I bought 2 PT box and didnt get even one dialga G (i pulled out the Lv. X instead xD)
and just got one shiny.
and just got one shiny.
I bought 2 PT box and didnt get even one dialga G (I pulled out the Lv. X instead xD)
and just got one shiny.
Rhyperior said:Hooray for Japanese boxes! Going to get a PotF one too, they are just so much better than the American ones.
amisheskimoninja said:I didn't have any problems with the PT box. I got one shiny, one reprint, and two X's. I think that's the norm.
The only misprint (in the true definition of the word) that I have is a RH LA Uxie missing half of its level. I'm trying to decide if that makes it more or less valuable...
Rhyperior said:Hooray for Japanese boxes! Going to get a PotF one too, they are just so much better than the American ones.
The only thing stopping me from getting Jpn boxes is the need for translations of every card if you go to a tourney... If you ask me it worth it to pay more and get fewer rares in order to be able to read your cards.