RE: PokéBeach Create-A-Card: Aug. 2014 - Delta Species
Text Based: (Judged by Luispipe8)
Alright, the first Delta Pokémon and it's a dual-type! Let's see how this goes:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
This card is very creative, the effects are good and original, and you even brought back the Holon Energy! Also nice touch on the name. Let's hope it literally doesn't burn down the forest. xD Great work, Lugia!
Wording: 14/15pts
I'm just docking a single point for 2 minor errors in typing: You missed an apostrophe in "Pokémon's" in the Ability and also a comma in the "from this attack, take 2 prizes" in the second attack.
Believability/Playability: 14/15pts
I want to start this by pointing something out: In the second attack, you state that you take 2 prizes, not "an extra prize". That's actually very interesting because it lets you take a knockout on a regular Pokémon for 2 prizes, but not being insanely OP to take 3 for an EX. That's actually neat, intentional or not, because it actually gives this card a lot of balance. And if it wasn't enough, the attack cost combined with the drawback are INSANE! xD You can take 3-5 turns charging up the attack, then make one of the most suicidal moves in the TCG and then get KO'd by a plethora of things afterwards. And even though you attach something like a Protection Cube or that stuff, it's nearly impossible to stream this things! xD The ONLY way I can see this "working", is to play both Eelektrik and Heatran Lv.X: Attack, Rush In with Keldeo to charge the Lightnings, manually attach a Fire and retreat, but it's still an almost impossible set-up that could work like 1 out of 250 games. All that said, its very Under-powered. D: But apart from that, the rest of the attacks are good, the Ability can't be abused that much... but yeah, it's an under-powered card. But the real reason I'm docking a point is because Delta Species Pokémon, when Dual-typed, generally have Metal as it's secondary Type, so, that's the only thing that actually wrong.
Wow, I can't believe I actually got to see an Under-powered card... xD But putting this aside, the card is actually very nice, you did an amazingly good job this month, Lugia, keep it up!
Total Score: 48/50pts
I almost feel that making Pokémon like Greninja, Kecleon and the such a Delta Species should not be allowed because they can be of those types at will. xD Alright, let's get going:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
The Ability is something one of a kind, and the Attack is actually something very creative. Way to go!
Wording: 14/15pts
First of all, I want, with all of my guts, to reword the Abiliity... But I just don't know how.
So you got away with that. But what you DON'T get away with are the un-accented é's in Pokémon. Just one point from perfect wording. But the rest is great!
Believability/Playability: 15/15pts
I really can't see this card being OP. I mean, sure, it attacks and then Lysandres, but you can't stall someone Active with it because it forces you to Switch it, and the attack output looks corresponding to a Stage 2 for that amount of Energy. Nice, Squirtle!
This was a fantastic entry, as usual. But just one tiny error kept you from a 3 month perfect score streak. u.u But it's still top notch! Nice job this month!
Total Score: 49/50pts
Delta Dragon Charizard, gotta say I was expecting this. xD But y u no Delta Regis?! D: Haha, let's hit it:
Creativity/Originality: 18/20pts
This card is very creative, I gotta say, but it lacks that POW that says "Wow, this is awesome!". Still, Flames of Justice is an awesome name!
Wording: 12/15pts
I noticed 3 errors about this card: First, you forgot to capitalize Burned in the first attack. Second, the second attack's second part should say "If this Pokémon's remaining HP is 20 or less, don't discard the Energy" (Reference: Archeops PLB). And finally, the "Evolves from" clause shouldn't include the δ (Most recent reference: Ampharos δ, which evolves from Flaaffy δ, that evolves from Mareep δ). Nothing TOO big, good work on everything else!
Believability/Playability: 14/15pts
This cards is very balanced to me, except for it's final attack. Even though it requires a Dark to attack, it's still a little too much for 3 Energy. Consider that Charizard LTR needs 1 Fire and 4 Colorless to hit for 150, and discarding 1. Maybe adding an Energy to the attack cost or nerfing the damage to somewhere near 130 might work to it being a bit more balanced.
I actually liked this card a lot, Reggie, it just had some minor issues. Take care of those and I'll see you next month!
Total Score: 44/50pts
Alright, another Grass-type that's supposed to be burning down... xD Let's see how hot is this:
Creativity/Originality: 16/20pts
Will-o-Wisp is kind of vanilla, but Shadow Force, although a bit predictable, does make up for it a little. Nice overall, though.
Wording: 14/15pts
I actually found only one error: the "Evolves from" clause shouldn't include the δ (Most recent reference: Ampharos δ, which evolves from Flaaffy δ, that evolves from Mareep δ). But you still nailed the rest!
Believability/Playability: 15/15pts
This card is actually really balanced. The only way I can see this getting SOME use is in an Agility-like deck with Victini, but it's a really bad call... xD Nicely done!
