
Lou Cypher

The melody of your defeat
So I wonder, what is your playstyle? As in, what is your general method which you use to make your deck work?

I personally cannot play without Stage 2's. Stage 1 decks don't work for me, regardless of which tier they are. Furthermore, I always try to shoot for the highest damage possible. Hard Hitting Behemoths, thats what I like.

I'm interested in how you people prefer to play.
Slowly spread your opponent to death. With stage 1 or Stage 2. I wouldn't survive with basics. (Especially with machamp running around)
Also target claydol. Its so fun to watch your opponents draw engine go down the drain.
I abhor basics (thus my disliking of AMU, Mewtwo, and SP Pokemon) as a main deck.

My playstyle differs very little from yours. I like high damage and hp as fast as possible (Kingdra is a nice example. Blissey is also a personal favorite) and always aiming for a OHKO. Disruption and locking is my weakness (though I can still stick a nice Warp Point at the right time). I love Plus Power as the best surprise card in many decks.

And I like decking myself out :p
I usualy like the hard hitting combos. But lately ive got the taste for letting my opponent thing he got the game, and then come back hard and fast. But then again thats involving use of a spread deck with omastar in :)
I like to use decks that can swarm the field in a matter of turns while dealing decent damage. I'm not one for massive damage outputs. I've been using different variations of a Butterfree deck ever since I started playing the Pokemon TCG and I'm just now starting to try things other than Butterfree.
I like a nice mix of speed, spread, and high damage. That is why I play Tyranitar.

I'll use practically anything, really. I just have to have a strategy.
I'm like fast pokemon with cheap attack cost and free retreat cost(thus my favorite are butterfree and gengar alike) though they usually have lower hp and weaker attacks compared to other bulky pokemon like Tyranitar.
I'm like to use some surprise tech in my deck too like energy switch and pluspower in my deck too so naturally my deck have maxed pokedrawer to further benefit my playstyle.
I like to use pokemon with a lot of HP and can deal pretty heavy damage or just annoy the crud out of your opponent. Such as Tyranitar and Magnezone Lv.X. I need to work on setting up, as it takes about 1 or 2 more turns than usual for me to set up.
I don't go for certain types of cards or anything, I just choose whatever combo interests me. I don't usually follow any specific placement on the tier listings, just something interesting.

As far as when I play...Well some people play one or two turns or even more in advance, but I keep my playstyle and mindset within one turn from where I play. If I need to search for something, I often try more risky things to do to search for cards.

And I have no fear of decking myself, as I always play with a low deck size.
I like decks that abuse all kind of energies like Garchomp, Blissey, older dragons (Rayquaza EX, Salamence EX). And also really fast, hard hitting T2 decks
I like to play those Stage 2 speed decks. They have been the big one for me so far.

As for playstyle. I like to be the guy who gets warned for talking. I'll talk during my turn, my foes turn, in between turns. Normally it is just useless white noise, but it does throw my foes off and can be game changing. Also when I play against people I know fairly well, I just like to make fun of their playstyle, I go after stallers quite often.
i like stuff that makes your opponent think such as weather not to play supporters, what to put here, evolve this pokemon here, ect. fitting in with this is sniping/spreading so i like those as well.
I like speed, but with a side of spread. Most of the decks I've played involve speed and spread, like absolutions and raichu.
My style is playing with my favorite Pokemon (Pikachu/Raichu or Charizard)...

But, I Like a great amount of damage every turn.
I <3 Spread Decks or just straight up good damage output.

Some of the old decks that I have played were things like R-Gon, Blissy (St8 Bliss), Magmortar (w/ Catty and Plosion), Empoleon, and Froslass.
DawnOfXatu said:
I like to play those Stage 2 speed decks. They have been the big one for me so far.

As for playstyle. I like to be the guy who gets warned for talking. I'll talk during my turn, my foes turn, in between turns. Normally it is just useless white noise, but it does throw my foes off and can be game changing. Also when I play against people I know fairly well, I just like to make fun of their playstyle, I go after stallers quite often.

Throws your foes off? I like to talk, but not to give me an edge in a game...

These are the types of decks I like most:

1. Decks like Empoleon that can put your opponent's in a pickle/Kill Claydol.

2. Decks that require mathematical calculations (Dusknoir with Unown P- Especially in the mirror) to play well.

3. Fun decks (Machamp <3).

4. Decking (Gyarados SF + Rhyperior).

5. BDIF's.
I have found I like playing decks that do more damage for when you have more Energy attached to them. (T-Tar , Blissey , Tangrowth , and Magnezone are some good examples)
I personally hate to play with stage2s...

No kidding, most of the deck I enjoy playing the most are either all-basic or basic/stage1s. I prefer the tactical side over the downright damaging side of play with low-energy high-damage high-HP Pokémon, which is probably why every deck I make is full of techs, or can usually be considered as a whole bunch of techs thrown together. This is probably one of the reasons why I liked AMU (although I usually try not to play archetypes as much, yet it's safe to say that my AMU was so very unlike the regular AMU archetype).

I also like a more defensive and safe kind of play, I guess this explains my love for mynx (which I played one year after it was invented, meaning it was pretty much a completely different deck, but an awesome deck nonetheless. General concept of Mynx is Mew ex + Jynx + a bunch of wobbus for this who didn't know). I also love to control the field, which can be categorized with defensive play.

I hated last year because it pretty much forced me to play stage2s (which is when I start playing the weirdest decks ever, like magnezone (swarming the DP one, plus the old bronzong, it actually worked pretty well), porygon-Z and Butterfree (no kidding, ask anyone who saw me at worlds)).

So yeah, I have a pretty weird playstyle, which gives me a pretty cool advantage towards people who are unprepared for this kind of stuff.
I love those big hitting stage 2's. I don't care that they're slow.
I need at least a tiny bit of spread/snipe in my deck for me to like it.
I always like huge hands. I have played many games where my hand quickly gets bigger then my deck. :)
I love Claydol.
I like any deck that can turn a game around in one turn. Mostly, like a Stage 2, Rare Candy, OHKO, Spread, anything.