Yes, as they're going to be clones.ssb4ever said:all of the three are hardy????
Why would I want a Bibarel when I've got a shiny Bidoof? (I just need to clone & evo it.)JPokemon said:I have a shiny Bibarel if your interested?
She's currently on my misplaced Sapphire.agustinj said:please CML for a shiny milotic clone
Will do.MquaZa said:When you'll have all the Pokemon I need just tell me over MSN ......
Max Shade IV said:Can you refresh my memory on what items I'm giving to you? That way, I can make a list?
Also, your Wishing Eevee is going to be bred soon. I'm working on getting a Bibarrel with Wish and a Female, Adamant eevee.
Light Venusaur said:Max Shade IV said:Can you refresh my memory on what items I'm giving to you? That way, I can make a list?
Also, your Wishing Eevee is going to be bred soon. I'm working on getting a Bibarrel with Wish and a Female, Adamant eevee.
I no longer need an Adamant Wishing Eevee, I got one off Abhorsen today.