This was a nicely built card, steffenka. Just try to think outside the box a bit more next time, ok?
Total Score: 45/50pts
Wow, that's a nice twist to this Contest, images instead of sprites!
Let's see how this goes,
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
Great Ability, amazing attack, it's nicely creative overall. Excellent!
Wording: 13/15pts
I spotted 2 errors here: First, the Ability should say "Any damage done to this Pokémon by attacks is reduced by 10 for each different type of basic Energy attached to this Pokémon (after applying Weakness and Resistance).", in inverse order of what you depicted (Most recent Reference: Cubone Triumphant). And second, the attack should go "If this Pokémon has any basic Energy attached to it that is the same type as the Defending Pokémon, this attack..." (Reference: Ninetales LTR. Everything else seems fine!
Believability/Playability: 15/15pts
Well, this card just can't be broken. I mean, it's a 110 HP Stage 1 that needs 3 Energy to attack, but the secondary effect is SO situational... And also playing a lot of basic Energy has proven to be bad in most decks. So kudos on a nice, balanced card!
I really liked this card a lot, XDog, I see you're a worthy contender in this Contest. Now go for the gold next month!
Total Score: 48/50pts
Haha, a Fairy Tyrantrum... xD Let's see how this goes:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
This is an amazingly nice card in terms of creativity. Nice attack effects overall and the names are actually funny! xD Nice job!
Wording: 13/15pts
I found 2 errors about your card: First of all, in the first attack you are basically saying "Delta Delta Species Pokémon". You should write "Delta Species Pokémon", "δ Pokémon". or even the old way, "Pokémon that has δ in its name".
Either would have worked. Considering that as writing M-Mega-Gengar, as example. Sounds weird, right? Oh, and the second one, is that the final wording in the attack should go "This attack does 150 damage minus 50 damage for each Trainer card you discarded." Reference: Heatmor PLS). Apart from that, everything else is fine. 
Believability/Playability: 11/15pts
Well, this card is not that balanced. It just bugs me that being a Basic EX that can get acceleration from Xerneas and potentially attack T2 it's a bit too much. I do get that usually around 2/5 of a deck are Trainers, but I believe that adding maybe [Y][Y] to the Energy requirement could make it a bit more balanced. And also, the Weakness is not corresponding to a Tyrantrum. If a Pokémon is Delta Species, it retains its original Weakness and Resistance, so a [M] weak Dragon is kind of weird. Specially since if you took inspiration from a Figthing type Tyrantrum, no incarnation of Fighting in the TCG is weak to Metal. So another 2 points there.
I liked this card overall, Momaster, it was just a bit unbalanced. Take note on those things and get ready for next month!
Total Score: 44/50pts
Great, a Dragon Clawitzer! Never thought of that one before!
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
Fantastic card when it comes to effects, it's really creative! I personally love the second attack, it's really cool! Nice job!
Wording: 12/15pts
First of all, you forgot to capitalize Energy once in the attack, so there's a point. Then. the first attack should say "You may discard an Energy card attached to this Pokémon. If you do, attach an Energy from your discard pile to this Pokémon..."(Reference: Landorus FFI), and then place the "You can't choose an Energy you discarded with the effect of this attack." Clause (Reference: Superior Energy Retrieval), so 2 points in that one. Also, I believe the second attack can be reworded better, but there's no reference for that.
Nice job. 
Believability/Playability: 15/15pts
I think everything that has to be done was said already: It's a good attack, but to pull it off effectively for a lot of turns is very difficult, so this card is in a perfect balance. Kudos!
Wow, I knew this card would do nice! Keep up the good work and go for the gold next month!
Total Score: 47/50pts
I'm not particularly amazed you went with Wiggly. xD Let's take it down:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
This card is of course creative. A very funny Ability, a nicely thought attack... I like it!
Wording: 15/15pts
No mistakes here, moving on...
Believability/Playability: 7/15pts
Ok, you fell straight down. First of all, it's a 180HP Wigglytuff, which is very scary for a non-EX Stage 1. Then, the attack is absolutely SCARY in a Pokémon like that. Just use Xerneas T1 to accelerate Energy and then start a lock by T2 while attacking and hiding behind something like Trevenant, or Pyroar. And, the fact that it goes back to your bench makes a lock far more do-able. It's just scarily OP. I'd make it be worth [Y][Y][Y][C] to make it A BIT less broken. And also, the Weakness is not corresponding to a Wigglytuff. If a Pokémon is Delta Species, it retains its original Weakness and Resistance, so a [Y] weak Fairy is not really from a Delta Pokémon.
Well, the overall concept of the card looked nice... But it was freakin OP! D: Try to deal the power creep down a bit for next month, ok?
