Finished Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG

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RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (Paused. @Zig: Latter on Post #532)

*Arcanine looks at the bag in his paw*
I have never killed anyone before...How am I even going to find these people?
*Arcanine walks around town aimlessly...*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (Paused. @Zig: Latter on Post #532)

*Fly's to the group*
"What"s going on here?"
*Marrisa glared.
"Lemme guess... they're threatening your family, Garret?"
*Koji notices that Garret is in trouble*
"Marrisa! I am going to that library! It will have answers! Cmon Forte, Stalker! We may get attacked, and I could use your help!"
*Leaves with them*
*Johnny soon gets bored*
"Sigh..." Maybe I should just use this money to stay at a hotel or something. They may have some clue on these Pokemon...
*He walks to a nearby Inn and begins to question the Manager.*
"Hello there! I am interested in staying here for a night, but I also have a question."
*Shows him the picture*
"Have you seen any of these Pokemon around town at all?"
*Mike walks into the tavern and spots the Flygon drinking away. Growls and tackles him, creating a scene*
"Fool! What are you doing in here when I gave you specific orders to go after the others!"
Flygon: "Master, I'm sorry-"
Mike: "I don't want to hear that! This is your second strike! One more, and-"
*Draws a line with his finger across the Flygon's neck*
"You're dead."
*While the Flygon is on the ground, shivering with fear, he stops yelling, and quietly resumes to speak*
"No matter. I've hired a tough Arcanine to do the job. I don't need you anymore. But you're not free!"
*Walks up to the counter and slaps five gold coins in front of the bartender*
"Gimmee a Soda. To go."
"... suppose this really is a trap... what can we do about it? Just hope they're bluffing and won't attack Lucy and the others? Lemme consult with my Grandmaster's Instinct."
*Takes out a chessboard and stares at it for about thirty seconds before putting it away.
"I can convince Reagald to heavily sweep the war, since he's probably already planning that in the first place. If we can preoccupy the Organization here with Reagald's half-a-million army, then they'll have little chance in taking Lucy down."
*Notices Koji leaving.
"What did that dragonfly say again?"

The Hotelkeeper: "Yes, they're in room #045."
*Notices another pokemon following them, turns to him*
"And you are?"

(Sorry, didnt no who you were, so just introduce who you are. Also, what pokemon are you?)
*Johnny is suprised!*
Wow...that was easy! *Giggles*
"Thanks so much! You have been a big help! And I think this should cover me getting room #046?"
*Drops two gold coins on the counter*
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (Charidude/Zig999: Post #548)

*Nods and hands him the key.
(Bubba, what's the Arcanine's name? xD)

*Arcanine doesn't know it, but Mike also gave him a communicating device in the sack. While walking through the town drinking his soda, Mike calls Arcanine on the communicator*
"Come in, Agent Double O."
"I've always wanted to do that."
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (Charidude/Zig999: Post #548)

"Hi my name is Dusty the Gliscor."
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (Charidude/Zig999: Post #548)

~Crimson watches Marissa~

Crimson:"Well, I don't think they are bluffing in this situation."

(No idea where we are at. XD)
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (Charidude/Zig999: Post #548)

(Heeeeeeeeeeeee's Johnny! XD)
Marrisa: "Crimson, if you're right then we'll need to force the Organization to go down quickly... and I have the army to do it."
RE: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG (Charidude/Zig999: Post #548)

(lol! Zyflair's right. XD His name is Johnny. :p)
*Johnny jumps as the sound of the hooded man's voice comes from his sack. He digs through the bag to find a walky-talky(hehe). He presses the button on the side down*
"Well Dusty, welcome aboard. If you can fight, come with me, and cover my back just in case. If not, you can leave, or help me search for a book. Your choice."

*Turns with Forte and Stalker*

Forte: Koji, why are we even going to this library? I dont have time to read...
Koji: Just trust me, ok?
(Koji, remember that Libren has the best library. Since we're not there, the knowledge you'll find is limited.)
Crimson:"Well, then for precautionary we need to get them ready am I correct?"

~He looks around unable to see Marissa from the left~
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