PlayStation 3 Thread

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My psn id:Lunar16
I have codmw2 and rb2
Does anybody know if you can play dragon age origins online with other ppl?
My ID is Juliacoolo. I play NCAA games, Madden, LBP, WH, and FPS.
OmegaBlade7 is mine. Tell me who you are if you send me a request. I only play Modern Warfare ONE currently because I have yet to get the second.
Mine is BlackMage96

I got MVC2 LBP Tekken 6 Gunstar Heroes Super Puzzle Fighter and Bomberman Ultra to play online with. Planning to get more eventually.
PSN ID :xXCarnage_24Xx

youll usually c me playing COD blackops, Marvel Vs Capcom 3 or Little Big Plants 2 etc.
Why was this revived? We have this name for PSN:


dmaster out.
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