Total Score: 42/50pts
Alright, a Metal Crobat! Talk about Poison resistance. xD I wonder who was supposed to know what's behind the card, though... Let's see:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
Amazing imagination there, rev! Cool Ability, a Moderated attack as well... Oh, and that dual Resistance! Nice!
Wording: 15/15pts
Well, the text, even though there's no real recent reference, looks goodly enough. Although "Scizzor" is literally nothing(seriously, I Googled it). D: I guess that it was a typo, but since it's an attack name and looks legitimate enough, so, you dodged that one.
Believability/Playability: 13/15pts
Well, the only thing that makes this card a bit unbalanced is that it LITERALLY can't be OHKO'd, but AT LEAST 3HKO'd. It also makes Weakness a bit, well, useless. Maybe to make that Ability luck-based might do the trick.
I really liked this card, rev, keep up that amazing work!
Total Score: 48/50pts
Good, a mental Ninetales!
Let's see how spooky it is:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
Properly earned them, nice Ablity you have there, the attacks look nice... Nice job!
Wording: 15/15pts
I see no errors in Wording, so let's continue...
Believability/Playability: 14/15pts
This card is actually very balanced. Energy requirements are fine, damage output as well, but just one thing hit your believability: The Energy in the first attack. The Energy placement follows the order of the types as in any BW-On set (as in Grass, Fire, Water, Lightning, Psychic, Fighting, Darkness, Metal, Fairy, Dragon and Colorless). That said, you should have placed the icons the other way around (Most Recent Reference: Noivern FFI).
Wow, bowlerdude, you made a fantastic job this time, congrats! Keep up that amazing work!
Total Score: 49/50pts
Haha, what I like the most from that ripped Reuniclus is the fact that the Battle Arena can still be seen through it's body. xD Let's see how this goes:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
You have a very creative card here, Machamp. Nicely thought and very original. Perfect!
Wording: 14/15pts
Welp, you forgot the "Evolves from" clause. Nothing more besides that, though.
*Thanks for noticing D:*
Believability/Playability: 15/15pts
This card's balance is actually very good. The chances that you actually get 6 Stage 2 Pokémon in play at one is extremely low, low enough to guarantee a win. And the attack is simply a bench-filler, so, it works nicely.
Wow, Machamp, you almost nailed this card! Keep up the good work!
Total Score: 49/50pts
Awesome, a Delta Kyurem that's a Dark-type. Where's Team Plasma when you need it? xD Let's unpiece this:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
Awesome card, Drac, the Ability looks really cool and the attack is very original, specially because you brought back Holon Energy! Well done!
Wording: 13/15pts
I'm docking 2 point because of the Ability, that's supposed to say "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for a Black Kyurem EX or White Kyurem EX and switch it withKyurem EX this Pokémon. (Any cards attached to Kyurem EX this Pokémon, damage counters, Special Conditions, turns in play, and any other effects effects remain on the new Pokémon.) (...)". And also, I should dock a point because of the extra space in the second attack after AND before the comma, but since it's not a big deal, consider that it's part of the first mistake.
Believability/Playability: 15/15pts
Well, first of all, given the Energy requirements in all Black/White Kyurem-EX, the Ability can't really be that abused, and the attack out put is not that big and is dificult to pull off every turn, so it's a perfect balance! Nice!
Very nice card overall, Drac, note those little things if you were to continue faking in BW/XY Era and keep this nice work going!
Total Score: 48/50pts
Ah, the Cradily that started the madness... xD Let's see how even crazier it gets:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
Not going to lie, it's really nice! The Ability is very good in terms of creativity and the second one is actually very interesting(I'll get to it later). The last attack can also be a snipe, so that's neat! And to top it off, it's a Keeper's Pokémon. Nicely done!
Wording: 13/15pts
Well, the most noticeable thing is the lack of HP, so -2 for that. But apart from that, everything else is fine
Believability/Playability: 12/15pts
Well, the attacks are very balanced, TBH. The first attack, actually, I don't know how many Item Cards can be in play besides Tools, so, that's funny.
But the fact that it has no HP makes it, LITERALLY, unable to be Knocked Out. You can attack him for 500 + Weakness that it survives, Poison will keep ading indefinitely... It's just hilariously insane!!! xD At first I considered a -5 here, but I'll take less because it's a small mistake, probably because of distraction, and it's a first-timer. But be aware that next time I'll have no mercy.
Well, the Cradily DID turned out to be wacky!
But be a bit more careful next time, ok, pal? 
Total Score: 45/50pts
Well, the darkest card I've seen this month is a Fairy! xD Haha, I really need to stop joking around..:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
A very nice card, ATA, the Ability is very nice, and the attack is not really something you see everyday. Nice job!
Wording: 14/15pts
All the wording is fine except for one thing: The Ability should say "Once during your turn (before YOUR attack),...". Nothing apart from that.
