RE: LV's My Player Thread (Has: ALL TM'S & Movie Darkrai's-Bold natured, wants: Shinies)
Mega Update on the main page (Post #1).
Mega Update on the main page (Post #1).
yea but I'll give you even more for itLight Venusaur said:Hiro said:have you looked yet I'm willing to give 5 shinies for movie DarkraiHiro said:I'm really want movie Darkrai I have alot of shinies check out my my player thread (in my sig.)
Can you hold for me: 10th Aniv's Zard & Celebi
shadowblade said:Are we able to do the trade for the Glitched shaymin and glitched Darkrai now? check my thread for what you want for them!
List what you've got & I'll think about it.jdflyer4 said:I'll trade you anything for a shiny stone..but I don't have any shiny pokemon
Well I do have:The-Sinnoh-Champ said:CML for these TM's:
Earthquake x2
Stone Edge
Stealth Rock
Thunder Wave
Energy Ball
Nope, only MSN & AIM.dialga007 said:Have you got icq? That would make it easier![]()
Well, I'm looking for cards for he's a very rare event Pokémon to get.Yakkov said:Light, I want your Lucario...and I have the Movie Shaymin. But is there a way you can clone it, and trade me back the oringal, along with Lucario, if we do the trade. I promised a friend the Shaymin, and I want to be able to keep that promise.
If its easier on you, I have AIM, Yahoo!, and MSN to work with for instant messegers if that is better.