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Poison Ivy (Leafeon/Roserade)


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys! I have been play testing this leafeon/roserade status deck on the tcg online game and can use some help. I think the lines are solid but I can use some fine tuning to help it be a tad more consistent.


4-3 leafeon
2-2 roserade
1 espeon prime (gothitelle counter)
1-1 mismagius-->to move energy around (a tech I learned from pooka and Cabd)
3-1-2 vileplume
2-2 houndoom prime


2x rare candy
2x pokemon communication
4x collector
3x professor elm
4x pont
2x seeker
3x twins


6x grass
2x psychic
4x rainbow

Houndoom provides burn condition..usually like to get 2 on the bench since my coin flipping luck is a tad low. Sunflora was an original tech but it was too slow and required a bench space that could easily be filled by something like a second eevelution or mismagius. Twins count is high since I tend to sacrifice an oddish or eevee early game to help set up my bench.

Not sure if pichu would help speed up the deck. As well, I found hypno to be a slow stalling technique and thus I removed it.

I created this deck with some other decklists in mind, but am looking to make it more competitive.

Any ideas as for changes, possibly to the trainer/supporter lineup?
RE: Poison Ivy

Your probably going to want to put Roserade in there to get the confusion and poison conditions to get the extra 100 damage. You can even use rainbow to inflect them both at the same time.
RE: Poison Ivy

wow that was a total mistake on my part, forgot my 2-2 roserade line 0_o

thanks for the heads up, editing op

Any other suggestions?
RE: Poison Ivy

Good job with the Magius tech, it's often over looked for this deck.


Espeon Prime
3-1-2 Vileplume
2-2 Houndoom Prime
2 Rare Candy
3 Professor Elm
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Twins
1 Copycat
1 Seeker
4 Grass Energy
1 Pokemon Collector

Remove : 28 Cards


2-2 Roserade
1 Leafeon
1-1 Mismagius
3 Sage's Training
3 Professor Juniper
2 Plus Power
2 Pokemon Communications
3 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Catcher
1 Unown [Return]
2 Psychic Energy
2 Rescue Energy

Add : 28 Cards

What was removed?

Pretty obvious stuff, Vileplume hinders you more than it saves you in this case. Espeon needs to have a Leafeon on bench for it to be any good and with Magius, Roserade, and other attackers, Espeon might not be the greatest of ideas to place onto your bench. My suggestion would be to simply accept the fact that dealing with Gothitelle is not going to be easy, with or without Espeon. Should you kill off another, it's easy to respond to your Espeon with a second Gothitelle. It's not even played that much so there isn't much of a need to tech against it.

Copycat, simply put, no.

Elm's are slow and outclassed in this case by communications.

Seeker is pretty good, I'd probably run one since all of your energies get dispersed by Magius, not to mention you also have Unown [Return] to grab any energies off of a Roserade. The reason why I suggest it is because it's a searchable energy return which can help you out a lot when you need the energies.

Twins, no point, this deck wasn't meant to fall behind.

Houndoom Prime, my problem with this card is similar to Espeon, what is there in the format that would get you really worried to the point you'd need to hit 150? With something like Houndoom that again sits on the bench and doesn't do much useful, that spot could be better taken by a back-up Leafeon or a saved spot for when you need to scoop energies from Roserade with Unown in a pinch. If you're really attached to it or think it will save you, I would keep it at 1-1 but I def. wouldn't rely on it.

The grass energies, they're nice to have but you can't move them around with Energy Trans from Magius, only reason I dropped the count it to put in more Psychic to increase the usefulness of that ability.

Why these cards to put in?

The point of most decks that can't hit super hard (Magnezone, Reshiram, Zekrom) is to take prizes off of things that they can kill a lot easier. There isn't much point in spending a bunch of resources to wound something badly, when they end up knocking out two of your pokemon to do so. A 2-1 prize trade leaves you behind and making the battle very uphill for you from then on. Rather than doing that, take advantage of the low energy cost of Leafeon and how quickly it sets up.

Catchers are there to grab set up pokemon and knock those out with Miasma Wind after placing Rainbow to Roserade. 100 damage + 10 from poison should KO a lot of those set up pokemon before they can get to their last form. Granted Rare Candy does speed thing up quite a bit, but being able to catcher pokemon they don't want to have in their active makes them waste resources to get it out of there, essentially buying you an extra turn of attacking.

Making use of the poison damage can go very well with Pluspowers as well since in the case of the dragons, you would hit for a total of 110 + 10 from poison damage. Upon the end of their turn (barring Eviolite'd basics) the poison damage racks up and knocks out their pokemon coming to your turn again. If you don't quite like Pluspowers, consider Rocky Helmet as it puts them in a similar situation and forces them to retreat to something else or attack with their active, giving you a prize as well.

Junk Arm - Staple in decks that run a lot of trainers, too good not to include.

Junipers, Sages - Since this deck is pretty speedy and there are a lot of cards that are trainers, you shouldn't have to worry to much about discarding them. It's actually better to have them in the discard so you can junk arm for them later rather than trying to have to dig through your deck to find it when you really need it. Having said that, these two cards will help you get through your deck a lot faster and will greatly increase the chances of grabbing that extra energy that you need or extra catcher/junk arm that you need to maintain the control of the board.

