The man stood there, outside Snowpoint Temple. The chilly air was settled around him, but something just didn’t seem right. He ran in. It was even colder inside than outside, but he still cleared the ice puzzles with ease. He ran, and ran, and ran. He reached the lowest chamber, and what he saw shocked him to the core. Gone. The statue was gone. Realising the implications, he fled from the building, hoping to alert someone to the disturbance. His cape, although hindering to his speed, flowing behind him.
Caitlin delicately walked down the steps of the Aeroplane, followed by Alder. At the depot, they were greeted by Cynthia. “Good travels, I hope?” she asked. Caitlin merely yawned in response. The plane had taken the whole night to get there.
“Yes, Cynthia. It was a long journey, though.” Alder said in response to the question.
“Well, anyway. It’s good to see you two. Shall we get on to Eterna?” Cynthia asked briskly.
“Yes, we should.” They made their way over to a pricey-looking limousine, and with a command of “Drive.” To the valet, they were off. The driver smirked, ready for the events to transpire that day.
Here it was. Drasna bit her lip and looked at Siebold. The rest of the Elite Four had arrived in Sinnoh for the Election. They had all held last-minute rallies for Cynthia voters. Now, they were waiting in a private room of the election building in Eterna City. She poured a cup of tea, and sat there, thinking over the events that had occurred in the previous days. Cynthia was running against that evil man for the position of Sinnoh representative. Cyrus had almost cornered Cynthia, but her ability in the spotlight had counteracted his attempts, with her flawlessly delivering the final speech. They were watching a widescreen television, with a direct broadcast feed of the election results on. Cyrus and Cynthia were sitting next to each other, obviously not enjoying the other’s presence. Mr. Zuru was sitting in the collective of supporters there, with Caitlin and Alder being there, too. They were counting the ballots. Cynthia dominated right off the bat, with almost double the votes of Cyrus; however, as the counting continued, the votes swayed more and more in Cyrus’ favour. It was down to the last ten votes:
As the last vote was called, the room was in complete silence.
The crowds of Cynthia’s supporters burst out in joy. Cyrus seemed like he would blow his top any minute. It was so close; Drasna had felt beads of sweat forming on her forehead. She was glad Cyrus hadn’t won, but she held a fear in her heart for whatever he would do next. If it was anything, it’d be something big. At that very moment, there was a large crash, and the doors flung open to reveal a red-haired man in a cape. Lance. “EVERYONE!” he shouted. “REGIGIGAS IS GONE!” he was met by a stunned silence, broken only by Drasna sipping on her tea.
“It was to be expected,” she commented, “of course he’d have an out to losing. It’s the only way in politics, it seems.” Just then, Mr. Zuru stood up, and pulled a gun out of his jacket. He shot, directly at Cyrus. The bullet missed by a hair’s breadth, and dented the wall behind. Everything was happening at once. Police officers rushing to apprehend Mr. Zuru, the collective supporters of both sides flustering about, unsure quite what was happening. At that moment, as if to make the situation worse, Cyrus held up four Poké Balls.
“In these Poké Balls,” he raised his voice above all others, “I hold the Legenday Pokémon; Regice, Regirock, Registeel, and Regigigas! Unless I am declared winner of this ballot, I shall release them all upon you!” Drasna glanced at her satchel, and nodded to the other Elite Four members. The exited the room, and ran down the hallway, bursting in on the main hall, the source of the disturbance.
“Hold it, dear,” Drasna said calmly to Cyrus. “Are you sure you want to do that?” In her hands, she held two ornate Poké Balls.
“Old lady, what are you going to do with those?” Cyrus asked mockingly. The very words rose Drasna’s inner rage grow. She hated being called an old lady.
“Oh, dear, dear, dear. Look what a mess you’ve got yourself into. It’s four against one. How are you going to deal with us?” as she uttered those words, all the other Elite Four members readied their Poké Balls, and sent out their Pokémon. Malva released a Blaziken, Wikstrom a Scizor, and Siebold a Blastoise. Lastly, Drasna held out the two Poké Balls, and said a silent prayer. She threw them, and twin red and blue lights were released. They took the forms of two Pokémon; both looking remarkably similar to the other. The general crowd gasped in shock. These were no ordinary Pokémon. Drasna sat down, took a sip of her tea, and said, “Go on, dears, do your work.”