RE: Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)
I also have a PCP and gamestop Jirachi UT. i have to list them on my thread.
Nickname: SHAYMIN (not really nicknamed...)
OT Gender: blue
ID: 02089
EVs (if known/estimated): Don't know.
IVs (if known/calculated): Same with EVs.
Nature: Mild
Characteristic: Proud of its power.
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves: Seed Flare, Aromatherapy, Subsitute, Energy Ball
Current Level: 50
Level Caught at: Fateful encounter at Lv50.
Location received: Pokémon Event
Current Stats: Hp: 167, ATK: 120, DEF: 105, SP ATK: 127, SP DEF: 110, SPD: 108
Pokeball caught in: Cherish Ball
*Saves to drafts so he dosn't have to make a form like this again.
