Writing Pokémon Legacy (Chapter 50 is online, ''book 1'' closed!) Waiting on comments!

RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future[James' Fanfic contest entry] (Chapter 26)


This chapter is so hot!
The ways you describe everything...
All of the action...
I really like your writing style and you've shown your awesome writing style in this chapter again!!!

Keep going mate;)
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future[James' Fanfic contest entry] (Chapter 26)

Well James I'm working on reading this! I'm on chapter 2 and its great so far! Your giving me a run for my money in this contest! Keep up the good work!
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future[James' Fanfic contest entry] (Chapter 2

Allright peopel, here it is, chapter 27! Max Shade IV is pitted against Cyrus, Team Galaxy's Leader! How will this go...? Read it all here! :D

Also, if you're willing to help me in a certain experiment, click here please, and turn on your sound to decent volume! I'm trying to see if while my fans are listening a certain song, if they experience the chapters better! So when commenting, please tell me that if when you listened to the music you thought the chapter was better to read or not...?



Chapter 27: Cyrus vs Max Shade IV, begin!

In front of me stood the man who was in charge over all this hi-tech building, as well as one of the last big teams left on earth.

’’Well, it’s not like I don’t appreciate your arrival, but I could have managed to hold my own.’’
’’Shut it Cyrus!’’ Max yelled enraged.
’’What’s this…?’’ Cyrus said while looking a little surprised at Max.
’’Quit fooling around! You know why I’m here!’’
’’Oh, but of course I know why you’re here! Crobat! Cross poison!’’
’’Electivire! Evade and counter with thunder punch!’’

Cyrus’ Crobat darted forward with incredible speed, and it would almost so fast that the eye couldn’t see it. Max’s Electivire jumped sideways and dodged the attack, but Cyrus’ Crobat had such speed it immediately flew out of Max’s Electivire’s reach after missing.

’’It’s useless Max! My Crobat’s speed is unmatchable!’’
’’That’s an illusion you have! I’ll show you! Electivire! Try to get a hold of that Crobat!’’

Max’s Electivire followed Cyrus’ Crobat with its point of view, and all of a sudden it looked as if it darted forward, but it jumped to the left instead. Cyrus’ Crobat only paid attention on the dart forwards, and made an evasion move towards the left… Only to be right in the middle of Max’s Electivire’s attack radius!

’’Way to go Electivire! Now thunder punch that Crobat to the floor!’’
’’Crobat! Watch out!’’

But Cyrus warned his Crobat a little too late, and Max’s Electivire had a clean shot. Cyrus’ Crobat was slammed to the floor, while it was still crackling with electric surges from the thunder punch attack.

’’Well, it seems I have one of your pokémon down now, don’t I? I must admit, it was quite tough to do so, but your Crobat is out of the league now…!’’
’’My, my… I am surprised.’’ Cyrus said frustrating calmly.
’’What do you mean?! I knocked your pokémon straight to the floor! There’s no way it’ll be getting up that easily?!’’
’’And you claim to truly be the legendary Max Shade IV…?’’
’’What are you pointing at…?!’’
’’If you’re truly Max Shade IV, you must be older then three millennia! Don’t tell me you’ve never witnessed anything spectacular in those three millennia?!’’ Cyrus said excited all of a sudden.
’’I-I still don’t… get your… point…?!’’ Max said a little astonished by Cyrus’ excitement.
’’I’ll show you what I mean! Crobat, get back here for now.’’

We all looked at the beaten up Crobat laying on the floor. It looked as if it actually was out of any action, but all of a sudden it began to move again…! It flew back up using three of its wings, since the fourth one was apparently broken by the thunder punch.

’’Cyrus, if you’re planning on using your Crobat further in this fight…’’
’’Then what…? It’s my Crobat after all, and I know what I’m doing…!’’
’’It would simply be unforgivable…! You can’t push you pokémon beyond their limits if you risk their lives!’’
’’You’re just being plain stupid Max…’’
’’You speak in riddles Cyrus!’’
’’Not at all. Do you think I would risk one of my pokémon just to but you…? I didn’t think so.’’
’’Then what are you…?’’

Not only Max looked pretty surprised at Cyrus’ nurturing behaviour against his Crobat, but so did we. We watched as Cyrus’ Crobat gave it its all to fly back towards Cyrus, and it landed right in front of him. Cyrus kneeled down, and grabbed a small package from his waist as he grabbed his Crobat in his right hand.

’’Now there, let’s fix you up, right Crobat?’’

For a moment we could see a small moment of romance between the two, and Cyrus opened the small package he had grabbed from his waist. He grabbed a small injection needle and capsule, and injected his Crobat with the serum inside of the capsule.

’’Now then, let’s get to the real part, shall we?’’

We all looked in shock at Cyrus’ actions, as he grabbed all kinds of tools from the small package and displayed them in front of him and his Crobat. It was almost as if a doctor was preparing the tools he needed for operating his patients…

’’What the hell do you think you’re doing…?!’’ Max yelled all of a sudden.
’’Just shut it! Let me do my work here!’’

We all simply watched at Cyrus, and what he was doing, since what else could we do…? Cyrus then grabbed a sharp looking scalpel, and began to cut his Crobat’s broken wing’s skin off?!

’’Cyrus! Stop that at once! You can cut your own pokémon apart like that…!’’
’’Shut it! First of all, I’m not cutting my pokémon apart, and secondly my Crobat is under the influence of my serum. It’s pretty numb now, and doesn’t feel a thing anyways. Just watch.’’

