Pelipper –HP 120 – Water
Stage 1 – Evolves from Wingull
[Poké-POWER]: Power of the flock
If this Pokémon would take damage you may put that damage on a Wingull on your bench instead. If a Wingull is knocked out that way. Put it in the lost zone instead of the discard pile
[W] [C] Around the block
Put 2 Damage counters on 1 of your opponent's Pokémon
[W] [W] [W] Make them Squawk 70
Put 1 damage counter on one of your benched Wingull. If you don't have a Wingull benched you can't use this attack.
Weakness: | Resistance: | Retreat: |
Lightning (x2) | Fighting (-20) | [C] [C] |
I’m quite liking that Ability that you’ve going there, Mirdo! It’s obvious that you’ve used flavour to develop the effect, and it's quite a unique one for that matter. It gets me a little excited, actually - it’s like a pseudo-immunity, and I haven’t really seen anything like it. It also makes good use of the Lost Zone, as a Wingull is goes, it can’t come back. That’s a great method of balancing the effect while also forcing a bit of strategic play in managing resources, which is good design, and so props there.
Around the Block is a nice play on the phrase “around the block”, effect-wise. Make them Squawk has obvious synergy with the Ability in that the both benefit from having Wingull benched, and there’s also some interesting anti-synergy in that the attack increases the chances of your precious Wingull getting KO’d. I probably am a little concerned with the power, however, as 70 damage coming from a Pokemon semi-immune to damage is a tad too high in the HGSS era, even from a Pokemon Prime. I’d say that 40 or 50 damage would be better for balance.
120HP is much too high for a Pelipper, which would have been either 90 or 100HP in this era.
Wording errors:
- Attack names need the appropriate capitalisation. So, “Power of the flock” should be “Power of the Flock”, “Around the block” should be “Around the Block” and “Make them Squawk” should be “Make Them Squawk”. x3 (-2pts)
- “Lost Zone”, “Knocked Out” and “Benched”/”Bench” should each be capitalised. x5 (-3 pts)
- “damage” should not be capitalised. (-1pt)
- ‘one’ should be ‘1’. (-1pt)
- Instead of ‘would take damaged’, the correct wording is ‘would be damaged’. (-1pt)
- ‘that way’ should be ‘in this way’ (-1pt)
- You need to specify who the damage is taken from. That is, there should be a “by attacks” after “damage”. (-2pt)
- You need to have something in the Ability that lets you choose a Wingull. What you have is sorta there, but it needs to be clearer, like: “...would be damaged by attacks, you may choose 1 of your Benched Wingull. If you do, that damage is done to that Pokémon instead.” (-2pts)
- Based off Giratina Lv.X, the second part of the Ability shoud be joined (-1pt) and written as follows: “If a Wingull would be Knocked Out in this way, put that Pokémon and all cards attached to it in the Lost Zone instead of discarding it.” (-2pts).
- The “can’t use this attack” clause of the Make Them Squawk effect should be written as “(This attack does nothing if you don’t have a Wingull on your Bench.)” (-2pts)
References: Name Captilisation - Golurk PLB, “Power of the Flock” - Carracosta NVI, Regigigas Lv.X, Giratina Lv.X, “Make Them Sqauwk” - Infernape Lv.X
Creativity/Originality: 18/20
(A unique Ability that combines design space expertly, with some neat synergy with the attack.)
Wording: 0/15
(Significant major errors and multiple minor errors.)
Believability/Playability: 13/15
(Too much HP and a bit unbalanced.)
Total: 31/50
I don’t normally hand out 18 points for Creativity, so great job there, Mirdo! Unfortunately the wording did get the better of you this round, partially due to the complexity of the effects. However, there were also few minors errors that could have been avoided if you checked a few references, so make sure you do that in future.