Finished Pokémon Hangman

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Sorry guys, I forgot what it was. I think I posted it before I finished. So here is the the new one.

---A--- --E -------E'- ---E --A-E! This is a tricky one...
---A--- --E -------E'- ---E --A-E!

Towards the Overcome's Time Space.

Considering the length, I knew it would be a movie title.
I had to look up the name on serebii though, as on pokebeach, we translated it as this;

The Conquering of Space-Time

Personally, I think that's pretty much more accurate anyway, as Serebii's title doesn't appear to make sense, but.. whatever. =P
Yup! You got it! I couldn't find the Pokebeach one though. The Serebii one would've been harder if u didn't look it up though.:'(
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