Finished PokéBeach Big Brother: Clique Collision

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At the very least, all 4 teams are the same size. Could've been a lot worse.

That said, I applaud TSM for having the integrity to admit the wrongdoing.
While he did cheat, I appreciate that he came forward with his cheating.
UPDATE! Rule Changes Effective Immediately
1. When submitting a score for an online game such as 2048 or Inkay's Topsy-Turvy World, in addition to the score we are now requiring 2 elements to be visible to us.
- A tab must be open to something related to Pokebach Big Brother, such as a Clique Chat or the thread.
- A tab or a notepad must be open to show your Username in the screenshot.

Both of these things can be done on desktop or ipads, shown in the examples below:
Example 1: (Cannot be done on IPad)
Example 2: (Can be done on IPad)

Notice that the Pokebeach Logo can be seen as well as "Big Brother" in the title, as well as "TheAnticipationEevee" somewhere else on the screen. This is so that it is fair for everyone as scores can be verified as genuine.
2. It has come to the hosts' attention that not everybody was aware that every form of communication about this game of Big Brother must include the hosts so we have a record of the conversations. This includes skypes logs which some people did not realize. Rather than forcing everyone to submit their skype logs every few days, since I have a skype, I request that you just add me into your Big Brother related skype conversations. (obviously if its a personal chat between just 2 people, create a new one and don't talk about BB in the old one :p)

(Message me for skype info)

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Week 2 HOH will be posted shortly :)


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Week 2 - Top 12

Head of Household!

Congratulations! You guys have all officially survived the first week of Big Brother Season 2! Special congratulations to @Professor Palutena for doing better than last season :p Now without further ado, we will be starting the competition to find out who will get the most prestigious title in the house for the week!

As a reminder, you’ll want to support your teammates as the person who wins HOH will provide an immunity shield and prevent the entire team from being evicted by any means!

For this week, our head of household competition will test the players’ strategic skills. We will be playing the Straw Game! This game is very simple in concept, so even if you aren’t aware of the game before, you’ll be able to get the hang of it really quickly!


There will be 5 rounds to this game. During each round, players must select one of the given straws of a certain size. The straws will be divided evenly among the players that selected the straw. At the end of five rounds, the person with the longest amount of straw wins!

Example 1: Player 1 and 2 both select straw A of length 10. Player 1 and 2 both get straws of length 5 added to their total.
Example 2: Player 1 and 2 both select straw A of length 10 and Player 3 selects straw B of length 8. Player 1 and 2 both get straws of length 5, and player 3 gets a straw of length 8 added to their total.

1. Each round will be posted every 12 hours. You must send your decision of which straw you would like within that 12 hour period, or you will receive a length of 0 for that round.
2. Decision of which straw you would like must be sent to the hosts in a private conversation (alliance chats do not count as final decisions).
3. Discussing of which straw to pick in alliance chats (with hosts included), and public chats are allowed.
4. The person with the most straw wins!

As for your first set of straws, they will be posted on March 1st, 2017 at 7:00 PM EST / 4:00 PM PST

Good luck Houseguests! Everyone except @quakingpunch73 can participate in this competition as he is still on Technical Difficulties Week. He will be able to participate in the POV though should he be nominated/picked randomly.

If you have any questions, now would be the time to ask :)

EDIT: Forgot to add the clause that the only way you will get a warning is that if you do not submit for ALL of the 5 rounds (as that counts as not participating).

EDIT 2: The first set of straws you will have 15 hours to choose, rather than the regular 12.

Why did you open the spoiler!
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Head of Household - Round 1

Round 1:
Straw 1: 2400
Straw 2: 2200
Straw 3: 2000
Straw 4: 1800
Straw 5: 1600

Submissions are due: March 2nd, 10 AM EST/7 AM PST
All choices must be submitted by Private Message, not any other chat.

March 1st 7 PM EST/4 PM PST: Round 1 Start
March 2nd 10 AM EST/7 AM PST: Round 1 End / Round 2 Start
March 2nd 10 PM EST/7 PM PST: Round 2 End / Round 3 Start
March 3rd 10 AM EST/7 AM PST: Round 3 End / Round 4 Start
March 3rd 10 PM EST/7 PM PST: Round 4 End / Round 5 Start
March 4th 10 AM EST/7 AM PST: Round 5 End / Winner Announced!