Believability/Playability: 13/15pts
When it comes to balance, the card is fine, but a little rock hit your believability: The Weakness is not corresponding to a Lampent. If a Pokémon is Delta Species, it retains its original Weakness and Resistance, so a [M] weak Fire-type is not really from a Delta Pokémon.
Well, it wasn't your best work, Alex, I gotta say. Try again next month and climb back to the top!
Total Score: 47/50pts
3rd Place: The bronze goes to 9Tailz's Clawitzer and also to AlexanderTheAwesome's Lampent, both scoring 47/50 points!
2nd Place: Here stands 4 contestants: Lugia123, Xdog, rev3rsor and GM Draclord, all netting themselves 48/50 points!
1st Place: The gold medal goes to 3 persons! SquirtleSquad's Greninja, bowlerdude04's Ninetales and [mod]Machamp The Champion[/mod]'s Reuniclus, all getting 49/50 points! Congrats to all!
Text Based: (Judged by Luispipe8)
The guy that looks like an ocean said:Chesnaught DELTA SPECIES 140HP [R] [L]
Stage2 Evolves from Quilladin
This Pokémon is both [R] [L] type.
Ability: Delta Strength
This Pokémons attacks do 10 more damage for each Holon Energy attached to this Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).
[L] [L] Shocking Ivy 30
You may discard all [L] Energy attached to this Pokémon. If you do, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed and Poisoned.
[R] [R] [R] [L] [L] Burn Down The Forest!
Discard all Energy attached to this Pokémon. Put 20 damage counters on 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. If one of your opponent's Pokémon is Knocked Out by damage from this attack take 2 prize cards. This Pokémon does 100 damage to itself.
Weakness: [R] Resistance: Reatreat: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Alright, the first Delta Pokémon and it's a dual-type! Let's see how this goes:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
This card is very creative, the effects are good and original, and you even brought back the Holon Energy! Also nice touch on the name. Let's hope it literally doesn't burn down the forest. xD Great work, Lugia!
Wording: 14/15pts
I'm just docking a single point for 2 minor errors in typing: You missed an apostrophe in "Pokémon's" in the Ability and also a comma in the "from this attack, take 2 prizes" in the second attack.
Believability/Playability: 14/15pts
I want to start this by pointing something out: In the second attack, you state that you take 2 prizes, not "an extra prize". That's actually very interesting because it lets you take a knockout on a regular Pokémon for 2 prizes, but not being insanely OP to take 3 for an EX. That's actually neat, intentional or not, because it actually gives this card a lot of balance. And if it wasn't enough, the attack cost combined with the drawback are INSANE! xD You can take 3-5 turns charging up the attack, then make one of the most suicidal moves in the TCG and then get KO'd by a plethora of things afterwards. And even though you attach something like a Protection Cube or that stuff, it's nearly impossible to stream this things! xD The ONLY way I can see this "working", is to play both Eelektrik and Heatran Lv.X: Attack, Rush In with Keldeo to charge the Lightnings, manually attach a Fire and retreat, but it's still an almost impossible set-up that could work like 1 out of 250 games. All that said, its very Under-powered. D: But apart from that, the rest of the attacks are good, the Ability can't be abused that much... but yeah, it's an under-powered card. But the real reason I'm docking a point is because Delta Species Pokémon, when Dual-typed, generally have Metal as it's secondary Type, so, that's the only thing that actually wrong.
Wow, I can't believe I actually got to see an Under-powered card... xD But putting this aside, the card is actually very nice, you did an amazingly good job this month, Lugia, keep it up!
Total Score: 48/50pts
The Rising Star said:Stage 2 Greninja δ DELTA SPECIES HP140![]()
[sprite]657[/sprite] Evolves from Frogadier
NO.658 Ninja Pokémon HT: 4'11" WT: 88.2 lbs.
Ninja Shadow![]()
When your Active Pokemon is Knocked Out by damage from an attack (yours or your opponent's) and this Pokemon is in your discard pile you may put this Pokemon onto your Bench and attach 1 [P] Energy from your discard pile to this Pokemon. If you do, switch this Pokemon with your new Active Pokemon.
Shadow Sneak 60![]()
Switch the Defending Pokemon with 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. That Pokemon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn.
weaknessx2 resistance![]()
It appears and vanishes with a ninja's grace. It toys with its enemies using swift movements, while slicing them with throwing stars of sharpest water.
I almost feel that making Pokémon like Greninja, Kecleon and the such a Delta Species should not be allowed because they can be of those types at will. xD Alright, let's get going:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
The Ability is something one of a kind, and the Attack is actually something very creative. Way to go!
Wording: 14/15pts
First of all, I want, with all of my guts, to reword the Abiliity... But I just don't know how.
