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PokéBeach Community Decklist #8: Darkrai/Hydreigon

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+1 Shaymin EX
What a great counter to Terrakion, one of the biggest problems of this deck. Also very useful as a late-game sweeper.

+1 Sigilyph DRE
This is a very useful card. Many decks are very EX focused, and this is a nice counter/staller VS EXs. Also an obvious counter against Mewtwo EX.

+1 Blend GRPD
Well, you want to max these out since they are very versatile and they let your Hydreigon/Sigilyph/Shaymin EX/etc. attack.

All are already added to the decklist as suggested in the posts above.

dmaster out.
+2 random receivers, they help you obtain supporters, you can junk hunt for them them and can get a better supporter.
Brave Vesperia said:
Are we still allowed to take out cards? I didn't see anything about it in the rules.

Of course.

It may have been implied so I'll change the rule to you can only add/remove three cards. If you remove cards, you have to add new ones in so there's that too.

Right now the decklist is 60 so if there are more edits that should be done, you still have plenty of time to do so.

dmaster out.
-1 Catcher (We have Sableye to recycle those)
+1 Bianca (I think 3 would work best as two would be inconsistent. Plus, now we have 11 supporters, so chances are that we will be drawing into them)
-1 Deino NVI
+1 Deino DRX
Spreads your weakness around a bit. If you get all your Deino knocked out to a couple unboosted retaliates in a row, you pretty much lose.

+1 Ultra Ball
-1 Tool Scrapper
My testing has shown you need at least 3 Ultra Balls to consistently get out Hydreigon.
-1 {D}
+1 Max Potion

With the 4 Blend, having 1 more Dark won't make much of a difference. 12 energy is enough in almost any deck.
Max Potion, however, is one of the core cards of this deck. I know some people only like to run 3, but the 4th one can really save a game. Plus, I would rather spend a Junk Hunt on a Random Receiver, Ultra Ball, etc. because you know your opponent will be forced to N that Max Potion away. Just my thoughts...
In my expreience with this deck, 2 Sableye is enough, I always draw into at least one, and always have a way to search for another, so my suggestion would be:

-1 Sableye DE
+1 Dark Patch (Four is incredibly useful against Garbador match-ups, and helps with speed.)
-1 randome receiver- you are already running 11 supporters and 1 random receiver in case you dont hit any and if you need it back you can just use sableye.

+ 1 tool scrapper- this is for 2 reasons. 1 of course you know about the garbodor matchup and how without this card you have an auto loss you dont want that. 2 this card is also good in mirror match and anyother matchup with tool cards (eel,empoleon,etc.)
alexmf2 said:
-1 Sigilyph
+1 Mewtwo

Mewtwo > Sigilyph. It's just more useful in more matchups.

I've played the deck a ton and have never needed Mewtwo; however, Sigilyph is very useful in more situations, and does something that nothing else can. While I can see why Mewtwo is favored by a lot of people, you never NEED it. I think it is just a "win-more".
I'm going to have to say:
+1 Sigilyph
-1 Mewtwo EX
However, if anyone else agrees that Mewtwo should be used instead of Sigilyph than I'll won't keep doing this.
I'll make my own change.

-2 Level Ball
+1 Ultra Ball
+1 Random Receiver

I used to run Level Balls in early builds of the deck, but I honestly never had too much use for them. Sure they can get out Deino and Sableye, but I always would have rather used an Ultra Ball to discard Darks at the same time. Additionally, instead of running five Ball cards, cutting them allows room for other things and it can search everything in the deck. Personally, I wouldn't drop below 2 Random Receiver in this deck, even with 12 outs already in the deck. I prefer at least 13 if not more for most decks in this format.

dmaster out.
- 1 Deino DRE 93; I just prefer the Dark Type one.
- 1 Random Receiver. Sableye can be used to get it back
- 1 Professor Juniper. I think 3 is enough.

+ 1 Deino NV; Can be Dark Patched on to.
+ 1 Zweilious DRE 95; Useful in a pinch to knock out Garchomp or other Hydreigon
+ 1 Level Ball ND. Searches out Deino and Zweilious.
i agree with alexmf2 mewtwo is alot better due to the fact it can 1hko(for the same ammount of energy needed to attack with sigilyph 3) other mewtwos(with least 2 energy) and can put out more damage. if i had a mewtwo and my opponent had a sigilyph, i wouldnt be afraid to play/attack with mewtwo.

-1 Sigilyph
+1 Mewtwo
-1 Dark Patch

+1 Sigilyph

I find Sigilyph very useful. I find myself using it a lot. As for the 4th Dark Patch, I don't think it's that useful in this kind of format. 3 is enough IMO. I also like to run both Mewtwo and Sigilyph, since they're both very useful.
Zweilous Nv is not very needed, 1 zwelilous is enough. There is no point in running just one level ball and 3 ultra ball is enough. You must run 3 sableye at least. 4 Catcher is needed in every deck even if you can get it back with sableye. Tool scrapper is essential in this decks.

-1 Zweilous NV
-1 Ultra Ball
-1 Level Ball

+1 Sableye
+1 Pokemon catcher
+1 Tool scrapper
-1 Deino NVI
+1 Deino DRX
You already have enough dark patch targets, that shouldn't be a problem and you always want to spread your weaknesses around if possible.

-1 Level Ball
+1 Juniper
I'd rather have more consistency. Level ball only gets deino and zweilous, while Juniper is great consistency.

Going to have to take out something else for a Juniper as the post above took out Level Ball.

dmaster out.
Honestly you don't need a Mewtwo and a Sigilyph; personally I would drop the Mewtwo for a super rod.
-3 Bianca +1 Juniper +2 Cheren
I found Juniper more helpful, as when you only have 1 card left, you can use the Juniper (if it is the 1 card) and get a full hand. Also, Bianca is only better than Cheren if you have 2 cards or less, and honestly, 1-2 card hands are better handled by a Juniper.
-1 Rare Candy
+1 Cheren

I believe that Cheren is more useful in most situations than Rare Candy. Whenever I have a candy, it either 1) Get's N'd(?) away or 2) I don't need it.
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