We all watched in agony as Cyrus grabbed a few tissues to dip the blood away as he cut away more skin of his Crobat… But what we then saw was unbelievable…! Instead of have normal muscles and bone, the broken wing of Cyrus’ Crobat turned out to be mechanical…! Cyrus the grabbed a sort of screwdriver, and began to repair the broken wing of his Crobat. He then grabbed some ointment from his package, and after pulling his Crobat’s skin back to where it once was he rubbed the ointment on the wound. Within seconds the wound was healed, and it was as if the wound had never been there.

’’There you go, Crobat…!’’

Cyrus’ Crobat then moved its once broken wings up and down a little, and before anyone could follow it, it flew up high into the sky, as if nothing had happened.

’’Well, medicine made from Gabite scales sure come in handy at certain times…!’’
’’Y-you monster…’’ Max said while being angered after seeing it all.
’’Oh? What do you mean Max?’’ Cyrus said calmly.
’’How could you even turn your own pokémon into cyborgs…?!’’
’’Well, it’s rather convenient you know. And besides, my pokémon all did it by their own free will. Besides, they’re more powerful that way, as well as more resilient.’’
’’You don’t have the right to play for God when you subjected your pokémon to your horrible experiments…! That’s also why I’m here!’’
’’Shut it already! You have such a big mouth! Can’t you see who’s the superior here?!’’
’’I am the superior! You just tell me where you’re keeping Mesprit, and I’ll leave here at once after I saved it from your evil clutches…!’’
’’Ah, so you came for the Mesprit project, huh? Well, maybe if you manage to beat me you’ll learn more about my brilliant project…! Crobat! Poison fang!’’

Cyrus’ Crobat darted down even faster than it did before, and it was as if Cyrus’ surgery gave his Crobat even more power…!

’’Electivire, counter with-’’

But before Max could finish his sentence, his Electivire was bitten by Cyrus’ poison fangs. Cyrus’ Crobat flew off sky high to safety, as Max’s Electivire fell to its knees. It was apparently badly poisoned, and as such it had trouble staying on its feet.

’’Oh, did I forgot to tell you, Max…? I altered more than just a wing to my Crobat’s body structure… I also added a few extra toxic sacs, which contain a few of the deadliest toxins known in the history…! If you’re truly Max Shade IV, the you should be familiar with the famous V-virus, no?’’

We all looked at Max, who looked shocked at Cyrus.

’’T-that can’t be… the V-Virus was a version of pokérus that went terribly bad after Team Infectus had done some experiments on it… It was roughly two millennia ago they developed it tough…’’
’’Exactly. I, however, managed to save a copy from that time. My Crobat know has the V-Virus stored in its body, and any victim unfortunate to be hit by its poison fangs will be infected by the dreaded V-Virus.’’
’’C-curse you…!’’

All of a sudden Ben from my team began to move into my direction, and he softly whispered something in my ear.

’’Sir Brian, what exactly is this V-Virus…? Do you have any idea what it is…?’’
’’The V-Virus was a highly deadly virus that roamed the world approximately two millennia ago. The reason why it was so deadly was…’’

I swallowed for a while, since it wasn’t a pleasure to pronounce what the V-Virus did to it’s victims…

’’It was so deadly because it firstly makes the victim numb and disorientated… After that, it starts a process which will break down every cell in the pokémon’s body from the inside out… In other words, it’s as if you’re being eaten alive from the inside out… The virus is known to be able to kill a Wailord in less than a day… I wonder how Max will manage out of this one…?’’

[End chapter 27]
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 27 is online!)Waiting on comments!

Well I just skipped around 20 chapters to read your knew one and all I can say is AWESOME! well not for max of course. How is electivre going to get out of the Vvirus! This is really good stuff can't wait for the next chapter!
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 27 is online!)Waiting on comments!

A COUPLE of grammatical innacuracies, but I've learnt to forgive them when they come up in your case :p

Well, I shoulda known that Max was there for something to do with the pixies... GAH! Why didn't I think of that! D:

As for that virus... just wow... I hope Electivire is going to be ok! :O

Great as always man... and I reckon the song fitted perfectly there. It had the mechanical, calculating, and steely creepiness that compliments that chapter perfectly :D
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 27 is online!)Waiting on comments!

Ya I agree I used the song it was awesome and worked well! And Ya the mechanincal Crobat...Creepy:p But still awesome!
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 27 is online!)Waiting on comments!

Yeah another good chapter, but it's not your best chapter. I think the V-virus and the cyborg are overdone.

But still it's great so keep going:cool:
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 27 is online!)Waiting on commen

Wow, that chapter was... well, for me, kinda scary...
I seriously hope Electivire would be ok.

That V-Virus sounds scary, and Cyrus actually has cyborg pokemon!!

My reaction isn't negative, though. I think it's a good chapter, and I think you picked
the perfect time to show the leader of Team Galactic.
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 27 is online!)Waiting on commen

Well, the epic fight between Max Shade IV and Cyrus continues, and who knows what will happen...?! Unfortunately I have no music to back this chapter up, but I don't know if you guys would like music for any further chapters...? PLEASE LET ME KNOW SO IN YOUR COMMENTS!!!!



Chapter 28: Max’s call for help! The reinforcement is…?

Max stood there, thinking as fast as he could. In front of him stood his Electivire, but its condition was worsening with each second… It would only be a matter of time before Max’s Electivire would succumb to the V-Virus and die…!