Believability/Playability: 15/15pts
I really can't see this card being OP. I mean, sure, it attacks and then Lysandres, but you can't stall someone Active with it because it forces you to Switch it, and the attack output looks corresponding to a Stage 2 for that amount of Energy. Nice, Squirtle!
This was a fantastic entry, as usual. But just one tiny error kept you from a 3 month perfect score streak. u.u But it's still top notch! Nice job this month!
Total Score: 49/50pts
That girl from Rocket Power said:[Stage 2] Charizard δ Delta Species HP 150 [N]
Evolves from Charmeleon δ
[R][D] Dark Fire 60
Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's Active Pokémon is now burned.
[F][D][C] Flames of Justice 160
Discard 2 Energy attached to this Pokémon. If this Pokémon has 20 HP or less, don't discard the Energy.
Weakness: [N] x2
Retreat: [C][C][C]
This Pokémon is a different type and color of what it normally is. Scientists believe the odds of this are 1 in billions.
Delta Dragon Charizard, gotta say I was expecting this. xD But y u no Delta Regis?! D: Haha, let's hit it:
Creativity/Originality: 18/20pts
This card is very creative, I gotta say, but it lacks that POW that says "Wow, this is awesome!". Still, Flames of Justice is an awesome name!
Wording: 12/15pts
I noticed 3 errors about this card: First, you forgot to capitalize Burned in the first attack. Second, the second attack's second part should say "If this Pokémon's remaining HP is 20 or less, don't discard the Energy" (Reference: Archeops PLB). And finally, the "Evolves from" clause shouldn't include the δ (Most recent reference: Ampharos δ, which evolves from Flaaffy δ, that evolves from Mareep δ). Nothing TOO big, good work on everything else!
Believability/Playability: 14/15pts
This cards is very balanced to me, except for it's final attack. Even though it requires a Dark to attack, it's still a little too much for 3 Energy. Consider that Charizard LTR needs 1 Fire and 4 Colorless to hit for 150, and discarding 1. Maybe adding an Energy to the attack cost or nerfing the damage to somewhere near 130 might work to it being a bit more balanced.
I actually liked this card a lot, Reggie, it just had some minor issues. Take care of those and I'll see you next month!
Total Score: 44/50pts
The weird looking Binacle said:[Stage 1] Trevenant δ [Delta Species] HP120 [R]
Evolves from Phantump δ
[R] Will-O-Wisp
Your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Burned.
[R][R][C] Phantom Force 90
If any damage is done to this Pokémon by attacks during your opponent's next turn, flip a coin. If heads, prevent that damage.
Weakness: [D] x2
Resistance: [F] -20
Retreat: [C][C][C]
Using its roots as a nervous system, it controls the trees in the forest. It's kind to the Pokémon that reside in its body.
Alright, another Grass-type that's supposed to be burning down... xD Let's see how hot is this:
Creativity/Originality: 16/20pts
Will-o-Wisp is kind of vanilla, but Shadow Force, although a bit predictable, does make up for it a little. Nice overall, though.
Wording: 14/15pts
I actually found only one error: the "Evolves from" clause shouldn't include the δ (Most recent reference: Ampharos δ, which evolves from Flaaffy δ, that evolves from Mareep δ). But you still nailed the rest!
Believability/Playability: 15/15pts
This card is actually really balanced. The only way I can see this getting SOME use is in an Agility-like deck with Victini, but it's a really bad call... xD Nicely done!
This was a nicely built card, steffenka. Just try to think outside the box a bit more next time, ok?
Total Score: 45/50pts
The comeback said:[Stage 1] Volcarona δ Delta Species HP 110 [W]
Evolves from Larvesta
NO. 637 Sun Pokémon HT: 5’03” WT: 101.4 lbs.
[Ability] Rainbow Scales
For each different type of basic Energy attached to this Pokémon, any damage done to this Pokémon by attacks is reduced by 10 (after applying Weakness and Resistance).
[C][C][C] Refracting Blast 50
If any basic Energy card attached to this Pokémon is the same type as the Defending Pokémon’s type, this attack does 30 damage to each of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
Weakness: [W] x2
Retreat Cost: [C]
Thought to be an embodiment of the sun, it appeared during a bitterly cold winter and saved Pokémon from freezing.
Illus. Ken Sugimori
Wow, that's a nice twist to this Contest, images instead of sprites!
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
Great Ability, amazing attack, it's nicely creative overall. Excellent!
Wording: 13/15pts
I spotted 2 errors here: First, the Ability should say "Any damage done to this Pokémon by attacks is reduced by 10 for each different type of basic Energy attached to this Pokémon (after applying Weakness and Resistance).", in inverse order of what you depicted (Most recent Reference: Cubone Triumphant). And second, the attack should go "If this Pokémon has any basic Energy attached to it that is the same type as the Defending Pokémon, this attack..." (Reference: Ninetales LTR. Everything else seems fine!
