Finished Pokémon: Phantom Academy | Chapter II Start! Chapter of Darkness!

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RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Pignite is struck by the force of the rolling stone.
"Come on, Pignite, you have to stay strong! We need to defeat him, OK, so let's use Arm Thrust again!"

OOC: Shame that those posts were taken down, it would be funny to look back on in the future! Also, I hope that Arm Thrust is decent this time!
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Packer had been snoozing in the bleachers. Not having time for a battle of his own, he had been watching with great intrest.

Ooc: Just wanting to tell you that I'm still playin!
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

When Dome resurfaced from the ground, Keep was somewhere else. Angrily, Dome shouted, "Why," and smacked his head against the bookshelf four times. Books fell down and so did Keep. He jumped on top of Dome and ran the opposite direction.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


Can I have a random adventure sometime too? I'm just chiling with Serenity lol
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


lol ok..I might make up soem stuff since it's boring since Seren isn't on XD


Suddenly..A large Beedril came out of the forest and tried to attack Serenity

"Serenity..get behind me! I'll stop it!" Gaius yelled.

"Go..houndour!" Gaius sent out his pokemon


wanna rp as the beedrill? lol
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


In: Dome was getting angry. In the direction Keep had ran, he plunged. Keep wasn't running fast enough. With a single tripping motion, Dome's hand grasped around Keep's ankle. "You're.... you're it.," Dome gasped.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Keep: "Ahhh, that means you win! So here."
Keep poked the Pokeball Dome was holding and it became unjammed.
Keep: "I guess he can now finally be free, since someone can claim it."
The Pokeball popped open and a Pokemon sped towards a corner.

Go towards it and claim it.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Dome eyes stared right through the beast. "Wow.... that ain't no reg Poke. That's a legendary. Tough stuff," Dome marveled. He walked steadily toward it. "Do you wan't to be my pal?"
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

The Pokemon's eyes glowed blue and it lifted itself into the air.
The Cobalion rose in the air, looking down on Dome.
Dome's *insert part of body where you want* started to burn, and a mark appeared.
Dome fainted from all the pain.

RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

"Oh Shinx" muttered Lennon. He returned Darumaka to its pokemon and put it back in his bag. He then brought out another ball and tossed it onto the field. "Alright, lets go Duosion, use Psyshock!"
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

"It's a Luxray now, and Pignite's still up. Use Flamethrower, Pignite!"
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