’’Electivire! Hang in there!’’
’’It’s already too late for your Electivire! Just give up already, and I might consider letting your pokémon live to use as my live specimens for my experiments…!’’
’’Never! Electivire, return! As long as my Electivire is in its pokéball its condition can’t worsen anyways…!’’
’’Heh, but as soon as you’ll let it out again it’ll be nearly dead anyways…’’

Max then crossed his arms as he drifted away in thought. One could only wonder what kind of ideas were going trough his mind, since his intelligence must have been gigantic after living for over three millennia…!

’’Well Cyrus, I wished that I hadn’t needed to revert to this tough…’’ Max said all of a sudden.
’’Stop acting so cool. There’s no way you can ever beat my pokémon!’’
’’Not with the ones I’m currently having with me, no. But that’s also just because of the unexpected V-Virus…’’
’’So, what are you planning on doing then…? There’s no way you’ll get out of my base!’’
’’That’s why I’m glad I can summon the help of an old friend…!’’
’’What are you talking about…?!’’
’’I’ll show you! I ask for your help, Ho-Oh!’’
’’What the…?!’’

We look in awe at Max, just like Cyrus. Would Max actually summon the legendary bird pokémon to aid him…? It was a miracle on itself if one would see a Ho-Oh, let alone to see one in action…!

’’Cyrus, I’ll make you regret every action you did to harm any pokémon…!’’
’’Big talk won’t save you…! Crobat, attack Max and make sure we can capture him!’’

Cyrus’ Crobat darted forwards, with its mouth gaping wide open. It was aiming for Max’s neck, and who knows what toxins it carried with it except for the V-Virus…? But at that moment the ceiling slowly began to turn a bright red, and before we knew it a large blast ripped open the ceiling. Cyrus’ Crobat had to abort the attack, and flew back to its trainer. Pieces of the ceiling came falling down, but before they hit the floor they melted and vaporised into the air. Then before our eyes a beautiful Ho-Oh came flying inside the base trough the hole in the ceiling. It was enhanced by a bright aura of soft flames, and with each flap of its wings you could see sparkles fly across the room which reflected in all kinds of colours…!

’’I-impossible…’’ Cyrus stuttered while looking at the legendary pokémon.
’’Oh, but trust me. It IS possible!’’ Max shouted back.
’’Well, it seems I’ll need to add that Ho-Oh to my collection…! It sure is an interesting specimen, even from the Ho-Oh genus…!’’
’’You monster… Even after seeing such a pokémon, all you can think of is adding it to your collection and to conduct experiments…?!’’
’’What else did you expect…?! I’m a scientist for pete’s sake! And soon, I’ll have the solution for everything…! I’ll find a way to create a new and better world, a world where Team Galaxy will rule! There will be no pain, no love, no joy, and no remorse! Everyone will be equal, and we will all live in peace…!’’
’’Why do you need to torture pokémon with experiments to gain that goal…?!’’
’’Every research costs its victims Max… You should know that…!’’
’’I’ve had enough of your talk…! Ho-Oh! Sacred fire!!!’’

The Ho-Oh that had just arrived began to roar into the sky, and a huge bright flam covered its body. It then darted forwards to Cyrus’ Crobat, and unleashed a large ball of fire on it. Cyrus’ Crobat was caught in a large raging tempest of fire, and it was hurled from one way to another while taking massive damage.

’’No way…! Such power…!’’ Cyrus stuttered.
’’I hope that this bright light shows you the path to the true way you should treat pokémon!’’
’’Oh, don’t worry Max, this sure has opened my eyes…! I know see that this Ho-Oh definitely belongs in my live subjects collection!!! Crobat! Dart away from there and bite that Ho-Oh!’’
’’What the…?!’’

Cyrus’ Crobat darted away from the Ho-Oh’s sacred fire with quite some ease, and we could barely believe our eyes. Cyrus’ Crobat opened its mouth open wide again, and aimed for Ho-Oh’s neck. But Ho-Oh was too fast for Cyrus’ Crobat, and it countered the bite attack with a flamethrower.

’’Ho-Oh! Stay away from that Crobat’s mouth! One bite can be fatal!’’

Max shouted to the Ho-Oh, and it nodded to show it understood Max’s words. It then flew up high, and signalled another sacred fire attack being charged up.

’’Crobat! Watch out for that sacred fire attack! Dodge at once, and adjust your speed after turning 70 degrees!’’

Cyrus sounded as if he was telling a machine what to do… And if you looked closely you could see one of Cyrus’ Crobat’s eyes were actually mechanical…! It executed Cyrus’ order perfectly, and it dodged to the left while turning 70 degrees. After it had out-manoeuvred the upcoming Ho-Oh’s attack, it increased its speed, and it flew up towards the ceiling while using rapid speed. At that time Ho-Oh unleashed its sacred fire attack, but Cyrus’ Crobat had already left the place the attack hit a long time ago…

’’Your Ho-Oh is too weak and too slow Max!’’ Cyrus said while laughing.
’’You just wait! It has more tricks up its sleeve! Right Ho-Oh?!’’

Ho-Oh roared in the sky, and it lit its body full of bright flames. It then roared even harder, and aimed for Cyrus’ Crobat which flew directly right from it. After a few seconds it unleashed another sacred fire attack, but Cyrus didn’t hesitate to give his Crobat any orders.

’’Crobat! Agility, and then followed by a double team!’’