Believability/Playability: 15/15pts
Well, this card just can't be broken. I mean, it's a 110 HP Stage 1 that needs 3 Energy to attack, but the secondary effect is SO situational... And also playing a lot of basic Energy has proven to be bad in most decks. So kudos on a nice, balanced card!
I really liked this card a lot, XDog, I see you're a worthy contender in this Contest. Now go for the gold next month!
Total Score: 48/50pts
One of the many Steven Stones in PokéBeach said:BASIC || Tyrantrum EX || HP180 || [Y] || δ Delta Species
[Y][C] Delta Surge
Put 2 damage counters on each of your opponent's δ Delta Species Pokémon.
[Y][Y][Y] Robust Clobber 150-
Discard the top 3 cards of your deck. This attack does 150 damage minus 50 damage for each Trainer card discarded in this way.
Weakness: [M] x2
Retreat: [C][C]
Pokémon-EX rule
When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
Haha, a Fairy Tyrantrum... xD Let's see how this goes:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
This is an amazingly nice card in terms of creativity. Nice attack effects overall and the names are actually funny! xD Nice job!
Wording: 13/15pts
I found 2 errors about your card: First of all, in the first attack you are basically saying "Delta Delta Species Pokémon". You should write "Delta Species Pokémon", "δ Pokémon". or even the old way, "Pokémon that has δ in its name".
Believability/Playability: 11/15pts
Well, this card is not that balanced. It just bugs me that being a Basic EX that can get acceleration from Xerneas and potentially attack T2 it's a bit too much. I do get that usually around 2/5 of a deck are Trainers, but I believe that adding maybe [Y][Y] to the Energy requirement could make it a bit more balanced. And also, the Weakness is not corresponding to a Tyrantrum. If a Pokémon is Delta Species, it retains its original Weakness and Resistance, so a [M] weak Dragon is kind of weird. Specially since if you took inspiration from a Figthing type Tyrantrum, no incarnation of Fighting in the TCG is weak to Metal. So another 2 points there.
I liked this card overall, Momaster, it was just a bit unbalanced. Take note on those things and get ready for next month!
Total Score: 44/50pts
A Cradily bandwagon member said:Clawitzer δ DELTA SPECIES // HP100 [N]
STAGE 1 Evolves from Clauncher
NO. 693 Howitzer Pokémon HT: 4’03’’ WT: 77.8 lbs.
[C] Ammunition Swap
You may discard an Energy card attached to this Pokémon. If you do, search your discard pile for an energy card (excluding the one you discarded) and attach it to this Pokémon.
[C][C][C] Ammunition Burst 60
You may discard a basic Energy card attached to this Pokémon. If you do, this attack’s damage is dealt using the type on that Energy instead of this Pokémon’s type.
weakness resistance
[G] x2
retreat [C][C]
Their enormous claws launch cannonballs of water powerful enough to pierce tanker hulls.
Great, a Dragon Clawitzer! Never thought of that one before!
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
Fantastic card when it comes to effects, it's really creative! I personally love the second attack, it's really cool! Nice job!
Wording: 12/15pts
First of all, you forgot to capitalize Energy once in the attack, so there's a point. Then. the first attack should say "You may discard an Energy card attached to this Pokémon. If you do, attach an Energy from your discard pile to this Pokémon..."(Reference: Landorus FFI), and then place the "You can't choose an Energy you discarded with the effect of this attack." Clause (Reference: Superior Energy Retrieval), so 2 points in that one. Also, I believe the second attack can be reworded better, but there's no reference for that.
Believability/Playability: 15/15pts
I think everything that has to be done was said already: It's a good attack, but to pull it off effectively for a lot of turns is very difficult, so this card is in a perfect balance. Kudos!
Wow, I knew this card would do nice! Keep up the good work and go for the gold next month!
Total Score: 47/50pts
YOOM TAA said:STAGE 1 Wigglytuff δ Delta Species HP180 [N]
Evolves from Jigglypuff
NO.040 Balloon Pokémon HT: 3’03” WT: 26.5 lbs.
/Ability/ Bouncy Body
If any damage is done to this Pokémon by attacks (even if this Pokémon is Knocked Out), flip a coin. If heads, put 4 damage counters on the Attacking Pokémon.
[D][Y] Ferocious Leap 50
The Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed and Burned. Switch this Pokémon with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.
Weakness Resistance
[Y] x2
Retreat: [C]
Wigglytuff's body is very flexible. By inhaling deeply, this Pokémon can inflate itself seemingly without end. Once inflated, Wigglytuff bounces along lightly like a balloon.
I'm not particularly amazed you went with Wiggly. xD Let's take it down:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
This card is of course creative. A very funny Ability, a nicely thought attack... I like it!
Wording: 15/15pts
No mistakes here, moving on...
