Edit: Added flavor. Someone below seemed to have a very similar idea....
[C] Arceus EX 190 HP
PokeBody: Eternal Power: Once during your turn, before you attack, you may attach a basic energy card from your hand to Arceus EX. Arceus EX now becomes the same type as the energy attached until the end of your opponents turn. If you attached 2 basic energy cards to Arceus EX in the same turn, place 2 damage counters on Arceus EX. Arceus EX is now the same type as the energies attached.
[C][C][C] Judgment 70+: If the defending Pokemon has any resistances, this attack does 20 more damage.
[C][C][C][C][C] Everlasting Punishment 180: Discard 3 energies attached to Arceus EX or this attack does nothing. Arceus EX may not use Everlasting Punishment on your next turn
Retreat: [C][C][C]
Resistace: ---
Weakness: 2x [F]
The Pokemon-EX rule: When this Pokemon is knocked out, your opponent takes 2 prize cards instead of 1.