Pokémon Acanthite TCG Series

And when we're going to see some >> Pokémon, Flameh? They're the ones we're still missing.

I think everyone is tired of my 'goshing' at Scyther and Scizor cards/art/whatever, so I'll just say it's pretty cool.
Thanks :D We'll have a >> card to show when we have one - sorry for the lack of useful information. As BATTLE cards need specific artwork (which I know our Ninty puts a lot of hard work into) they're not the kind of thing I can throw together just to show you all. Rest assured though, there is a >> guy in New Ground, so you will see them then :D
I imagine that these >> cards are going to be very, very good

Honestly I can't see any Defense BATTLE Pokemon being used much at all if the Draglanz is any indication of their overall capabilities

Twenty damage on a Stage 2 is something out of Base Set, and Soul Bind's consumption of your Energy is very much not desirable.

edit Don't know why I didn't notice this before, but it should be "attack cost", not "Energy Cost": reference
That would be my fault; I know back in the ex-series it was usually referred to as Energy cost so it must have been a force of habit job by yours truly. Flameh fail. I believe we've used Energy Cost elsewhere in the AC series too; for consistency it'd make sense to continue this in future - this is a new series after all, and the official TCG can't make its mind up with wording from set to set.

edit: oh yeah, re: Draglanz

Draglanz is a bit UP'd, but in line with the BATTLE concept, we've nerfed his damage/speed in favour of healing and defensive powers and gave him a higher HP than usual. As it stands this kind of thing won't be too useful, but we're going to work on it :D
Great to hear it :D Thank you :)

You guys want something else pretty? Here's Pengwint, with some cute art from Kam.

Delta Nite said:
Ice texture = pure win. Is there any texture you guys didn't release yet?

Not that I can think of in regards to individual types, but some cards have their own unique mashups of different textures - one of which you guys will be seeing in the coming weeks :D

Reshiwott said:
It looks like a squished piplup XD. These cards are great, love the artwork!

Glad you like 'em :D
Here be Solaccoon!


This guy is the final evolution of Kindlejou, the fire starter. He's dual Fire/Light type, and his artwork here was by Comfy Cushion :D
No-one? Okay then, maybe we could do with some moar cards; so here is Pestiloak from AC: New Ground, and two promos!



Pestiloak is a new Pokémon design from the Acanthite Pokédex, and I must say I'm a big fan of it myself! The 'official' artwork here is by our amazing Nintendo Jr. :D Joltik's art is the work of Nekoban Ryo, and Entei's art is by PokéBeach's own Xous. Hope you guys like these :D
You did a really nice job on the cards. The background of the cards really does stand out and works in a complement manner with the Pokemon.
It's not Poison, it's Grass, with some of the Ghost texture overlayed. I forgot to clarify this :p Flameh fail. Pestiloak is Grass/Ghost type, and for the sake of making the card more individual it made sense to tweak it a little :)
Wait. You guys are keeping that awesome Poison blank AND introducind this awesome Grass/Ghost/Macho blank?! [link=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RugkWzDYceg]This set is amazing.[/link]
That video is amazing. Yeah, it's been something that we've been doing here and there where we change the texture around if it feels appropriate - you can see on the Entei as well, where I borrowed a bit of Fang's old Dragon texture (from the pre-BW days) and mixed it in to make it feel a little more 'legendary' than the usual Fire texture. If there's something that I find a little disappointing about official sets it's the copypaste textures that appear on every single card of the type - personally I've been trying to encourage these slight edits to make some cards seem a little more unique :D