Pokemon Pokémon Merchandise: Discussion & Help

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Wild War Dance
You can use this thread to discuss Pokémon Merchandise released throughout the world.

Plushes, figures, toys, clothes, and all other Pokémon related merchandise can be talked about here.

Please note that we have a specific forum thread here to answer questions regarding TCG Merchandise.
Yay for the new thread! I can't wait for the new pokedoll charms (released on the 28th).
I just noticed the sleeping Pikachu line of merchandise (released on June 14th) that also looks awesome! The tissue cover is so cute :3 I wish charizardrainbows would have updated with that info D:
Wait wait wait, sleeping Pikachu merch?! *googles* Ohman, those are super cute. It's a shame my wallet is filled with moths instead of money, but then, Drohn will be home soon anyway, so I guess I'm going to have to learn to live with disappointment sooner or later...

I do already have a cute sleeping Pikachu plush alright at least. :D
@Athena: I know right??? They look awesome :3 Ahhhh...yours looks so cuuuute >.< I just want to pinch his cheeks xD

@Blob55: Yeah, when I googled it, I did notice an older line of merchandise. It's just a shame that I didn't realize a new line had come out since Drohn was taking orders from us :)
I actually saw the sleeping Pikachu in the PC. They look really cute! They have a giant plush of it. I took a picture of it as well. I was thinking about buying one as a gift, but it's so big. I wouldn't be able to fit it in my suitcase. It would have been quite expensive to ship, due to its size.
any one got a copy of Pojo's Big Book of Pokemon in New shape and with all the pages in it?
Drohn said:
I actually saw the sleeping Pikachu in the PC. They look really cute! They have a giant plush of it. I took a picture of it as well. I was thinking about buying one as a gift, but it's so big. I wouldn't be able to fit it in my suitcase. It would have been quite expensive to ship, due to its size.

It was really that big?! xD I thought it looked pretty huge in the promotional images I saw, but it's hard to judge without a size reference. You'll have to share those pictures. :p
You might not have noticed, but I have fallen in love with giant plushes xD

It's a good thing I don't care much for Pikachu, otherwise I'd probably be begging you day and night to get me that plush >.>'

I really hope they make a Pyroar plush soon! The only Pyroar merch I have are some TOMY figures, clear files and cards. You know what? Just make it the next promotion, like they did with Espurr. Giant Pyroars everywhere <3
I love big plushes myself, but I have to cut back or my husband would probably kill me. >_> I push his patience even with the small ones.
This is the picture of the Sleeping Pikachu. :D It was really cute. If they had a sleeping Charizard I would have found a way to bring it home with me. xD

Edit: I do think the Pikachu looks a bit smaller on the picture than it does in reality.


  • Captura de pantalla 2014-06-25 a la(s) 22.11.41.png
    Captura de pantalla 2014-06-25 a la(s) 22.11.41.png
    409.2 KB · Views: 25
Wah, that is too cute for words! Why must Japan make so many awesome things...

It's probably good that I didn't know about it until it was too late. :p
That Pikachu does look pretty big. Did they have all of the other sleeping Pikachu merchandise too? I like the idea of sleeping Charizard :D
I saw a ton of sleeping Pikachu merchandise, but I only took a pic of the giant plush.
Sorry if it's not the right place to post it, but from my childhood I have a few figurines of pokémon, and I was wondering if there is any way to check if they were made by the pokémon company, or if they're made elsewhere?
Some of them have inscriptions on them with what looks like 'TOMY' but others have a number, and 'CHINA.' I recall my mother buying them from Hong Kong, but obviously pokémon is Japanese.
For example, this slakoth:

Has written on it:
TOMY/TONY (Don't know which)
Any ideas?
Thanks if you can help :)
TOMY is a company that is officially licensed to sell Pokémon brand toys, so it's likely legit. "China" in this case likely refers to the country where the product was made. Things that have proper brands on them (like TOMY or Nintendo) are probably legit products, since most knock-offs will not list a brand (though some do).

Aside from names, the best way to tell if a product is real or fake is quality. Toys that are miscolored are incorrect in some way are very likely fake. Poor quality is another identifier; knock-off Pokémon plush are usually made with cheap fabric and sewn poorly, for example.

Hopefully this helps. :)
Athena said:
TOMY is a company that is officially licensed to sell Pokémon brand toys, so it's likely legit. "China" in this case likely refers to the country where the product was made. Things that have proper brands on them (like TOMY or Nintendo) are probably legit products, since most knock-offs will not list a brand (though some do).

Aside from names, the best way to tell if a product is real or fake is quality. Toys that are miscolored are incorrect in some way are very likely fake. Poor quality is another identifier; knock-off Pokémon plush are usually made with cheap fabric and sewn poorly, for example.

Hopefully this helps. :)
It does ring a bell, thank you very much :)
New Pokemon Time merchandise to be released on July 12th: http://www.charizardrainbows.com/2014/06/new-pokemon-time-promotion.html?m=1

That Dragonite plush...I want it o.o
Those plushes look awesome! I wonder whether they are hinting at new Mega Pokémon with those.
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