Cyrus’ Crobat used its agility attack to avoid the sacred fire attack that came its way, and it ended the attack directly underneath the Ho-Oh. It then warped itself in a hazy form, and then it multiplied itself at the effect of the double team attack. About thirty Crobats were flying around the Ho-Oh, and it looked disorientated around itself with all the Crobats flying around.

’’Well, I guess this is over, Max…! Ready to give up already?’’
’’Never…! I will never give up to the likes of you…! Besides, this battle has only just started!’’
’’Stop bluffing, you know this is over! Your Ho-Oh can’t find my real Crobat, so once it’s bitten it’s all over!’’
’’Guess again! Ho-Oh! Safeguard!’’

The Ho-Oh flapped its wings, and brilliant sparkles were flung across the room as a mystical shield surrounded Ho-Oh.

’’That’s right Cyrus, now your poison won’t have any effect on Ho-Oh!’’
’’Well, I must admit that will make things a little harder… But so far my calculations will still manage me to victory! Crobat, use a faint attack!’’

All of a sudden the large flock of Crobats began to move towards the Ho-Oh, and they were all shining in a bright dark aura. Ho-Oh seemed quite calm under the situation it was in, and it simply awaited the Crobats to come close.

’’This is the end Max!’’
’’Not at all, just watch!’’

All of a sudden Ho-Oh made a move, and its eyes shone a bright dark red colour. It the targeted one of the flying Crobats, and unleashed a large blob of dark red energy from its mouth. It hit the real Cyrus’ Crobat, and it was surrounded by a dark red aura while taking severe damage…!

’’Yes Cyrus, stat changes can be a real advantage in a battle… But, if you are going to use them… you should consider facing a punishment attack like this one first!’’ Max said with a big grin on his face.

[End chapter 28]
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 28 is online!)Waiting on comments!


RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 28 is online!)Waiting on commen

dude when's your next chapter coming out we are waiting :p

RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 28 is online!)Waiting on commen

Well, I was waiting for some comments from you guys, as well as being busy with some other stuff from my social life, but I guess no one wants to comment on the previous chapter, so here it is: Chapter 29! Cyrus shows Max his trump card, and will Max be able to handle it...?! Find it out by reading this exciting chapter!



Chapter 29: Cyrus reveals Mesprit!

Cyrus’ Crobat was released from the dark red aura, and all the illusions it had made disappeared like snow before the sun. Then it fell down on the floor, and a soft thud could be heard.

’’So, you managed to defeat my Crobat… Crobat, you did well, return!’’
’’Now, let’s get to business, Cyrus! There’s no way you can beat Ho-Oh, so tell me… Where’s Mesprit..?!’’
’’Yes… I recall you came here for my Mesprit project…’’
’’Hell yeah I came here for that! Now release Mesprit!’’
’’Fine, I’ll show you Mesprit…’’

Cyrus grabbed a remote like thing from his waist, and pressed one of the buttons on it. After a while a sort of mobile lab came towards us while hovering into the air. It contained a sort of vault, which was secured by a force field. As soon as the floating platform was right in front of Cyrus, the force field was lifted, and the vault opened. A black pokéball was lifted out of the vault, with deep red edgings. A green crystal was on the hull of the pokéball’s upper half. Cyrus grabbed the pokéball, and held it secure in his hand.

’’Before I show you Mesprit, you should know something about the Mesprit project, Max.’’
’’And that would be…?’’
’’You see, we are trying to find a way into an alternate dimension… A dimension which we, Team Galaxy, will control at our bidding! We will start a new world, a world unlike any other! Team Galaxy will control this new dimension, and we will rule the world!’’
’’What would you gain from doing that…?’’
’’Oh, but that isn’t a question you should ask Max… My goals are too big for you to even imagine what they are like…! Go! Mesprit!’’

Cyrus threw the black pokéball he had just grabbed from the mobile platform, and we all looked tense at what would happen. The atmosphere around us was so tense, that even breathing felt heavy and everything happened in slow motion. The black pokéball fell with a soft thud on the floor, and opened. In front of us, Mesprit appeared, both of its eyes shut. It slowly floated up into the air, ready to confront Ho-Oh.

’’So you’re using Mesprit against me, huh? Well, it seems I’ll have to free it from your grasp by battling it… Then so be it! Ho-Oh! Give it your all, but try to avoid hurting Mesprit in any way possible!’’

Ho-Oh roared in the sky, and began to flap its wings at a rapid speed as it flew up. Mesprit was now on an equal height as Ho-Oh, and the fight would begin anew.

’’Mesprit! Activate!’’

Cyrus shouted as if he was talking against some sort of machine. At that same moment the gem on Mesprit’s head began to turn a dark black colour, and Mesprit’s eyes finally opened. A dark blue light emitted from Mesprit’s eyes, and Mesprit’s pupils were shrouded by the blue light as soon as it opened its eyes.

’’Cyrus… what have you done to Mesprit…?!’’ Max shouted angry.
’’Oh, nothing too interesting actually… Just some experiments.’’ Cyrus replied calmly.
’’You’re even worse than a monster… I will not forgive you for this…!’’
’’My dear Max, I honestly couldn’t care less…! Mesprit, destroy both invaders…!’’

