Finished Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: The Deserts of Kahan RPG

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Zyflair said:
Marrisa: "We got to Libren, and found this."
*Picks up a map with an X on it.
Marrisa: "At that 'X' is supposed the Ruins of Kahan, where a way to remove the Curse Seal exists. We're starting to get there... only... there's a major problem."
Zyflair said:
Marrisa: "Reagald turned the tables. He, with our help ironically, seemed to destroyed the Weavile Organization to the point where they're hiding now, and taken over three important citadels. Turns out, I am assigned to help him finish the war off, so I'm going to disappear every now and then."
Hm... not sure if I missed much else.
(Hey Zig, welcome back)

*kira appears in front of them*
Kira:"Well, well... Garret. So glad you could make it back to the land of the living! How do you do?"
*Marrisa blinks and turns.
Marrisa: "Garret? Kira, what's your history with Garret?"
Kira:"Hmm, looks like your too hurt to put up a fight... But don't worry, I can wait. Hmmhmmhmm..."
*faces Marrisa*
Kira:"We were... Friendly rivals, isn't that right Garret?"
"I don't need my powers to fight you... AURA SPHERE!"
*Throws six rapid fire aura sphere's at Kira.*
*Marrisa stands in shock, not comprehending.
Marrisa: "Wait! What's going on?!"
"Fine then... YOu want power, I'll show you power..."
*Closes his eyes. Concentrates, and begins absorbing the lighting into his aura. Yellow streaks that look like lightning bolts appear across his fur. He makes two aura blades, one on fire, one shimmering with lightning. He slashes Kira across the chest.*
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