skuntank was actually a lot bulkier than I thought it would be. However, after quite a few Growls and Leers, it went down while causing very little overall damage. Having two team members with Intimidate was really helpful, lol.
So after she took Team Galactic with her, the kidnapped Pokémon's owner, who just happened to also be the Bike Shop owner, got his Pokémon back and told me to him later. There might have been a miscommunication there, because when he said later I heard as soon as humanly possible because holy crap biking is so much faster than running.
So now that I had a bike, I could finally hatch the egg Cynthia gave me! This wasn't too hard, since (thank Gamefreak) the egg was already halfway to hatching when I got it, but the bike greatly accelerated the process. Named her after lorde, because of evolving through the power of friendship! It was also suggested that I use Togekiss, so I decided to swap FireLizard out for lorde.
Now it was time to head to Hearthome City, home of Fantina. Basically the only thing separating the two cities was the cycling road, so unfortunately the only things that happened were a bunch of trainer battles and the very much accidental little detour I took to get myself a Gible. I didn't automatically add him to my team, but I'm just mentioning him because I think it's a pretty worthy thing to mention. He's chilling out on the PC for now.
Back in Hearthome, imagine my surprise when...
Me: Mom!?
Mom: Vom!?
Me: What are you doing here?
Mom: I just came for the contests! Speaking of that, here - *hands dress*
Me: (internally) dress...go...spinny...
I actually thought I was gonna have to enter a contest right then and there, but I wasn't really feeling it so luckily for me I just had a little chat with fantastique Fantina who just so happened to be at the Contest Hall all dressed up. She went back to her gym, and I promptly followed.
The mechanics are easy: step in, match the symbol on the tile to one of the doors. As simple as they were, I found it was pretty enjoyable since you also played a game of cat and mouse with the trainers who were there - they played way more of an active role than just standing there hoping you ran into them. Now, they walked around...hoping you ran into them...
That's about everything I like about this gym. If only Fantina didn't have Mismagius - its stats are way too high for that point in the game. That, combined with the fact that our team doesn't really have any obvious advantage, was sure to make this a tough battle. So obviously, that means...time to cheese it! lorde was a high enough level that she could live a couple of attacks, so I sent her in and Yawned. Once Mismagius was asleep, I switched to Violet and used...X Sp. Def. Shamelessly. I'm not trying to get my team killed lmao. I had time for 1 X Attack as well, so with those buffs, Violet was able to dispose of Mismagius without much trouble at all.
Thanks to one of her other Pokémon, however...Turtwig has evolved!
On the way out of the city...
Me: Dude! Do you ever look where you're going? You can't just-
Turtwig: haha running shoes go brrr
Me: *smacks him, literally. 6-0'd this guy.*
Which brings us to...Solaceon Town! If I'm being honest, it's a pretty forgettable stop, and I'm mentioning it for the sake of accuracy if anything. The 'ruins' everyone in the town keep mentioning are literally just a cave with a lot of stairs, at the end of which you find Defog. If it wasn't for the Day Care, I seriously doubt anybody would bother returning here, which is kind of sad - everybody seems to be kind and everything.
Just past Solaceon town, is my second least favourite route in the game - second only to the whole snowy part. I don't even know why I dislike it so much, it's not like it's an unsolvable labyrinth or anything. On the bright side, though,...lorde has evolved! This evolution would prove to be super important in the battles to come.
Once we reached Veilstone City, there wasn't much to do but hit the gym. The whole hitting bags around thing was actually pretty enjoyable, it was like a little puzzle. As it turns out, I'm actually really enjoying the latter gym designs - you actually interact with things and solve things instead of just walking. Granted, you do that by walking, but walking is not the main objective anymore.
On that note, it didn't take long to reach Maylene, the gym leader. Once again without the advantage, and knowing Lucario would go absolutely bonkers if left unchecked, my game plan was...cheese! I sent lorde out to use a few Charms to reduce its attack to next to nothing, and then Violet was an absolute bae and took care of the rest. That's two badges in one episode!
After helping out Lucas, whose PokéDex had been stolen by Team Milky Way, dear Looker showed up and pointed me to the HM Fly. We overheard some grunts say something about Crasher Wake City, so...that was our next destination!
The route wasn't particularly long but it was saturated with trainers, so I made a point to challenge them when I could, until...bbninjas has evolved! When I reached the beach next to Pastoria City, I looked around and found a few Heart Scales. These were a surprise tool that would help us later.
In the city itself, well, something was going on alright...
But that's it! I don't particularly like putting two gym battles so close together with so little in between, but the game didn't really leave me much choice in the matter - most of the content in between was basically routes and filler battles. On the bright side, bbninjas reached his final form! It's sure to be useful against the mighty Gyarados that Crusher Wake has.
Speaking of mighty...Jade has been falling behind. Water Gun being his only slightly usable move, more often than not I just find myself brute forcing through whatever it is I'm trying to hit for weakness. Jade has been transferred to the PC.
Check the PC to choose who should join the team!
Turtwig (Grotle) Lv. 25
Ability: Overgrow
-Razor Leaf
bbninjas (Luxray) Lv. 30
Ability: Intimidate
AshCo (Geodude) Lv. 22
Ability: Rock Head
-Rock Throw
-Rock Smash
lorde (Togetic) Lv. 26
Ability: Serene Grace
Violet (Ponyta) Lv. 29
Ability: Flash Fire
-Take Down
-Tail Whip
-Flame Wheel
Ability: Overgrow
-Razor Leaf
bbninjas (Luxray) Lv. 30
Ability: Intimidate
AshCo (Geodude) Lv. 22
Ability: Rock Head
-Rock Throw
-Rock Smash
lorde (Togetic) Lv. 26
Ability: Serene Grace
Violet (Ponyta) Lv. 29
Ability: Flash Fire
-Take Down
-Tail Whip
-Flame Wheel