Mesprit emitted a soft cry, as if it was in pain, and the gem on its head began to glow a brilliant blue light. Then a dark blue force field surrounded it, and we could all feel the dark powers Mesprit unleashed into the area we were standing. All around Mesprit sparks were surging, and we could feel a big pressure all over our bodies. Mesprit’s energy then became so huge, that it was emitted from its mouth, eyes, and gem on its forehead. Its eyes then became pale black, and it darted forwards towards Ho-Oh. It disappeared right in front of Ho-Oh, and reappeared right above it. Mesprit’s speed was so fast that Ho-Oh couldn’t even keep up with it, and before Ho-Oh knew it, a strong psychic attack hit it head on from above, smashing it to the ground.

’’N-no way…’’ Max stuttered.
’’Don’t worry Max, this will all be over soon…! Continue, Mesprit!’’

Mesprit darted down towards Ho-Oh, but Ho-Oh had already taken preparations. Ho-Oh turned to confront Mesprit, and in an instant it launched a sacred fire attack into the air. Mesprit couldn’t evade the attack, and was swallowed whole by the raging flames. It didn’t take too much damage tough, in spite of the powerful attack. Mesprit then flew up back into the sky, and began to charge a powerful attack as more sparks began to surge around it and a large ball of dark energy was forming in front of Mesprit’s gem. Then, after a short while, it unleashed a shadow ball attack which was huge. Ho-Oh was quick to fly away tough, and barely evaded the huge ball of dark energy. As the shadow ball attack made impact on the floor, a huge explosion followed, with pieces of the floor and dust flying everywhere. As the smoke cleared, a large crater could be seen on the floor, and if Ho-Oh was hit by that attack, it surely would be damaged severely.

’’Mesprit, quit toying around! Finish this!’’ Cyrus shouted all of a sudden.
’’Well, we’re not done yet either! Ho-Oh! Give it your best!’’

Ho-Oh began glowing all over its body, and it charged towards Mesprit with blinding speed. The aura surrounding Ho-Oh couldn’t even keep up with the speed at which its body was moving, and the sky attack hit Mesprit head on, knocking it back towards the floor. Mesprit unleashed some of its energy tough, and its blue force field prevented it from making impact to the floor. It turned around to face Ho-Oh, but as soon as it turned, a massive wave of raging flames made impact on it. The sacred fire attack had more effect now, unlike before. Mesprit fell to the floor, its eyes shut tight.

’’Way to go Ho-Oh! We got ‘em now!’’ Max said excited.
’’Not so fast Max… We’re not done either…! Mesprit, use dark wish!’’

I looked at the battlefield. Dark wish? I’ve never heard of any attack like that…? I watched carefully, and saw how Mesprit slowly levitated itself back into the sky a bit, and it began emitting a soft chant. From the sky a large dark force field emitted, and it surrounded Mesprit. In a short moment, all of Mesprit’s injuries were gone, and it flew back up into the sky as if nothing had happened to it from Ho-Oh’s previous attacks.

’’I-impossible…’’ Max said surprised.
’’You see Max, we do much more then only pokémon research here. We also develop new attacks and abilities for our pokémon to use. Dark wish is one of them. It does not only heal the user, but it also boosts the user’s attack by a huge amount!’’

Cyrus pointed at Mesprit, who began to emit an even greater force field. The sparks surging around it became even more intense, and we could all see and feel the large power boost Mesprit had gain from using the dark wish attack. Mesprit then darted forwards at incredible speed, and before we all knew it, Mesprit was right in front of Ho-Oh, and the two stood face to face. Ho-Oh was just as stunned as all of us, and was completely surprised by Mesprit’s swiftness.

’’Mesprit, use shadow copy followed by imprison!’’ Cyrus commanded all of a sudden.
’’W-what…?!’’ Max said shocked.
’’Just watch Max… this is over!’’

We all witnessed Mesprit creating a small beam of energy from its gem, which directly hit Ho-Oh’s forehead. After a few seconds the beam disappeared, and Mesprit used a imprison attack.

’’What did you just do to Ho-Oh…?!’’ Max shouted after witnessing it all.
’’Shadow copy is another move we created. See it as a more powerful copycat or mimic move… It does exactly the same, but instead of just copying one move, it copies all the moves the opponent has. However, the downside is that the user doesn’t learn how to use the attack, unlike with the copycat and mimic moves. Shadow copy simply copies the knowledge on how to perform those moves, but if the user doesn’t have the ability to use them to begin with, it can’t use those moves.’’

All of us, including Max, froze at our spot. Even tough we all knew what this meant, Cyrus went ahead and explained it in detail…

’’I’m pretty sure you know what this means? Even tough Mesprit can’t use any of the attacks Ho-Oh knows; it has the knowledge on how to perform them. Combine this with the imprison effect…’’
’’I know what you mean Cyrus…’’ Max said a little disappointed.
’’So you realise what this means for the battle, right? Your Ho-Oh can’t use any attack, as it is blocked by the effect of imprison! Face it, legendary pokémon master! You have lost!’’

[End chapter 29]
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 29 is online!)Waiting on comments!

Woah... the description of that pokeball ruled :). But it's strange... it's VERY similar to my Absol's pokeball, bar the green crystal on top.

Way to go for using the dark moves BTW. Good to see inspiration being drawn from all over.

That Shadow Copy is useless on its own, but of course it's unbreakable with Imprison. What will Max do now?

Can't wait for the next chapter mate :D
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 29 is online!)Waiting on commen

well, here's chapter 30, hopefully you will all like it!



Chapter 30: The right pokémon for the right time!

