PlayStation 3 Thread

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Shiny Hunter, Event Collector, and Breeder

PlayStation 3 Thread

Alright, I thought that it would be wise to make a PS3 thread here on PokéBeach so other members who have the system, like myself, can interact with other members in games, or even the newly added "Playstation Home".

Simply put, post your PS3 user name, and I will add it to the list:

PS3 Users

  • Yakkov1
  • rpgfighter
  • NyJonesy26
  • Noob_Sandwich
  • the_gameboy
  • ChaosLawyer
  • sylar969
RE: Official PokéBeach PS3 Thread

PS3 ID: rpgfighter

You will see me playing Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, or Soul Calibur IV.
RE: Official PokéBeach PS3 Thread

Ok, your added to the list cool.
RE: Official PokéBeach PS3 Thread

Noob Sandwich said:
Mine is: Noob_Sandwich

I think lol.

Ok, I will add you to the list.

Wow i thought I was one of the only few that had a PS3 here.
RE: Official PokéBeach PS3 Thread

We PS3 users are harder to find than the Xbox variety. I think more people would have one if the price was just a tad lower.
RE: Official PokéBeach PS3 Thread

Before I can do that...

How do I hook the PS3 upto the Internet... (I have misplaced my book (Moving house)) :p
RE: Official PokéBeach PS3 Thread

Prof. Shinx said:
Before I can do that...

How do I hook the PS3 upto the Internet... (I have misplaced my book (Moving house)) :p

I really don't know. There may be a guide on the offical PS3 site about that. I actually didn't hook my system up^^;
RE: Official PokéBeach PS3 Thread

your thread is not official

PSN ID: ChaosLawyer

don't have many online-able games yet...decided to finish up some 360/DS games prior to going nuts on PS3...I will get KillZone2, however
Gamefreak734 said:
My PSN ID: the_gameboy

Cool, new people. I will add you.

Jake said:
PSN ID: ChaosLawyer

don't have many online-able games yet...decided to finish up some 360/DS games prior to going nuts on PS3...I will get KillZone2, however

Its nice to have another person to add to the list^^

Galefail said:
Uhh, sylar969, but I don't go on a WHOLE lot lately.

Welcome, I will add you soon:)
PSN: Er.....look in my sig. I made it quite easy to find.

Games I own: Oblivion, Sacred 2, Untold Legends Dark Kingdom, COD4, MW2, Socom Confrontation, Transformers 2, Madden 10, NHL 2k10.
PS3 ID: wassiliy
you will find me mostly online with soulcalibur, and maybe sometimes with MW2, and buzz of course.

can i ask about your sragon age: origins opinions?
I'm Explorer200, I play StreetFighter 4 MetalGear solid 4 and Fallout 3. I can also get my brothers Killzone 2 if anyone has it.
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