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Standard Please help me improve my Deck - Beefed Up Buzzwole


Aspiring Trainer
Hello and thanks for taking a look at my deck list! This is meant to be a straight up buzzwole-gx deck with a bunch of techs that add damage.

There's a few non-GX attackers, in case you run into Hoopa (SLG) or baby Alolan Ninetails (I'm running into it more often than in recent past days all of a sudden - making a comeback?), and while I've toyed with the idea of baby mewtwo (2 colorless attack, forgive me I forget the set - evolutions, maybe?) vs. baby zygarde vs. baby buzzwole, the baby buzzie really only shines when the opponent has 4 prizes yet baby mewtwo needs a DCE to work well, and baby zygarge needs 2 energy to get rolling, if my memory's recalling right, so any way you slice it, it is slower than a 1-energy basic mon... baby buzzie being the 1-energy, but virtually a "junk card" (virtually) unless the opponent has 4 prizes... and so I'm still undecided in that slot.

I'm looking for suggestions to make this flow smoother & draw better / possibly toss in some beast rings, beast energy, and what to take out in order to do so / what to do with the non-EX/GX attacker slot (should I go with mewtwo, baby buzzie, etc) & should I keep in zygarde-EX as another "somewhat heavy" hitter? / how to get this ready for the next rotation (I think it is coming up in SEP? I'm clueless when it comes to current events, forgive me...) / general suggestions to make this work.

Also, NM decks tromp all over this - even with the 30/30 attack of buzzwole-gx knocking out 2x joltik's - suggestions? Not sure if this will be an issue in the new rotation, but for now it is a "thing". Malomar-UNecrozma-DW Necrozma is a bad match-up, as the DW Necrozmas hit hard against this. Have yet to win a match-up against that deck type. Suggestions?

Here's the decklist:

****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon - 14

* 1 Buzzwole FLI 77
* 3 Buzzwole-GX CIN 57
* 1 Diancie {*} FLI 74
* 3 Regirock-EX FCO 43
* 1 Sudowoodo BKP 67
* 1 Zygarde-EX PR-XY XY151
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 137
* 1 Remoraid BKT 32
* 1 Octillery BKT 33

##Trainer Cards - 33

* 1 Professor Sycamore STS 114
* 2 Fighting Fury Belt BKP 99
* 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 3 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
* 4 Cynthia UPR 119
* 3 Brooklet Hill GRI 120
* 2 Choice Band GRI 121
* 1 Switch SUM 160
* 1 Super Rod BKT 149
* 4 Guzma BUS 115
* 4 Max Elixir BKP 102
* 2 Float Stone PLF 99
* 4 Ultra Ball ROS 93
* 1 Field Blower GRI 125

##Energy - 13

* 9 Fighting Energy HS 120
* 4 Strong Energy FFI 104

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******

Disclaimer - while I may have come up with this deck on my own, it mimics a deck that YellowSwellow posted on YouTube very closely, called "Turbo Buzzwole". I do claim this to be my own build, but wanted to put out this disclaimer, in case you see some glaring similarities to the deck that YS posted on YouTube. Perhaps this was subconsciously influenced by the YS deck, or maybe it was because there's only so many cards to choose from, I can't say for sure, but if it was influenced by his deck, it was not an intentional copying of his deck, and credit should go to YS where due, despite my coming up with this deck on my own; he came up with the idea first, despite my coming up with this decklist independent of his list, albeit after watching his video about his deck. End of disclaimer.

Forgot to mention - there's a LOT of cards to swap your active out for a benched mon. This is intentional. With guzma's running rampant in the current meta, as well as with buzzwole-GX's 2nd attack preventing attacks next turn, this is a necessity. It is mostly for that 2nd reason, the 2nd attack on buzzwole-GX, so you can have a floatstone and guzma combo, and "reset" the buzzwole-GX to being able to use that 2nd attack. That's why there's so many guzma and floats and the 1x switch.
Thanks again for any help you can offer!
I see one very big issue your not running beast ring thankfully you can take out a blower,zygarde, and a regirock for that. Also take out the switch for a 3rd float stone 4 guzma and 3 float stones is pretty standard for all your switching needs. Also one lele is pretty standard so you could take out 1 for beast energy and if you dont want to take out that find something else to take out cuz beast energy is essential
So no field blowers at all? OK, done, nobody if anyone plays garbs in the current meta (is it even standard still?), so I have no problem with that. The regirock, I'm cool with that too. I'm not so sure about the zygarde, though, as he's an attacker, but I'm willing to try it. It's a buzzwole deck, after all, and not a Zygarde deck... After swapping a lele for the beast energy, the ratio of pokemon to energy is 11 to 14, which is a better ratio than I had to start. My only question is about the 3x Beast Rings - I've seen 2 played in decks before, but never 3. I'm not saying you're wrong - heck, I haven't even tried the deck yet! - it just struck me as being one too many beast rings is all. Did you really mean to swap out all three for 3x beast rings? I'm making this deck in PTCGO right now and will play-test it and let you know how it did. I'm curious how those beast rings will fare. I'm nervous about having 3, but I'll try it and see. Giving you the benefit of the doubt and trying. Said in utmost respect.
Thanks so much for the help!!