Max fell to his knees, and we could all see he was thinking of what to do next.

’’Just give up Max. Your Ho-Oh can’t do a single move, and as such it can’t win this battle.’’
’’Haven’t I told you before…? I won’t give up to the likes of you Cyrus!’’
’’Fine, then suit yourself! Mesprit! Continue the battle! Show them what real terror means!’’

Mesprit flew up, and began charging another shadow ball attack. Ho-Oh once more managed to avoid the attack after it was fired, but it couldn’t respond with an attack of its own, since the imprison attack blocked all the attacks Ho-Oh possessed. Ho-Oh tried its best, but it wouldn’t budge an inch. Max had to think and act fast, since Mesprit wasn’t planning on going easy on Ho-Oh anytime soon…

’’Cyrus, I really wished I didn’t have to do it this way…’’ Max said all of a sudden.
’’What are you talking about?’’

Max stood up, and looked Cyrus straight into the eye.

’’It pains me to see Ho-Oh in such a condition, and I know it can’t do anything back at Mesprit in this state. But then again, that isn’t really Mesprit we are fighting. I have no idea of what you did to Mesprit, but Mesprit would never do such things.’’
’’What are you aiming at?’’
’’I will free Mesprit from your grasp Cyrus, just like I told you!’’

Max grabbed a small flute from his pocket. The flute was a pale white, but green energy was surging trough it time by time, and we could all see the mysterious aura that hung over the flute.

’’T-that is…?!’’ Cyrus stuttered as he saw the flute.
’’I see you recognise what this is, Cyrus. You must know what this means then, right?’’
’’It’s impossible you could have such an item…! I’ve spent years to look on any information on where that flute could have been, and here it is, right in front of me…! I’ve stumbled upon many copies in the past, but none were of real use in comparison to the original…!’’
’’Of course, all the copies would break after one use… But on top of that, you would only be able to use the time flute copies when you have a pure heart… And I’m pretty sure you don’t have a pure heart, Cyrus!’’
’’Spare me those lectures… I know very well on how to use the flute, I just never happened to be able to obtain the original one…!’’
’’You couldn’t be able to obtain the original one even if you tried your whole life Cyrus. You see, the only one that exists is in my possession, and I have sworn to guard it with my life!’’

For a moment Cyrus looked down a little disappointed. His hair covered his eyes, and he almost looked as a small kid that was about to cry. But then we could see a small grin come on Cyrus’ face. He then looked up, and began to shout at Max, with an expression on his face as if he was paranoia.

’’Max, you will give me that time flute! I’ll drag it from your own hands if I have to!’’
’’It’s not like I will let that happen, Cyrus.’’

Max replied to Cyrus calmly, and he moved the time flute to his lips. Max then began to play a brilliant and beautiful melody, and we were all enchanted by it. Then, from the sky a greenish appearance descended, and we could see time stop all around us as the entity descended further into the room we were in. As soon as the entity was in the centre of the room, Max stopped playing the flute.

’’This is it, Cyrus. Your chances of winning have ended just now.’’
’’I-impossible…! T-That can’t be…!’’

For the first time in all this time I had observed Cyrus, I could see a sense of desperation on his face. Not unusual tough, since I was just as baffled as Cyrus himself… If Max and Cyrus were speaking the truth, then max was the keeper of the legendary time flute, which could be used to summon Celebi at the holder’s bidding. Celebi was known worldwide for being able to manipulate time, in the same way Dialga was able to. The main difference between the two pokémon were that Celebi would only appear to those with a pure heart, and that Celebi was able to be summoned by the use of a time flute, or a copy of the time flute. Furthermore, Celebi has an ability Dialga hasn’t… Celebi is able to purify the hearts of pokémon, and to make them back the way they originally were. If Max was indeed able to call upon Celebi, then he would have won the battle in an instant, since Celebi would be able to purify Mesprit. We all watched at the green entity which floated in the centre of the room.

’’B-Brian…’’ Daniel said all of a sudden.
’’What is it?’’
’’Are you sure it’s safe to stay here…?’’
’’What do you mean?’’
’’Take a look at my pokétch…!’’

Daniel showed me his pokétch, and I could see that it was going berserk. The time was shifting back and forth, sometimes it showed us the time and date of years which had long been passed by, and sometimes it showed us the time and date of days yet to come…

’’This is madness…!’’ Daniel said a little in panic.
’’Just relax. As long as nothing happens to us we’re fine. Let’s just take a look at the battlefield and I’m sure we all will be fine afterwards.’’
’’I-if you say so…’’

Daniel stepped back to stand behind my wheelchair, and at that same moment the green energy from the entity began to shine even brighter then it already did, and after a bright flash the energy slowly dissipated. As soon as we all regained our vision, we could see Celebi float in the air right in front of Max.

’’It’s good to see you again Max, it’s been a while.’’

We could all hear a child like voice in the room, and we all knew it was Celebi communicating with Max. Celebi looked rather playful, as if it actually was a small child.

’’I know it’s been a while Celebi… How have you been?’’ Max said sort of happy to see Celebi.
’’I’ve been doing well, thank you. But let’s get to the point. You only call me in the most dire of needs, so what’s going on?’’
’’It’s Mesprit. Team Galaxy’s leader Cyrus has done some experiments on it, and it turned evil. Ho-Oh came to aid me, but it became unable to do any attack against Mesprit. And since I don’t want to harm Mesprit, I’m afraid I need to ask for your help.’’
’’I see… Well, I know you Max. You would only call for me if you really had no other option. I’ll see what I can do for you.’’
’’Thanks Celebi, I knew I could count on you.’’
’’No problem, and besides, Mesprit’s well being is at stake here!’’
’’Hell yes!’’
’’Then, let’s do it!’’

