GadgetJax said:This is why I look forward to XY-on so much. Without LaserBank, Seismitoad-EX is doing nothing but stalling. The Item locking is still annoying, but it doesn't matter if your opponent is doing nothing but slamming for 50, which isn't even that much. Garbodor is also going away, meaning that the only Ability-locking tech it gets is Ninetales/Silent Lab.
With Seismitoad-EX out of the picture, I could defenitely see cards like Swampert, Kingdra, Nidoqueen, Rhyperior, and Sceptile get a bit of viability. Older Stage 2's that could get an encore include Delphox, Shiftry, and Blaziken. While Trevenant can still Item lock, it at least isn't as bad because your opponent still has to get a Stage 1 into play before it starts working, AND your opponent doesn't get access to Donphan. Gengar-EX is still an option, and I think it will be a lot better than before with Safeguard gone and Pyroar nerfed, but it still doesn't compare to the raw power of Donphan.
I haven't ever played with LaserBank but it's a nightmare to play against when you're being Toad locked. Thank Arceus we're finally losing that XY-on...
Another thing about Trevenant - it has to be in Active slot in order to lock items, which is why I run it alongside Donphan to keep an offensive momentum going for myself... which I lose during XY--on. As for those Stage 2s, I'm assuming Ancient Traits, and if not... well, pardon me but you didn't make yourself very clear.
- Swampert
One thousand times yes; it's a 'better' version of Blastoise, theoretically; it can't attach as many Water energy (bar any DC) in a turn, but you still can get a lot onto board fast. I see it working really well with PrC Huntail.
- Kingdra
Another potential partner for Swampert all things considered; yeah, you're running 2 Stage 2s which hurts quite a bit, but you're also gaining a lot of momentum in Energy Attach + Damage. That is... once we lose LaserBank and Garbador.
- Nidoqueen
This scares me for all the right reasons. It has a great Stadium in Dimension Valley, plenty of support, potential free retreat with Mystery Energy - XY on can be really kind to this.
- Rhyperior
This one... I'm not entirely sure about. Free set-up on Bench is nice, and taking 10 off every attak is fantastic, but I don't know fast it'd be. With Aegis EX blocking Special Energy, and that honestly huge cost for Attack... It's a great card on paper, but with the future being kinda hazy beyond the next set (which I forget the name of right now), I don't know if it'd execute very well.
- Sceptile
Same energy set-up issue I have with Rhyperior, and the only way to accelerate Grass Energy would be running a split 2-2 Sceptile line, which I don't project going very well. The attacks are also kinda underwhelming.
Not saying my opinion on the older cards at the moment if only because I don't really feel like it. Again, apologies if you meant non-ancient or ancient cards... or both, but I wasn't entirely sure.