Finished Pokémon Hangman

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Since Snorchu didn't answer, I'm going to assume I got that one right. Real easy one guys. I hope you don't mess this up:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8 Lives remain
Actually, I wasn't online. Heh! But yeah, it's correct.

Zyflair said:
Since Snorchu didn't answer, I'm going to assume I got that one right. Real easy one guys. I hope you don't mess this up:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8 Lives remain

Zyflair has been idle for quite some time. Guesses are accumulating. We should DROP ZYFLAIR'S PUZZLE AND MOVE ON.
xtrabaggage said:
yeah here's one

_ _ R A _ A _ _ A _ _
A _ _ S _ _ _!

8 lives remain

Dang it you guys are getting all the letters. Sorry I didn't put an I'm away thing I was at Kalahari Water Resort and the Wi-Fi didn't turn on.
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