Finished Pokémon: Phantom Academy | Chapter II Start! Chapter of Darkness!

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RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Lennon quickly writes a note down on a piece of paper, and folds it up really small. He then casually walks past Serenity and drops it on her desk. He then goes to get a tissue, as if that was his intention the whole time.
The note says:
"Think nice thoughts, here be mind readers"

Was he taking this too far? Maybe, but class bores him.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

She picks up the note and begins to read it....she thinks to herself

There's no way somone can be reading my mind...He is being paranoid....I hope.

She begins to play with a neckless that her grandfather gave her. It always had this strange, smooth yellow stone on it. She juast used it as a paper weight these days.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Narrator said:
Mr. Creeper: "Well, I better speed things up. Slash wants you guys to go to Red Forest for some reason."

Mr. Creeper gathers everyone's fossils and returns them into Pokemon form.

Mr. Creeper: "I was going to give you an assignment. But Slash sounds like he's going to do something big. So, I recommend going to you room and getting sturdy clothing. There's no telling where you guys are going. Class dismissed (Rahul wake up! :mad:)."
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Serenity get up out of her seat and starts to walk out the door when the stone off of her neckless Latch breaks and it rolls over and hits Mr. Creeper's shoe. She rushes over and picks up the smooth piece of amber and looks up at Mr. Creeper.

"Sorry sir, guess I have to get a new latch."

She then starts to walk to her room.

OOC: Blah, had to add a little filler action.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Lennon left the room in a hurry. Mr. Creeper was rightfully named. He was creepy. And could read his mind. He hoped that he wasn't reading it right now, that would be awkward.

Lennon got to his room and changed into jeans and a hoodie, and put on some hiking boots.
He then headed to Red Forest for the next lesson.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

When Serenity made it to her room she opened her closet and started to search for an outfit that she could wear.

"Hmm not this...not this either...Maybe this?"

She pulled out a plain white T and a White flannel She rolled the sleeves up on the flannel but didn't button it up. She put on a pair of white knee pants. She finished it off with a pair of ankle hiking shoes. She thought it wouldn't be too much to be ready and stay to her white theme. She started to walk out the red forest. Be fore she exited the dorm she put her hair up in a pony tail. She was ready for any challenge now.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Rahul woke up to see everyone leaving the room and he followed directions by going to his room and grabbing a pair of jeans and a novelty tee and heading to the red forest where Slash was waiting
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Narrator said:
Mr. Slash was waiting deep inside Red Foerest, which made it a challenge just to reach him. He was standing near a pile of sleeping bags.

Mr. Slash: "Now that your all here (yeah right) let me explain where we're going. You see there are ruins of an old castle in a valley. There are a lot of things we can learn by going there. So. We are spending the night! Get your sleeping bags, and follow me."
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Serenity grabbed the most comfy looking bag and started to walk with Mr. Slash.
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Night needs to tell Mr Creeper about his fossil, still. He sprints towards him.
"Sir, if it's not too late, I have an Armour Fossil in here."
He rummages in his pack, producing a fossil in the shape of a shield. He knows what this will become, and he can't wait. He is also looking forward to sleeping in the castle - that is his kind of thing!
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

BrOkenICE said:
Mr. Creeper gathers everyone's fossils and returns them into Pokemon form.

Just kidding I would RP as Creeper but, oh forget it.

Narrator said:
Mr. Creeper: "Oh course."

The machine beeps and produces a Pokeball containing Shieldon. He then hands it to Night.

Mr. Creeper: "But wait, you have 6 Pokemon on hand. Which one will you send to Silent Park?"

Cranidos = level 28
Sheildon = level 27
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

"May I send Dratini, please, sir? I've been aspiring for a Dragonite, but Dratini is lagging behind the rest of my team: I will train for a Bastiodon instead for good type coverage."
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

Rahul grabbed a comfy looking sleeping bag and thought to himself "why couldnt i just sleep in class instead of this castle" but headed to the castle anyway
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


I go to bed and before 12 for once this like..year and awesome stuff happens lolz.


Gaius leaves class and changes into a heavy black shirt and vest and Black cargo pants

Gaius catches up with Serenity and Mr. Slash

"Hey, sorry for leaving you off in the woods like that. I tried to wake you up like 50're one of the heaviest sleepers I've ever seen"
*Gaius laughs* "I'm glad to see a beedrill didn't come and attack you or you have any idea what Slash is up to?"
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

OOC: You left me in the woods <_< JKJK

"Oh, its fine but I think I might have passed out." She giggles. "Oh and I have no Idea what he might be up too, other than a nightly history lesson."
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy


"Oh wow..the battle must have Really worn you out then. I hope it's something fun, or at least interesting, I'd rather be sleeping" Gaius laughs
"Oh, by the way, my Pupitar and Houndour evolved! And that Snorlax I caught was at a huge level!. I also got a Cranidos from that fossil I picked up before"
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

"Thats pretty awesome! I haven't got any new pokemon...yet. I just need to find one that I like is all."

She laughs. and makes this face ^_^
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

"That's understandable..maybe a Cloyster or something. That would be really cool. There's only 20-25 that I really want, and so far I have all of the pokemon I have are in that group. 4 down, 19 to go!" Gaius laughs "I mean there are others I kinda want for fun, like Smeargle or Ditto, but they aren't much of a priority by any means."
RE: Pokémon: Phantom Academy

"Ah, I only like very few pokemon myself. I don't know about getting ALL of them but I hope to fill the rest of my team with ones that I like."

She looks to the sky and Yawns.
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