Finished Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG

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(Waters warm??? Oh, yeah, desert.


*Swims over to marissa*

"You know, being as its day time AND the fact that an oasis WILL draw attention, perhaps we shouldnt stay longer then aboslutly nessisary..."
Urgh! Why must I be a fire type!?! Well...if I want Marissa, I gotta go stop that bumbling Mightyena from getting her first
"Here I come!"
*Johnny runs and jumps off the cliff into the hot spring*
Yikes! Ow! That hurts! water ain't so bad. It's actually, pretty nice...sigh
*He swims over to Marissa*
"'s your day been goin'?" stupid and corny can I get!?!...
*Marrisa poked her head out of the water.
"Why don't you answer that question?"
*Whispers in Johnny's ears*
"Hey Johnny, I got an idea of how you can impress her. That Mightyena is getting in your way, stealing your girl. The only thing to do is to defend your honor, and defeat him in battle. I mean look at him, you can take him..."
*Turns around to face Koji.*
*He whispers:* "I can handle this myself, thank you." *Giving him an angry look*

*Looks back at Marissa.*
"So..." *He stretches his arm around Marissa's shoulders.* I got 'er now! "This is pretty nice...romantic and stuff..."
*He looks 'sexily'(XD) at her*
*He still looks 'cool'*
"My day? is turning out to be amazing..."
*He looks up to the sky for a second and turns back to Marissa, waiting for her to respond*
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