Welcome to the April round of Create-A-Card!
The theme for this month is Colours! Since all Pokémon have a colour, you get to pick any Pokémon you like. The only requirement is that is has to have a colour! Remember, all Pokémon have a colour. Don't worry if the Pokémon you want to make a card of doesn't have a colour––it's probably just colourless. But that's still a colour, so you can use it anyway!
As an artist, you are required to use everyone's most favouritest era––BWXY––when creating your card.
This contest has three sections, text-based, image-based, and awesome-based fakes. For text-based fakes, all you have to do is create a card in text form and post it in here! For the image-based fake, you’ll need the help of some software to let your creations come to life. For the awesome-based fakes, you have to do something really special. Take a look at a card like this for inspiration. But one thing remains important between all of them: your cards must be completely original COLOURFUL!
- To sign up you must reply to the thread below. Except you can't, because bb took them all. Make sure to include whether you’re in for text, image, or awesome-based fakes!
-- - You may register with a partner and work together on the same card. This way each member can use their different talents and combine their skills, especially if one of you is an artist and the other is a TCG player. (Feel free to post in the thread that you’re looking for a partner if you want one.)
-- - We have a total of 15 spaces available for text-based entries and 15 for image-based and 1 for awesome-based. If you’ve never done an image-based card before, now is a great time to learn! PokéBeach has many card blanks and guides available for use. If you've never done an awesome-based card before, too bad. >:U
- Colourfulness
The theme is colours, so we wanna see some colours! Each character of your submission must be a different color than the one before it.
Total: π points
--- - Blurting
Proper wording is key in designing any fake card, but that's no fun at all! Try to ignore your inner urges to achieve correct wording on everything, and just wing it! Naturally, grammer and speling is all so taking onto kunsidurashun.
Text-based fakers may not format their entries any way they choose. This is a very simple and easy-to-understand formatting guideline you must follow:
p0kém0n – 7yp3 – hp50
57493 1 – 3v01v35 fr0m p0kém0n
48!1!7y: n4m3
48!1!7y 3ff3(7
[r][(] 4774(k 20
4774(k 3ff3(7
w34kn355: f!r3 (x2)
r35!574n(3: p5y(h!( (-20)
r37r347: [(] [(] [(]
p0kéd3x !nf0rm47!0n
Total: ƒ(n) = ƒ(n-1) + ƒ(n-2) points
--- - Fabulosity
Text-based fakes rely heavily on their fabulosity. This is a word I just made up meaning "measure and quality of the trait that can be described adjectively as fabulous." I may or may not have made up "adjectively" as well. Fabulosity is measured on a scale known only to the judges, and is absolutely, totally, and in all other ways not privy to their every whim. Probably.
Total: √2 points
- Colourfulness
The card should be eye-wrenchingly colourful. If we can stand to look at it for more than a fraction of a second, you're doing it wrong.
Total: ∆y/∆x points
--- - Blurting
Proper wording is key in designing any fake card, but that's no fun at all! Try to ignore your inner urges to achieve correct wording on everything, and just wing it! Naturally, grammer and speling is all so taking onto kunsidurashun.
Total: ±1 points
--- - Wingdings
Correct fonts are imperative when creating realistic fakes, and there is no correct-er font than Wingdings. Have fun.
Total: ◊‹›‹ points
--- - Fabulosity
Image-based fakes also rely heavily on their fabulosity. This is a word I just made up meaning "measure and quality of the trait that can be described adjectively as fabulous." I may or may not have made up "adjectively" as well. Fabulosity is measured on a scale known only to the judges, and is absolutely, totally, and in all other ways not privy to their every whim. Probably.
Total: √-1 points
--- - Celeverness
Celeverness is all about how celever your card looks. Of course, Celever is not a judge (and absolutely had nothing to do with this), but that doesn't mean your card can't involve some measure of celeverness! If you can't think of anything, don't worry. I'm sure something celever will come to you.
Total: ??? points
- ...?
Science has not yet found a way to judge cards this awesome.
Total: ∞ points
So that’s the point breakdown for this month’s Create-A-Card. @DNA will be judging the text-based portion of the contest and @Chaos Jackal will be judging the image-based part. There is no judge for the awesome-based part.
General Rules
- Rules? Where we're going, we don't need rules.
Deadline: Yesterday, March 31st 13:00pm EST
Here’s a link for convenience: [link]
Here’s a link for convenience: [link]
Anticipated Entrants
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
- @bbninjas
Bold names means I have seen your entry in this thread.
Want to help advertise the contest? Just paste the code below for the banner in your sig!
Credit goes to @Celever for the banner.