Believability/Playability: 7/15pts
Ok, you fell straight down. First of all, it's a 180HP Wigglytuff, which is very scary for a non-EX Stage 1. Then, the attack is absolutely SCARY in a Pokémon like that. Just use Xerneas T1 to accelerate Energy and then start a lock by T2 while attacking and hiding behind something like Trevenant, or Pyroar. And, the fact that it goes back to your bench makes a lock far more do-able. It's just scarily OP. I'd make it be worth [Y][Y][Y][C] to make it A BIT less broken. And also, the Weakness is not corresponding to a Wigglytuff. If a Pokémon is Delta Species, it retains its original Weakness and Resistance, so a [Y] weak Fairy is not really from a Delta Pokémon.
Well, the overall concept of the card looked nice... But it was freakin OP! D: Try to deal the power creep down a bit for next month, ok?
Total Score: 42/50pts
The guy who got his internet filtered by the government said:Crobat STAGE 2 130 HP [M] δ Delta Species
NO. 169 Bat Pokémon HT: 5'11" WT: 165.3 lbs.
Ability Moderate
If this Pokémon is your Active Pokémon and would be damaged by an opponent's attack, and that attack would do more than 50 damage, that attack does 50 damage instead.
[M][C][C] Scizzor Wing 40x
Flip 4 coins. This attack does 40 damage times the number of heads. If this attack would do more than 120 damage, this attack does 120 damage instead.
weakness [L] x2
resistance [G][F] -20
"Having metal wings allows it to be stronger in combat but makes it more difficult to fly silently and swiftly."
Alright, a Metal Crobat! Talk about Poison resistance. xD I wonder who was supposed to know what's behind the card, though... Let's see:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
Amazing imagination there, rev! Cool Ability, a Moderated attack as well... Oh, and that dual Resistance! Nice!
Wording: 15/15pts
Well, the text, even though there's no real recent reference, looks goodly enough. Although "Scizzor" is literally nothing(seriously, I Googled it). D: I guess that it was a typo, but since it's an attack name and looks legitimate enough, so, you dodged that one.
Believability/Playability: 13/15pts
Well, the only thing that makes this card a bit unbalanced is that it LITERALLY can't be OHKO'd, but AT LEAST 3HKO'd. It also makes Weakness a bit, well, useless. Maybe to make that Ability luck-based might do the trick.
I really liked this card, rev, keep up that amazing work!
Total Score: 48/50pts
Is he a bowl? said:Ninetales (δ Delta Species) 100 HP [P]
Stage 1 Pokémon - Evolves from Vulpix
#38. Fox Pokémon HT: 3'07", WT: 43.9 lbs.
[Ability] Eternal Curse
As long as this Pokémon is your Active Pokémon, whenever your opponent
flips any coins for an attack, treat those flips as tails.
[P][R] Ghostfire -- 30
Your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Burned and Confused.
[P][C][C] Kitsune's Revenge -- 40+
You may discard as many Supporter cards from your hand as you like. Then,
this attack does 10 more damage for each Supporter in your discard pile.
Weakness - [W] // Resistance - none // Retreat - [C]
Very smart and very vengeful. Grabbing one of its many tails could result in a
1,000-year curse.
Good, a mental Ninetales!
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
Properly earned them, nice Ablity you have there, the attacks look nice... Nice job!
Wording: 15/15pts
I see no errors in Wording, so let's continue...
Believability/Playability: 14/15pts
This card is actually very balanced. Energy requirements are fine, damage output as well, but just one thing hit your believability: The Energy in the first attack. The Energy placement follows the order of the types as in any BW-On set (as in Grass, Fire, Water, Lightning, Psychic, Fighting, Darkness, Metal, Fairy, Dragon and Colorless). That said, you should have placed the icons the other way around (Most Recent Reference: Noivern FFI).
Wow, bowlerdude, you made a fantastic job this time, congrats! Keep up that amazing work!
Total Score: 49/50pts
Cradily The Champion said:Stage 2 // Reuniclus δ delta species // HP90 [Y]
NO. 579 Multiplying Pokémon HT: 3'03" WT: 44.3lbs.
[Ability] Overtake
Once at the end of your turn, if you have 6 Stage 2 δ Pokémon in play, you may choose to win the game.
[C][C] Multiply
Search your deck for a δ Pokémon with the same name as 1 of your Benched δ Pokémon and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward.
weakness [P] X2
retreat [C][C]
align=right]When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power.[/align]
Haha, what I like the most from that ripped Reuniclus is the fact that the Battle Arena can still be seen through it's body. xD Let's see how this goes:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
You have a very creative card here, Machamp. Nicely thought and very original. Perfect!
Wording: 14/15pts
Welp, you forgot the "Evolves from" clause. Nothing more besides that, though.
