RE: PokéBeach Fakemon Contest #3 - ENTER NOW. Ghost/Fighting
Ancient monk pokemon
Abilities: dry skin/inner focus
Height: 3 ft 8 in
Weight: 57 ilbs
Gender: 75% male 25% female
Desc. 1: these pokemon are born when a person or pokemon mummifies itself with smoke. Their bodies are incredibly frail.
Desc. 2: Muhdda meditate all day and do not move unless attacked. It is said that they are waiting for something.
1-night shade
30-shadow punch
40-drain punch
50-fire punch
50-ice punch
50-thunder punch
60-focus punch
70-shadow ball
80-focus blast
90-aura sphere
100- nirvana channel (raises atk, sp atk, and sp def)
Hp: 60
Atk: 110
Def: 30
Sp atk: 140
Sp def: 100
Spd: 20
Locations: burned tower, mt coronet, giant chasm, and dragon spiral tower.
This pokemon is based off of a practice that Japanese monks would do to preserve their bodies in wait for the arrival of the new buddha.