Podcast Auditions


Strange Polygon Thing
Do you want to try out for the PokeBeach Podcast? Send me an e-mail with an attachment or link to an MP3 or any audio format to
[email protected]. (DO NOT SEND IT ANYWHERE ELSE. PM ME if you must.)

If you are unable to attach the file due to size, there are sites like putfile.com and tindeck.com where you can upload them.

What the audio fileshould consist of:
-It should be you speaking into a mic.
-Discuss the fields of Pokemon (TCG, Anime, Manga, etc.) you are familiar enough with to provide meaningful discussion about, and let us know what you are less experienced in. The more you're familiar with, the better.
-Tell us why you should be on the Podcast and what sort of tasks you'd be willing to handle.
-Let us know a little about yourself.

There is no official final deadline for now, but we will see what we get in BY SATURDAY NIGHT 6:00 PM PST. Don't slack off though, because if we get enough good applicants early we will just close it off, so if you're interested get to it ASAP!
RE: AUDITION for the Podcast! [Due Sat!]

Well here i go. Off i go to start working. Can it be a video? I will hurry!

Thanks for the opportunity.
RE: AUDITION for the Podcast! [Due Sat!]

To audition or not to audition, that is the question.
Whether tis nobler to... Oh screw Shakespeare.

I'll see what I can do. ._.
RE: AUDITION for the Podcast! [Due Sat!]

Video? Sure why not, as long as we can hear you - which is the most important thing.

I would like to mention that I am not guaranteeing anybody is going to be picked for anything. This is just a testing ground to see what we get.

Also It doesn't NEED to be an mp3, provided I can listen to something I'll accept it.
RE: AUDITION for the Podcast! [Due Sat!]

Sounds interesting. Can I assume there will be other podcasts which we can audition for? Especially if the podcast was to pick up enough for predetermined subjects (Or something of the like)?
RE: AUDITION for the Podcast! [Due Sat!]

I will try to get it on video and if not, then maybe on recording. I will give it a shot, but how do i do one with myself? Can i do it with friends? And how long do you want it Porygon?
RE: AUDITION for the Podcast! [Due Sat!]

Can we do it with friends? i will do it if thats how it works.
RE: AUDITION for the Podcast! [Due Sat!]

Length: However long you feel is good, provided you cover much of what we're asking for in reasonable detail.

And we would prefer you did them in audio only since that's how the regular podcast will be done anyway, but if you really want to use video go ahead. This Podcast will probably not go video though.

Uh, about the friends thing, I would advise against that - try it if you want I guess, but we probably won't accept a whole group. I'd be weird to single people from the same recording out.
RE: AUDITION for the Podcast! [Due Sat!]

I'm higly interested in being in the podcast.I think I should get the space because I was the first one to actually make a thread before this asking to be in it.I'm going to e-mail an audio file in about half an hour..

Can you please tell me which one of these file types will be most suitable and any one in particular that can be played on your computer:
I'll probably just save it as an mp3.ogg is some unusual crap and wma is restricted.
RE: AUDITION for the Podcast! [Due Sat!]

I might as well try out, I'd actually quite like to be in it!I'm going to stasrt making a podcast right away!
RE: AUDITION for the Podcast! [Due Sat!]

Krucifier said:
To audition or not to audition, that is the question.
Whether tis nobler to... Oh screw Shakespeare.

I'll see what I can do. ._.
We need your sexy accent, man.
RE: AUDITION for the Podcast! [Due Sat!]

^^??But anyways, I'm still making my audition, I used a good idea for the start, but my voice sound's too Immature on the microphone, which some people occasionly find hapens, which is REALLY annoying, and It's probably because I have like 4 different voices, including 2 that acidently turn on when I'm infornt of the mic. I have a rest kinda' one, a base one that sounds weird but I use at home, my shcool one, my cool one, and my squeaky one.Mine's supposed to be the school one but the Input level and me being nurvous mucks it up.. Oh well, I'll try to make the rest of the podcast sound good.BTW, just wondering, can we put funny sound FX in the podcast and music clips?
RE: AUDITION for the Podcast! [Due Sat!]

I will audition! I will send in my clip when it is finshed!
RE: AUDITION for the Podcast! [Due Sat!]

I am going to whip something up right now before I go to choir. Expect something soon!
RE: AUDITION for the Podcast! [Due Sat!]

Hey pory in the audition do you want us to show what we can do with the actual podcast such as background music or sound effects, I have a podcast creation software and a 110$+ Microphone I use so I can add all that in, or just pokemon talk?