Pokemon Pokémon Cries That You Like More in Gen. I-V games Than Gen. VI


Aspiring Trainer
I'm of course talking about the updated cries, like Machop changing from Pee-a-lee-orgh to OH YES! and Zigzagoon from A-roo to B-ziir. They didn't even try with some cries!

You can also include your fav Stadium cries.

OT: Has anyone noticed how Chesnaught sounds like Biolizard when petting it on MonAmi?
RE: Pokémon cries you like more in Gen 1-5 games than Gen 6

Vulpix's cry in Y/X kinda annoys me. He sounds like he had something inside his throat.
RE: Pokémon cries you like more in Gen 1-5 games than Gen 6

I was fine when it was found out Pikachu's cry was changed, but when I noticed that many of the pokemon also got new cries it kinda was disappointing in a way. (Though at first I thought it was my imagination.) I'm not a big fan of that many new cries for the older pokemon, personally just think they should've stayed as is. The cries didn't need to be changed, so why change them? Was there something with compatibility with the sound frequency or somrthin'? =p
RE: Pokémon cries you like more in Gen 1-5 games than Gen 6

Swampert´s cry in the previous generations is much better than in XY.