Finished Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG

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(Charidude, no need to bite everyone's head off for making a mistake. XD)
*2 tube appeared on either side of Garret. One contained his mother, and the other contained Axel. They both appeared living.*
*Suddenly a green toxic smoke started to fill Axel's and soon he was on the ground mouthing "why? Why Garret?" and soon he lay dead. Then his mother just was pushed back against the wall.*
"Your mother will wait. Are you ready for question 2?"
"Alright... now you're stuck for the rest of the game. If you thought the first one was difficult just wait until this one."
"Which one, shall live?"
*One picture of each of Garret's sons appear next to a number 10 counting down.*
"Don't answer and niether will survive."
*A buzzer goes off.*
"Hmph. Your little speech touched me. So I'll let them both live... if you promise to answer the next question. And you have to answer. And if you don't all 4 of them will die. Understand?"
"No turning back now..."
*A picture of Fabel and a picture of Lucy appears.*
"You knwo how it works. But this time. Take as much time as you need."
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