PlayStation 2

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Heroes of the Pacific, or something like that. It's probably not the BEST PS2 game, but it's the ONLY PS2 game that I have ever played.
I haven't played this...but PikaFlash has it.
Fullmetal Alchemist: The curse of the chrismon elixor.
Naruto: Clash of the ninja 3.
Battle Stadium: D.O.N. (Dragon ball. Naruto. One Peice)
For me it's:
Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
FF: 8, 9, 10 & 10-X
DBZ: Budokai 1, 2, Sparking (4), & Sparking 2 (5)
Here's my list:

-Any Bemani game (DDR, Beatmania, PUI, etc)
-Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
-Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus
-Final Fantasy X and XII
-God of War
-Kingdom Hearts I and II
-Soul Caliber III
-Timesplitters: Future Perfect
-Wild Arms: Alter Code F

Honestly, the list could go on, but these were all games I couldn't put down, even after I beat them, especially Dirge and Future Perfect. The PS2 was a very impressive system, and my personal favorite from the last console generation.
For me the best PS2 games would be:
-Resident Evil 4
-God of War
-Devil May Cry 3
-Soul Calber 3
-Naruto:Ultimate Ninja
You double-posted, but I took care of it. ;) More than likely you had a bad connection for a second, so it posted twice.

And I'm pretty sure it's a PSOne game, but Saga Frontier was another really good game, IMO. I don't think I ever beat it...
I don't have a PS2, but my friend has one and my favorite games are lego star wars 1 and 2 and rachet and clank up your aresnal.
Hello emperte,

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