
imacharizard333 said:
I love those big hitting stage 2's. I don't care that they're slow.

Same here, I don't even care if i get behind with prizes, as i know i'll just crush whatever they throw at me.:p
Rush Rush and Rush them as fast as you can thats why i play kingdra.

But my playing style changes time from time like i played a set up deck Hurricane for states and regionals and topped 4 both.
I like decks that hit the active but can slowly pick apart your opponents deck (Claydol, Heatran Lv. X, Sceptile, ect.) so that you can kill them late game.
I like decks that have more controll over the energy and hits hard. Most of my decks discard and retreve the energy. All of my decks can move energy around though. I like it beacuse it is eaiser to come back from a ko. It is lso harder to completly kill a deck after several ko.
Hmm... I don't think that I really conform to a specific 'playstyle'. I mean, I'll play something solid and consistant, like Gardelade or Kingdra, as two examples.

But I guess I do like to mess around with my opponent, pumping my deck full of unexpected surprises. making them rethink their strategies and game plans in the middle of the game. Which isn't an easy thing to do.
My playstyle? Anything solo. Solo blissey, solo gengar etc. Less complicated and you don't usually get a bad start with it.
Uber speed, I LOVE speed!!
And I also prefer roques but that's not a playstyle I think.....
Meh, you'd probably know this already, but I like:
-disruption (played a lot of Murkswarm, will be playing G next season)
-swarming (Bellawesome is a personal favorite, my Mamoswarm will be tested quite soon)
-T2 rush decks (Banette, Houndoom GE)
-low energy costs (IMMA CHARGING MAH LAZAH...meh, you take too long >_> )
-low number of basics in general
-surprise victories (Murkrow, Pluspower x3, Buck's, Sp. Dark, enjoy your 110 damage <_< )
-Wager (I don't know why, but there's still one in every deck of mine. Coolest card in format I guess)
-the Fire type in general. It's mostly low energy costs and high damage, and I like discarding. Heck, I even played Feraligatr back in the Neo days. xP

And I dislike:
-coin flips
-Claydol (I know it's a good card, I just refuse to play it <3)
-doing nothing during your first few turns (this is not Magic, you guys >_> )
-people having too much luck with certain things (especially topdecks, and people who rely on flips in their decks)
-mulligans (inevitable with this playing style =\)
-donking. I mean, especially Banette could donk a few times, but I always tried to use its second attack since I liked it more (also explains the near infinite discarding techs I've used with him over the past year) also I don't want the game to end on T2 -> this is not YuGiOh, either. That means I'm bored for another 40 minutes if it's in a tournament >_<.

...yeah, that basically sums it up. Infercatty and Nidoqueen d both don't fit in and I liked playing those as well, but that's probably because Nidoqueen could setup itself (making it quite fast for the d format) and Infercatty had Delcatty ex in it, which could hit for nearly 10,000 for 1 energy.
force my opponent to think as much as possible.
which is why gallade is one of my favorite cards in the game.
also dusknoir Dp.
normally when you force your opponent to make decisions you catchthem off guard while there concentrating on there side of the game so they misplay.
i like to take advantage of these situations.
Well that all depends. I make both "fun decks" and tourny decks. Of course I don't have the cards to make the latter so they never exist beyond the internet. Lol.

But by "fun deck", I mean only single pokemon lines (1-1-1 etc), few trainers, and lots of energy. Just to get a fun little bench out there and have some fun with the variety of attacks. It's a bad idea in tournaments, but when both players are playing a just-for-fun game with fun decks, well they do live up to their names.

I'm horrible with combo ideas and trainer card selections so my tourny decks usually suck. The only good one I came up with I had a lot of TofU's help in making. And he picked out all the trainers.

But the type of deck I favor is one with hard-hitters that deal heavy damage or Poke-Powers that let you gain energy faster or increase damage/defense. I was never bis on special conditions at all. Or spreading.
Well my style played on Weakness. My deck covered every type, so I could use the double hit advantage, I used to have large benches with low retreat cost.
Now...I dunno what it is.
I'm a geek so I like tech's in my decks and cards that compliment eachother. I also like to have a deck that takes control of the game and in the same note I hate being controled by another player. Currently I am playing Magnazone. I also like heavy hitters - speading is great an all but I like to see KO's that get the other player's atacker out quick.

Since I like tech's, my startagy normally invoves a longer bit of set up. So I like current setup pokemon like Sableye and Jirachi that can still deliver a KO when needed. I rely on cards like Bebe's and Rosanne's for setup. I also prefer tech's that can also be attackers - not a big fan of bench sitters - bech sitters become a problem if your hitters get KO'ed.
Nidoqueen DF. I figured out that pretty much the only deck I liked enough to keep it. I dismantle most decks after 1-3 weeks, and the only decks I actually played longer were in fact G&G (which I dimantled alot of times) and Meatloaf (which I didn't like that much). I tend to tech my decks up alot and I used Holon's Castform in almost every deck. I also play lots of things my friends think is weird, like Lickilicky, Pidgeot HP and Pelipper P5 (though I did Top 4 with a stupid G&G with a 2-2/3-3 Pelipper line). I like Pokémon that discard energy, and an (weird) engine to get Energies back, like Regigigas LV.X.
I'm still looking for my perfect deck which isn't Nidoqueen DF this season.
i personaly like complex strategies that include speed setup and a lot of thinking and planing ahead .. and thats why i'm such a big fan of Skittles deck (yes, i know it gets almost pwned by machamp these days, but still it can take a few hits and hurt you badly)
I like decks that just go all-out, T1-2 set-up and requires none or very, very little thinking :p Thats why I play Boomereang :D Fun and easy, I love seeing my opponet getting pissed when I bring out Jumpluff.