Believability/Playability: 15/15pts
This card's balance is actually very good. The chances that you actually get 6 Stage 2 Pokémon in play at one is extremely low, low enough to guarantee a win. And the attack is simply a bench-filler, so, it works nicely.
Wow, Machamp, you almost nailed this card! Keep up the good work!
Total Score: 49/50pts
That girl on fire said:Kyurem EX (δ Delta Species) 180 HP [D]
Basic Pokémon
Ability - DNA Slice UP
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for a Black Kyurem EX or White Kyurem EX and switch it with Kyurem EX. (Any cards attached to Kyurem EX, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) If you do, put Kyurem EX on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 DNA Slice UP Ability each turn.
[D][D][C] Raging Storm 100+
Discard an Energy attached to this Pokémon. If you discarded a Holon Energy card , this attack does 50 more damage.
weakness - [M] x2
resistence -
retreat cost - [C][C][C]
[When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.]
Awesome, a Delta Kyurem that's a Dark-type. Where's Team Plasma when you need it? xD Let's unpiece this:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
Awesome card, Drac, the Ability looks really cool and the attack is very original, specially because you brought back Holon Energy! Well done!
Wording: 13/15pts
I'm docking 2 point because of the Ability, that's supposed to say "Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for a Black Kyurem EX or White Kyurem EX and switch it with
Believability/Playability: 15/15pts
Well, first of all, given the Energy requirements in all Black/White Kyurem-EX, the Ability can't really be that abused, and the attack out put is not that big and is dificult to pull off every turn, so it's a perfect balance! Nice!
Very nice card overall, Drac, note those little things if you were to continue faking in BW/XY Era and keep this nice work going!
Total Score: 48/50pts
THE Cradily that took over PokéBeach said:[D] Cradily δ delta species
Keeper's Pokemon
Stage 1 (evolves from Lileep)
Ability: Wretched Weed
When you play this Pokémon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Benched Pokémon, you may attach as many basic [D] Energy from your discard pile to this Pokémon as you like.
[D][C] Tumbling Bash 30+
Does 10 more damage for each Item card in play (both yours and your opponent's).
[D][D][D][D] Hide-and-go-Destroy
Does 100 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
Weakness: [F] Resistance: [W] Retreat [C][C][C]
It ensnares prey with its eight tentacles. It then melts the prey with a strong acid before feeding.
Ah, the Cradily that started the madness... xD Let's see how even crazier it gets:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
Not going to lie, it's really nice! The Ability is very good in terms of creativity and the second one is actually very interesting(I'll get to it later). The last attack can also be a snipe, so that's neat! And to top it off, it's a Keeper's Pokémon. Nicely done!
Wording: 13/15pts
Well, the most noticeable thing is the lack of HP, so -2 for that. But apart from that, everything else is fine
Believability/Playability: 12/15pts
Well, the attacks are very balanced, TBH. The first attack, actually, I don't know how many Item Cards can be in play besides Tools, so, that's funny.
Well, the Cradily DID turned out to be wacky!
Total Score: 45/50pts
The last minute entry of the month said:Stage 1 Lampent (Delta Species) 80 HP [Y]
Ability: Fanciful Fairy-ness
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may attach a [Y] Energy card from your hand to 1 of your [Y] Pokémon. If you do, put 1 damage counter on that Pokémon.
[Y][Y][C] Magic Wand 100
Return all Energy cards attached to this Pokémon to your hand.
W: [M] x2
R: [D] -20
RT: 1
The Pokémon floats around in the shape of a lamp feeding on people's souls
Well, the darkest card I've seen this month is a Fairy! xD Haha, I really need to stop joking around..:
Creativity/Originality: 20/20pts
A very nice card, ATA, the Ability is very nice, and the attack is not really something you see everyday. Nice job!
Wording: 14/15pts
All the wording is fine except for one thing: The Ability should say "Once during your turn (before YOUR attack),...". Nothing apart from that.
Believability/Playability: 13/15pts
When it comes to balance, the card is fine, but a little rock hit your believability: The Weakness is not corresponding to a Lampent. If a Pokémon is Delta Species, it retains its original Weakness and Resistance, so a [M] weak Fire-type is not really from a Delta Pokémon.
Well, it wasn't your best work, Alex, I gotta say. Try again next month and climb back to the top!
Total Score: 47/50pts
3rd Place: The bronze goes to 9Tailz's Clawitzer and also to AlexanderTheAwesome's Lampent, both scoring 47/50 points!
2nd Place: Here stands 4 contestants: Lugia123, Xdog, rev3rsor and GM Draclord, all netting themselves 48/50 points!
1st Place: The gold medal goes to 3 persons! SquirtleSquad's Greninja, bowlerdude04's Ninetales and [mod]Machamp The Champion[/mod]'s Reuniclus, all getting 49/50 points! Congrats to all!