Rescue Energy for increased recovery since Miasma Wind takes one colourless energy to attack. If recovery is still an issue, consider Super Rod.

Extra Magius line for increased consistency.

Roserades because it's a part of the deck.

Finally, Unown [Return]. Great tech in this deck because like I mentioned above, he is a searchable energy return. You can collector for him when you really need to grab him out, or you can communications for him as well. Play this with Seeker should give you more than enough Rainbow energies that you can consistently Miasma Wind for at least 110 damage per turn.

That's what I would suggest and I probably wouldn't do much else for that deck. There isn't much point to teching in specific cards against other match ups, like Reshiram, or Zekrom for example. There isn't much that you could tech in at this point that would not only DRASTICALLY improve your match up against those decks, but also wouldn't drop consistency of your deck. It's better to run a deck without a lot of techs, playing it and tweaking it to be as consistant as possible. Hope that helps.

Also, I'm not sure if you were aware or not, but by placing Rainbow Energy onto Roserade, it counts as BOTH psychic and grass energy, thereby giving the effect from Roserade twice. Once for poison and once for confusion.
You definitely put up some great points and I will play test a variety of lines to see what wins consistently. I was aware that roserade+rainbow does= 2 conditions, which of course I love:)

There are a few things that do concern me though with regards to removing houndoom...not only does it provide a condition for miasma, but the burn damage itself often helps ohko...leaving no need for pluspowers or rocky helmet. I do see your point that needing 150 damage on one pokemon could leave me behind in prizes so I will see if removing it will speed up my setup and overall win rate.

At first I thought vileplume was necessary in this format but as I play tested I found that the deck would fall to zpst and quick megajudge decks that were fully set up by t2/t3. Once I got the ball rolling it was usually an easy win, but a bad starting hand and a catcher later and my game was over.

Definitely considering 2-2 yanmega as a useful line in the deck since it is easy to set up, provides sniping, and adds an element of disruption if I were to tech my trainer/supporter lines to match hand sizes.

Thanks for the compliment on magius, its a great card and tech for the deck. Of course I take no credit for it since I did not come up with the idea but I feel its essential.

4-4 roserade seems like a lot, so I will try 3-3 and see if that works, if not I'll bring it up to 4-4

Once I do some testing I will update the op

any more suggestions?
Um, why do you have Mismagius? Roserade's power only works when attached from your hand.
Here's a deck I threw together, and its simiar but different.

Pokemon: 24
3 Celebi Prime
3-3 Roserade
2-2 Houndoom
3-3 Leafeon
1 Shaymin
2-2 Dodrio

Trainers: 24
3 Junk Arm
3 Twins
4 Communication
4 Collector
2 Dual Ball
2 Seeker
1 Interviewers Questions
1 Fisherman
Energy: 12
4 Rainbow
8 Grass

Again, not the same deck but some of it is probly worth considering.
I use mismagius to move energy that was put onto roserade from your hand since she is not my main attacker. That way I can use roserades ability to induce conditions, then mismagius can move the energy onto a leafeon in order to inflict dmg via miasma wind
Honestly, it's like 10% of people understand how and why Magius works with the deck. You aren't moving it on to Roserade to inflict status because reading the cards clearly states "When you play an energy card from your hand, you are moving those energies off of Roserade to improve the recovery of the deck.

I really think Yanmega is a bad card now especially because it's not exactly useful with Eviolite being rampant in decks. Sonicboom for 50 or snipe for 20 is not worth the easy prize that Yanmega gives your opponent. If you found room for it, there's probably better things that would take up those slots instead.

Like most people I know personally that played the deck, they found Houndoom to be more clutter than it was worth. It had it's useful times, but more times than not, it was just a dead draw. Probably a preference thing, but if you're using catchers to control the board ASAP, it would make logical sense that you're not catchering things that have more than 120 HP to begin with.
I like your list, the magius tech is genius. Also, houndoom is a good play, but if you're not looking for too much deck room, Torkoal could be used. Keep up the good work though man.
Thanks for the comments everyone, its definitely given me a new perspective on the deck!

I am continuously testing and its definitely fun to play.

Here is my new list with everyone's thoughts in mind


4-4 leafeon
3-3 roserade
2-2 houndoom (still finding it useful)--->how about a 2-2 muk line?
unknown return
1-1 mismagius


4x communication
3x catcher
3x junk arm
3x juniper
2x pont
3x sages training
1x seeker
4x collector
1x interview questions


4x rainbow
2x rescue
6x psychic
2x grass

so far its been relatively quick, not sure if i want to lower the roserade line back to 2-2 and up the magius line. Most people have told me to remove houndoom, but I cant seem to fill the deck space with something that is as useful...If there were alternatives (besides torkoal, that's a one time conditional flip that is seriously inconsistent, and magby for obvious reasons) I am totally up for them.

Getting rid of the vileplume line and adding the trainers have given me some nice speed:)