Just a note once again that you will only receive a warning if you do not submit for any of the 5 rounds.
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Head of Household - Round 2

Round 2:
Straw 1: 2750
Straw 2: 2250
Straw 3: 1500
Straw 4: 1250
Straw 5: 1000
Straw 6: 750
Straw 7: 500

Submissions are due: March 2nd, 10 PM EST/7 PM PST

All choices must be submitted by Private Message, not any other chat.

March 4th 10 AM EST/7 AM PST: ROUND 5 END

Just a note once again that you will only receive a warning if you do not submit for any of the 5 rounds.
You are always welcome to submit an initial choice, and change your decision any time before the deadline.

Round 1 Results:

- Straw 3: @Mr.Muffin
Awarded: 2000 each

- Straw 1: @Celever, @PikaMasterJesi
Awarded: 1200 each

- Straw 2: @rainyman123, @double o squirtle
Awarded: 1100 each

- Straw 4: @Professor Palutena, @VioletValkyrie
Awarded: 900 each

- Straw 5: NOBODY! :U
Awarded: 1600 each

- No Straw: @mirdo, @NinjaPenguin, @Blakers, @Little Cherrim
Awarded: :(

Don't lose hope! Even with a 0 for Round 1, you can still win the entire game by picking strategically! Don't overthink/wait to submit, any submission is better than no submission!
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Head of Household - Round 3

Round 3:
Straw 1: 5000
Straw 2: 3000
Straw 3: 2000

Submissions are due: March 3rd, 10:15 AM EST/7:15 AM PST
All choices must be submitted by Private Message, not any other chat.

March 3rd 10:15 AM EST/7:15 AM PST: ROUND 3 END / ROUND 4 START
March 3rd 10:15 PM EST/7:15 PM PST: ROUND 4 END / ROUND 5 START
March 4th 10:15 AM EST/7:15 AM PST: ROUND 5 END

Just a note once again that you will only receive a warning if you do not submit for any of the 5 rounds.
You are always welcome to submit an initial choice, and change your decision any time before the deadline.

Leaderboard update in 15 minutes! Sorry for the delay! (Extended the deadline by 15 minutes)

Round 2 Results:

- Straw 1: @Mr.Muffin, @mirdo, @Celever
Awarded: 916 each

- Straw 2: @NinjaPenguin, @rainyman123, @Professor Palutena, @double o squirtle
Awarded: 562 each

- Straw 3: @PikaMasterJesi
Awarded: 1500 each

- Straw 4: @Little Cherrim, @VioletValkyrie
Awarded: 625 each

- Straw 5/6/7: Nobody!
Awarded: 1000/750/500

- No Straw: @Blakers
Awarded: :(

1. Mr. Muffin - 2916

2. PikaMasterJesi - 2700
3. Celever - 2116
4. Double o Squirtle - 1662
4. Rainymain123 - 1662
6. VioletValkyrie - 1525
7. Professor Palutena - 1462
8. mirdo - 916
9. Little Cherrim - 625
10. NinjaPenguin - 562
11. Blakers - 0
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Head of Household - Round 4

Round 4:
Straw 1: 3500
Straw 2: 3000
Straw 3: 2000
Straw 4: 1500

Submissions are due: March 3rd, 10:15 PM EST/7:15 PM PST
All choices must be submitted by Private Message, not any other chat.

March 3rd 10:15 AM EST/7:15 AM PST: ROUND 3 END / ROUND 4 START
March 3rd 10:15 PM EST/7:15 PM PST: ROUND 4 END / ROUND 5 START
March 4th 10:15 AM EST/7:15 AM PST: ROUND 5 END

A world timer can be seen here:

Just a note once again that you will only receive a warning if you do not submit for any of the 5 rounds. *cough* Blakers needs to submit *cough*
You are always welcome to submit an initial choice, and change your decision any time before the deadline.

Round 3 Results:

- Straw 1: @Celever, @mirdo
Awarded: 2500 each

- Straw 2: @rainyman123, @Professor Palutena, @VioletValkyrie, @PikaMasterJesi
Awarded: 750 each

- Straw 3: @Mr.Muffin, @NinjaPenguin, @double o squirtle
Awarded: 666 each

- No Straw: @Blakers, @Little Cherrim
Awarded: :(

1. @Celever - 4616
2. @Mr.Muffin - 3582
3. @PikaMasterJesi - 3450
4. @mirdo - 3426
5. @rainyman123 - 2412
6. @double o squirtle - 2328
7. @VioletValkyrie - 2275
8. @Professor Palutena - 2212
9. @NinjaPenguin - 1228
10. @Little Cherrim - 625
11. @Blakers - :( 0 :(
Head of Household - Round 5

Round 5:
Straw 1: 5000
Straw 2: 3000
Straw 3: 2500
Straw 4: 2000
Straw 5: 1500

Submissions are due: March 4th, 10:15 AM EST/7:15 AM PST
All choices must be submitted by Private Message, not any other chat.