Celebi turned around, and confronted Mesprit head on.

’’Mesprit! Eliminate that Celebi first! Ho-Oh can’t do anything at the moment, so simply ignore it! I need that Celebi for another project of mine!’’ Cyrus shouted.

Mesprit looked at Celebi, and with some malign intelligence it began to estimate how powerful Celebi would be as an opponent… It then let loose even more energy from its blue force field, and Mesprit showed that it was ready for battle.

’’Celebi, please be careful of Mesprit’s attacks… They are quite dangerous…!’’ Max said.
’’Don’t worry Max; I know how to take care of myself…!’’

Mesprit charged up another shadow ball attack, and Celebi braced itself… Mesprit unleashed the shadow ball attack, but Celebi slowed the flow of time, and easily evaded the attack. Celebi then returned the flow of time back to normal, and warped directly behind Mesprit. It then used a heal block attack, and jammed Mesprit’s recovery moves.

’’You see Mesprit, I already watched your fight with Ho-Oh in a different flow of time… And I won’t allow you to recover so easily!’’

Celebi’s child like voice could be heard trough the whole room. Could Celebi actually beat Mesprit…?

[End chapter 30]
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 30 is online!)Waiting on comments!

I really wanna know what happens next, so neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeext!!!:D
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 30 is online!)Waiting on commen

Yay!! More chapters!!

Umm....let's see....
I simply LOVED the fact that Celebi appeared!(my favourite legendary)

Cyrus' Mesprit looks strong, since it made ho-oh helpless...
but I'm pretty sure Max can and WILL beat it and turn it back to normal.
(go Celebi!)

I can't wait for the next one (I can never wait)!

RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 30 is online!)Waiting on comments!

Well, unfortunately waiting is what you'll have to do... James is out for an indeterminate length of time as his internet is being changed over. He won't be able to update this at all in the time that he's gone for, and we don't know how long that will be for. So unfortunately we won't see more of this for quite some time! :(

If any mods are reading this, James requests that the topic remains open until he gets back... even though it will inevitably go past the two-week no post thing, the story is far from over, so... please don't lock it, ok?
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 30 is online!)Waiting on comments!

gamercal said:
Well, unfortunately waiting is what you'll have to do... James is out for an indeterminate length of time as his internet is being changed over. He won't be able to update this at all in the time that he's gone for, and we don't know how long that will be for. So unfortunately we won't see more of this for quite some time! :(

If any mods are reading this, James requests that the topic remains open until he gets back... even though it will inevitably go past the two-week no post thing, the story is far from over, so... please don't lock it, ok?

James asked me to post what you posted too. But you already did itXD

He told me that he'll have internet again in + - 3 weeks.

But in this weeks he'll keep writing new chapters so when he's back we'll have a lot to read:D

And indeed, please keep this topic unlocked!!!
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 30 is online!)Waiting on commen

Well, I managed to get internet for a short moment, so here's chapter 31 for you all to keep you busy until I fully return! This chapter concludes the fight between Max and Cyrus...



Chapter 31: Cyrus unleashes his trump card! And the winner is…?

Mesprit shouted loudly in anger. So far each move it launched was evaded or dodged easily by Celebi. In return, Celebi launched one attack after another, and Mesprit was only barely able to block them with its blue force field.

’’Give up, Cyrus. As you should clearly see by now, Mesprit is no match for Celebi.’’
’’Well, Celebi sure is a nice opponent…’’
’’Nice…?’’ Max said surprised.
’’Yes, a nice opponent… I never was forced to do this before…’’

Cyrus looked up into the sky where Mesprit and Celebi were fighting each other. He then looked at Max, and a small grin appeared on his face.

’’You see Max, a good leader never empties all the tricks he has up his sleeve…!’’
’’Oh boy, here we go again…’’
’’Mesprit! Use shadow kamikaze!’’

Max looked in awe at Cyrus and Mesprit, as did Celebi. The elemental kamikazes were something only a true master, like Max, could use. How could Cyrus be able to teach Mesprit such an attack…?!

’’You see Max, I’m already familiar with your tricks, now it’s time you get familiar with mine!’’

Cyrus began to laugh as if he was possessed, and Mesprit’s blue aura began to glow a deep black colour. At the same time Mesprit cried in pain, as seemingly a lot of energy was drained from its body. It was horrible to look at, as it seemed as if a part of Mesprit’s own soul was drained out. While we all were looking at the attack in awe, it was all over before we knew it. Mesprit had launched the shadow kamikaze attack in less then the blink of an eye, and Celebi couldn’t evade it. As the legends tell, when a Kamikaze attack hits the opponent, it’s an automatic one hit KO, as all moves from that type are hurled at the target. In the case of shadow kamikaze however, it was as if a wave of pure darkness was launched at the target. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before, and the attack looked even more sinister then a shadow ball or night shade attack. Celebi fell to the floor, and with a soft thud it landed between all the rubble. Not long thereafter Mesprit fell to the floor as well.

’’Celebi!!!’’ Max shouted at the top of his lungs.
’’You’ve lost, legendary pokémon master!’’
’’No, not yet Cyrus… Since your Mesprit fainted, my Ho-Oh must be released from its attacks…! Ho-Oh! Sacred fire!’’

