Help Please help


Aspiring Trainer
Ever since I have been part of this wonderful community I have always been most comfortable around other pokemon players so I figured in a time of need I could reach out to you. Recently my family has had some tough times which has left our budget really tight, and we are probably going to have to take out a second mortgage. This has left almost no money for my parents 20th anniversary which should be a special occasion. I set up a GoFundMe just to see if I can raise any money for them please anything helps and I want to give them the best anniversary possible.
This is why it's so important to set aside emergency funds and consult with your financial advisor before tough times happen.
Also elevate your financial education. The lack of money isn't really the problem, rather it's your attitude and knowledge about money that determines your wealth.
There are lots of free resources available, but be careful who you listen to. You can dm me for more info.
But hey, congrats to your parents for 20th anniversary!!! Wooooo!! Cheers ;)