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PokéBeach Community Decklist #7: Klingklang EX

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Advanced Member
This week's winning Community Decklist was Klingklang EX, a deck that revolves around Klingklang BW's Ability: Shift Gear. By using this Ability, Klingklang moves around Prism Energy and Metal Energy to powerful EX Pokemon while restoring their HP with Max Potion. With 140 HP, Klingklang also remains difficult to take down itself, which means that simply "Pokemon Catcher-ing" Klingklang isn't a sure solution. Fast, consistent, and powerful, Klingklang EX is gaining even more popularity with a Nats victory under its belt.

Pokemon: 15
3 Klink DE
1 Klang DE
3 Klinklang BW
2 Darkrai-EX
2 Groudon-EX
1 Kyogre-EX
1/1 Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend
1 Smeargle

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 34
3 Max Potion
4 Heavy Ball
3 Rare Candy
3 Eviolite
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Twins
4 N
2 Random Receiver
2 Pokemon Catcher
4 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Communication

Energy: 11
4 Prism Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
3 Metal Energy

Total: 60

All rules for the PB Community Decklist can be found here.

You may begin!

I will be away from now until Thursday night. Updates to this list will be scarce, so please do not complain. I apologize in advance.

...NOW you may begin! :p

Glace said:
Everyone is forgetting the explaining part.

Please explain changes.
+3 Klink (BW 74)

You can't have Klinklang without Klink.

edit: Whoops, forgot about the 3 retreat. DE is better.
+3 Klink DE.
The basic that is needed for evolving into Klinklang.

I can edit them for you.

Edit: Dang ninjas.
- 1 Terrakion, I like it, but I think Groudon EX is better with Klinklang. (bigger HP and spreads damage)

+ 2 Groudon EX. Explained above.
+ 1 Kyogre EX. Snipes Tynamo, Swablu and other low HP Basics. Also softens up EXs.
This is GS-on. I only have my iPod on me right now. I cannot make updates efficiently, unfortunately. :|
I feel like we're just going to end up the the nats-winning list at this point. :/

Let's get a little more creative than that.

+1/1 Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND
+1 Twins

RDL makes a great Mewtwo killer and game-ender in general. It allows comeback wins in a play-from-behind deck, which is huge. Catcher + Ozone Buster on Mewtwo wins you half the game immediately. And one of this deck's two glaring weaknesses is Mewtwo. Just make sure to save your Rainbow Energy the whole game if you have to finish with RDL!

Twins, while it's not great as a 4-of in this this deck, can be used in a lower count to offer some hand advantage and to fetch Rare Candies and Max Potions when they are needed.
+3 Junk Arm: Probably one of if not the single best Trainer card in the format. Nothing too special or hard to explain, just reuse important Trainers like Pokemon Catcher, Max Potion, or any other ones you may need in a pinch. Can't think of many card(s) this deck wants to discard off of Junk Arm but being able to use Trainers again and again is far too good to pass up.
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