Wi-Fi Trades PMJ's X/Y Trades (Look at OP for new stuff, including shinies!)

RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

Akwila - If you want both my parents, you'll have to give me time to breed another one.

Dr.Mario - If your Klefki has Prankster and the IVs I specified in the OP, I'll do that trade.
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

CML and see if you're interested in anything. I'd love to take that Blastoisnite off your hands :)
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

Yes it has 5 IVs with Prankster.
Also I want a lot of your Mega Stones. Could you take a look at my thread and let me know if there is anything you like?


Those catch my eye.
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

PMJ said:
Akwila - If you want both my parents, you'll have to give me time to breed another one.

Dr.Mario - If your Klefki has Prankster and the IVs I specified in the OP, I'll do that trade.


/Veruca Salt tantrum

I am perfectly ok with that. Alternatively, if you would prefer to breed one for me like this

M/F Aron - Sassy - Sturdy 31/31/31/x/31/x has Stealth Rock, Curse, and Superpower.

But I don't that this would be any easier... >.>

EDIT: And since I have it posted on my thread, I am willing to trade up to two of my mons for it.
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

Akwila: If I had a Sassy synchronizer, that would probably be pretty easy since I have a 6iv parent to breed it with.

Shiny Dragonite: Didn't really see anything in particular. Why do you have an IV-bred Delibird, of all things? :3

Dr.Mario - I'm interested in the 5 IV Slowpoke (HA), 5 IV Calm Sableye w/ Recover (HA), 5 IV Jolly Hawlucha, 5 IV Adamant Riolu with Bullet Punch.
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

So my Klefki, Slowpoke, Sableye, Hawlucha and Riolu
Your Venusaurite, Aerodactylite,Gyaradosite, Absolite and F Pickup x/x/31/31/31/31 Naughty With Ice Shard
Is that ok?
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

Yeah, sounds good. I'm online and awaiting your trade.
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

Thank you very much!!!
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

Thank you. Glad I could help.
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

PMJ said:
Shiny Dragonite: Didn't really see anything in particular. Why do you have an IV-bred Delibird, of all things? :3

I got a 5 IV female in a wondertrade. So I bred a couple. So that I could trade and have a good breeder for that egg group.
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

Ooooh, yes, breeding. That is a thing. That makes a lot of sense, actually. Good way to find some use out of it. Too bad he's in Smeargle's egg group, though.

Added Furfrou and Skiddo to the list. I am too lazy to add some BellyJet Marill to the list right now but I have a few 5IV ones for trade. None of them are missing Special Attack.
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

CML For 4IV Female Shellder?
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

All you have listed on your page is shinies. What color flower is your shiny Floette?
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

Red. But, I also got some Darumaka`s with 4IVs listed now:)
I give you a Female and a Male 4IV Darumaka for your female Shellder?
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

I have two. Which one do you want? Is the female Darumaka also 4IV?
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

I don`t care, as long as it has 4IV and Its Female. And, yes Male and Female both has 4IVs!
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

Okay. I will add you and see you online. My ign is Serena.
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

CML for:
M Skill Link x/31/31/x/31/31 Naive With Icicle Spear and Rock Blast
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

I'll take a female Jolly Quick Feet Shroomish, 4IV or better.
RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP)

PMJ said:
I'll take a female Jolly Quick Feet Shroomish, 4IV or better.

Alright. I'll let you know when I get it.