Pokémon Chronicles

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The Crest of Reliability
Do they even do that anymore? It's kinda stupid considering there's no plot to it at all :/
I dont think so, I liked it though. It showed characters that we don't see every day, and in each episode there was a plot!
Seperate plots :/ then once the episode is over all chances of that being mentioned again are gone :/
Gamefreak734 said:
I liked it and I hope there will be new ones even though there most likely won't be:(

Ya that would be awesome, like little different episodes, maybe one following zoey somewhere or some people from Diamond and Pearl, That would be pretty cool!
I love the chronicles-the way it suddenly jumps up from nowhere and show some good stuff. its kindda like an unexpected movie.....wish they would do a chronicles on Ash's "left out" pokemon soon....u know, with pidgeot and primape...
No, they don't do it anymore. They were just special episodes that the USA skipped. Then they decided to dub them and just called it "pokemon chronicles". I liked some of the episodes (the Team Rocket and Meowth ones) but thought that most of them were boring.
Meowth is right, they were just Japanese special eps that never made it over here. I liked them, mind.
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