March 3rd 10:15 PM EST/7:15 PM PST: ROUND 4 END / ROUND 5 START
March 4th 10:15 AM EST/7:15 AM PST: ROUND 5 END

A world timer can be seen here:

Just a note once again that you will only receive a warning if you do not submit for any of the 5 rounds.
You are always welcome to submit an initial choice, and change your decision any time before the deadline.

Round 4 Results:
- Straw 1: @Celever, @NinjaPenguin, @VioletValkyrie, @PikaMasterJesi
Awarded: 875 each

- Straw 2: @rainyman123, @Blakers, @Mr.Muffin, @Little Cherrim
Awarded: 750 each

- Straw 3: @Professor Palutena, @double o squirtle
Awarded: 1000 each

- Straw 4: @mirdo
Awarded: 1500 each

1. @Celever - 5491
2. @mirdo - 4926
3. @Mr.Muffin - 4332
4. @PikaMasterJesi - 4325
5. @double o squirtle - 3328
6. @Professor Palutena - 3212
7. @rainyman123 - 3162
8. @VioletValkyrie - 3150
9. @NinjaPenguin - 2103
10. @Little Cherrim - 1375
11. @Blakers - 750
Head of Household - Results

Round 5 Results:
- Straw 1: @NinjaPenguin , @double o squirtle, @Celever
Awarded: 1666 each

- Straw 2: @rainyman123, @Mr.Muffin, @Professor Palutena
Awarded: 1000 each

- Straw 3: Nobody!
Awarded: :(

- Straw 4: @mirdo, @VioletValkyrie, @Blakers
Awarded: 666 each

- Straw 5: Nobody!
Awarded: :(

- No Straw: @PikaMasterJesi , @Little Cherrim

1. @Celever - 7157
2. @mirdo - 5592
3. @Mr.Muffin - 5332
4. @double o squirtle - 4494
5. @PikaMasterJesi - 4325
6. @Professor Palutena - 4212
7. @rainyman123 - 4162
8. @VioletValkyrie - 3816
9. @NinjaPenguin - 3769
10. @Blakers - 1416
11. @Littl
[SIZE=5]e[/SIZE][SIZE=4] Cherrim[/SIZE] - 1375

A huge congralutions to @Celever for winning in this lengthy HOH, and by a huge landslide! You definitely deserved it! :) As such, the Populars clique will be safe from eviction this week! You will have 24 hours and some minutes from this post to come up with 2 nominees for eviction and post them on this thread. The POV competition will be held after! :)

Nominations are due: March 5th 10:30 AM EST / 7:30 AM PST.

Nobody received a warning, so props for that!

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I'd like to nominate mirdo and double o squirtle. It only seems appropriate, considering they were the top 2 scorers outside of my own clique!

In fact, 5th place is a part of their clique too. Athletes actually did really good :p
Power of Veto!

It has been decided! As Head of Household, @Celever has decided to nominate @double o squirtle and @mirdo. The Head of Household and the two nominees will now play in the Power of Veto competition. In addition, three houseguests, picked at random, will join them to complete for the golden power of veto. These houseguests are @Little Cherrim, @Mr.Muffin, and @quakingpunch73.

For this competition, the players will be tested to see who can perfect the skills of being a taxi driver for a day! The basics are very simple. Press the up button to move forward, and spacebar to jump, trying to not hit cars, sounds easy right!? You can play the game here:

You may submit as many screenshots before the deadline as possible, only the top score will count. You must submit at least one score if you do not wish to receive a warning. The person that submits the highest score will win the Golden Power of Veto! In the event of a tie, the person who submitted the tied-score first will win.

Once again, when submitting screenshots, a tab of Pokebeach Big Brother must be open in the picture as well as some way to see your username, either by a notepad type thing or an additional tab. An example can be seen here:

Good luck competitors! Your deadline for this competition is: Monday, March 6th, 10 PM EST/7 PM PST

A world timer can be seen here:
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