Please HELP ME

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Alpha Ononokusu Boy

Dark Wargle
You see I have no technology experience what so ever but i need help with the games i wanna create but I need a staff to help me. I need one but you see everytime i try to get close to getting a good game going it gets closed and I can not do anywork because my computer is a load of poop. I really need help it isnt fair that just because i dont have the good programs that the Game Disigners have. Please just help me. What should I do
Woah, woah. Calm down, buddy. Now, what are you trying to do exactly? Create a Pokemon game, right?

Read the stickies of the Forum. You need more info for your game or it won't stay open here. Also, don't ask everywhere in the forum. One time in the sticky is fine. If you can't do anything with the game, ask people elsewhere online (Google) and then come back here. We're not responsible for you doing nothing to create a game. That's your problem.


dmaster out.
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