Thought about using almost the exact layout for a Gengar, but I thankfully realized almost immediately that it would be OP as heck.
I think that playable NFE Pokémon should be a thing, and a Agatha deck (in the same vein as Magma/Aqua decks) would actually be a good thing with something like this.
Now, something that I've seen a lot of people do, against HS' advice, was using Ancient Trait as additional abilities. However, they're more like Poké-Bodies: passive effects that don't need to be triggered (Alpha Heal and Omega Barrier, for example), so I went the most accurate way I could here with Levitate. Levitate is insanely good, so I had to balance the rest of the card to /not/ be that good.

Attack very random, with even a bad outcome to make it risky (in other words, the attack is bad. :v). The Ability is just some extra touch, because you can't really abuse it that much, or at least I look at it that way.