Pokébeach Forum Chat

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There was probably a reason. Last time I saw you on for example, you were changing nicks every 10 seconds or so, which is annoying to read through. PB chat is a very lax place, but people are seldom banned without a solid justification
No one has gotten banned today, at least not since I logged in at 7:54 CST. Are you sure you weren't kicked? Tell us what message you are getting so we might be able to figure this out easier.
You weren't banned, you were only kicked like bacon said for lots of nick changes. All you have to do to come back after you are kicked is type:

 /join #pokebeach

But remember to abide by all the rules so you don't get kicked or maybe even banned.
thanks. I was kicked yesterday, and my little brother kept coming onto the computer whenever i left for toilet, that's why my name kept changing.
bacon said:
There was probably a reason. Last time I saw you on for example, you were changing nicks every 10 seconds or so, which is annoying to read through. PokeBeach chat is a very lax place, but people are seldom banned without a solid justification

Trudat ;]

Anyways yeah, Wariopower is our main man for chat help, so if anything comes up, just PM him or something, he can always help. :3
Just a btw, don't assume that you got kicked for no reason -_- There's always a reason. Please use your head. If you're serious that its your brother, bonk him on the head and perhaps actually care and put a password on your computer when it goes on sleep.

Erm, if you don't care, why are you posting this. Thus far, you've been spammy and outright annoying. None of your posts here have been useful. Just either whining or posting messages that do nearly nothing to advance a conversation. That isn't how we talk on a forum.

Might I ask where you are "famous"? I'm willing to bet that site has either a really n00by fanbase or has like 5 members.

That's fine about D9. Things like that happen. We would hope you don't know every single person on this site when you join... that'd destroy the point of joining. He can be a little annoying sometimes, but you should just ignore him. There are buttons for that you know ;)

Also, calm down kid. The mods here aren't "stupid". Its just that you're out of your "zone". We don't support spamming as much as other sites might. We're a tad bit more strict. Just get used to it and try to have a fun time.
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