Ho-Oh began to charge the attack, and was ready to unleash it, when dark sparks surged around it, and prevented it from using its sacred fire attack.

’’What the hell is going on here…?!’’ Max shouted astonished.
’’Oh, poor Max. Did you actually think you have beaten me? When will you realise that it is you who has lost? Your Celebi is knocked unconscious, and your Ho-Oh is still under the effect of shadow copy and imprison. You’re lost against me, get it already!’’
’’Cut the bullocks! After using a kamikaze attack, the user faints as well! In this case, your Mesprit fainted, and as such my Ho-Oh should be released from the shadow copy and imprison effects!’’
’’But Max, who says Mesprit fainted…?’’
’’What do you-’’

Before Max could finish his sentence, he looked in awe as Mesprit slowly lifted itself up into the air, using its psychic abilities.

’’N-no way…’’ max stuttered.
’’You see Max, we did not only study your secret techniques, we also improved them. The result is what we call shadow kamikaze. It unleashes not only all the attacks the user knows, but it also gains power depending on the user’s pain, hatred, and sadness. And as you can guess, when Mesprit uses shadow kamikaze the power is humongous! Not only that, we found a way to reduce the recoil damage as well as the energy drain from the user, unlike your versions of the kamikazes. So in short, we simply made a stronger, faster, and better attack than that you will ever be able to master! Now, Mesprit! Finish this battle once and for all, and strike that Ho-Oh down! I’ll gladly experiment on both Ho-Oh and Celebi…! I can only marvel at what kinds of DNA data they will give me, as well as all the new attacks they might add to my attack database! Ahahaha!’’

Mesprit began to charge a shadow ball attack, but in the blink of an eye, Celebi was behind it.

’’What the…?!’’ Cyrus shouted surprised.

Celebi unleashed a powerful leaf storm attack, and Mesprit was hit head on. It finally seemed over, as Mesprit finally closed its eyes as it fell down, and it was as if Mesprit’s look in its eyes was thanking Celebi for beating it. A few small tears floated in the air as Mesprit fell down, and the dark force field surrounding Mesprit turned back to blue again, and slowly dissipated into the air.

’’I-impossible… How did Celebi…?!’’
’’You underestimated Celebi, Cyrus.’’
’’What are you talking about?! Celebi was fainted! How did it-‘’
’’Celebi can easily use his ability to manipulate time to recover itself.’’
’’Even after taking that amount of damage, Celebi was able to recover… Amazing…’’
’’Now it is you that has lost Cyrus. You unleashed Mesprit’s most powerful attack, yet you couldn’t beat Celebi and me. On top of that, Ho-Oh is freed from the effects of Mesprit, so now you’ll have to deal with both of them.’’
’’Normally I’m against violence, Cyrus… But what you did to not only your own pokémon as well as to Mesprit… That is unforgivable…!’’
’’What do you aim at, legendary pokémon master…?!’’

Cyrus slowly walked backwards, unsure of what Max would do.

’’A person treating pokémon in such a horrific manner shouldn’t even been allowed to live…! And I’m sure that if I don’t stop you now, you’ll continue to do those horrific researches and experiments…’’
’’You can’t mean…?!’’
’’Yes, Cyrus. I hope that you will find peace at the other side, even tough I doubt all the actions you did in your life will grant you rest… Ho-Oh! Sacred fire!’’

We all looked in shock at Max. Could he be serious…? Would he actually take Cyrus’ life…?! We all saw how Ho-Oh charged up the attack, and aimed for Cyrus. Cyrus tried to run away from the blast, but when he noticed that there was no escape, he simply stood put.

’’Heh, you got me this time. There is no way for me to get out…’’ Cyrus mumbled.

Ho-Oh then unleashed its sacred fire attack, and Cyrus caught flame quicker than the eye could see. For some odd reason, he didn’t let out a single scream in pain. All he did was throw his pokéballs on the floating platform, and before the remote like thing melted, he pressed a final button on it. The platform then made haste, and flew off to an unknown area.

’’You know Max, this battle was quite interesting for me…’’
’’What do you mean, Cyrus…?’’
’’I got the chance to observe some of the strongest pokémon ever, as well as some of the most powerful attacks known to man… I’m sure they will be of use in my database…’’
’’What use does a dead person have for a database…?’’ Max asked puzzled.
’’Ahahaha, you’re so naïve Max. U-u-unt----il w-we mee-eet a-ggg-aaiiiiiin…!’’

We all watched as Cyrus body was actually melting in front of our eyes…!

’’Dammit!’’ Max shouted furious.

Cyrus melted away to a puddle of black like slime, and his skeleton still laid half melted on the floor… After the fire was gone, we couldn’t believe our eyes…!

’’Very clever, Cyrus… I should’ve expected this from someone like you…’’

As Max stood at the remnants of the cyborgs that laid on the floor, we could hear Cyrus’ voice boom trough all the speakers in the section of the base we were in at the moment, and uncountable of grunts showed up at our spot, with all of their pokéballs ready to attack.

’’Max Shade IV, this is your last chance… Surrender or die!’’

[End chapter 31]
RE: Pokémon Legacy: A story of the far Future(Chapter 30 is online!)Waiting on comments!

Oh my... even after all of THAT, Cyrus was never there to begin with! But what became of Mesprit? That was never mentioned... until next time I guess!

Keep up the work when you can man :D