Players in new york city?


Aspiring Trainer
I dont know if this belongs here but...
I just got back to the TCG after like 3 years so bear with me. Does anyone know a place to play in New York CIty. I would really appreciate the info. Thanks.
Dude I went there during the week but all they play during the week is yugiho. I met Nate but he couldnt play with me cause he was working. But is there a way you can go on monday for like 1 or 2 hours?[/u]
wat time? i work till 5.... so 5:30 is the earliest.... yeah pretty much everything is yugioh.... cause nyc is not that strong with pokemon tcg
damn i stars work at 5 ####!! Is there any other day u can go say 1 or 2 ish? If not thanks anyway. The reason I want to play badlu is because of battle roads which is in like 2 weeks so yeah....
Kings Games moved to 15th Street on Kings Highway. (Right next to the Q Train station), but all they do there is play YGO and some Magic. Only pokemon cards they have are a couple of the starters and GE packs (I bought their last stock of SW, got a Gardevoir LvX :D)